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Army reaction on decision by Special court about General Pervez Musharraf

This decision is not acceptable at any level.

Judiciary should take action against lawyers who attacked the hospital. It should earn respect not command it.

Musharraf is a patriotic man and I disagree with a lot of decisions but he is not traitor.

I dont think Pakistani judiciary deserves respect. It sends a convicted man to London and sentences a patriotic man to death!


Haha, Yeah true :P. But that's not what I was referring to :-).
You would have have known what it was if you had your eyes open.:agree:
Read the constitution

that reminds me.

Should NRO be considered legally void then?

Will the government of Pakistan move towards declaring NRO as null and void?

Haha, Yeah true :P. But that's not what I was referring to :-).
You would have have known what it was if you had your eyes open.:agree:

Are you accusing me of seeing through the third eye?
Supreme court should take notice of this "contempt of court" by this ISPR guy Asif Ghafoor and make him "disqualified" for holding any official post either in Army or any other government institution with immediate effect, he and his bosses should be clearly given a reality check that they are nothing more than government salaried employees of a government organization called military, they have no business to step out of their constitutional role which is just to do their duty on the borders like a chokidar nothing more nothing less.
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IK, s Govt could have easily avoided Musharif, s death sentence,
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  1. 24 minutes ago#1

    paindobabaFULL MEMBER
    Incompetence ,or divine course ,or trying to be over smart this is the second time in a month or less IK and his nou ratans (close advisors)have diched and embarrassed country,s strongest institution The Pak Army, First they could have easily avoided the extension issue by coating a section of constitution , I think it's article 45 or else , which gives govt power to declear some matters as state secret specially to President and embargoing it to be disclosed to court etc and could have said to SC that we want to extend COAS due to state secret but they didn't opted for this even they didn't think of it, they knew this section but they didn't opted for unknown reason ،but they do opt it for settling a financial issue with Malik Riaz and have been saying it openly that this settlement is a state secret and they can't disclose it, this provide the proof that how much serious they were on extension issue. Now the conviction of Musharif is an other issue which could have easily be avoided by just withdrawing the case from the court prior to the judgement because in this case the Govt of Pakistan was applicant and Musharif was defendent and the applicant can withdraw it's case at any time if he wishes , but they didn't, ,

    21 minutes ago#2

    paindobabaFULL MEMBER
    @Vortex ,@Retired Troll

    21 minutes ago#3

    Chakar The GreatSENIOR MEMBER
    Stupid people every where. The decision was given by the court not by government.

    16 minutes ago#4

    AgNoStiC MuSliMPDF Veteran
    Thread closed - there are plenty of other threads on this subject where you can raise your questions.

    There was nothing the PTI government could have done. They even got a judgement from the Islamabad High Court ordering the special court to not announce the verdict and the special court refused to honor the IHC direction.
    • clear.png
    • .

A trap.
that reminds me.

Should NRO be considered legally void then?

Will the government of Pakistan move towards declaring NRO as null and void?
hasn't it already declared unconstitutional .... ???
hasn't it already declared unconstitutional .... ???

Will the government reopen cases against the parties or will they fall under the technical terms of having past the statute of legal existence?
talking non-sense
Sorry, mate your argument makes no sense
First of all watch your language ....
t isn't?? Really??
So then you admit you were all talking non-sense about any attack from judiciary and jumping the gun by making imaginary attack and condemning the judiciary over it?? Thanks for the confession.
have you read my arguments ....???

Show me a single line where I said the attack is coming from Judiciary .... ???

Yeah right, make the list so long that it covers thousands of people if not millions. Make it impossible to ever bring justice to traitors. Yeah, great strategy!!!. You know, that's exactly what musharraf's lawyers tried in court but thankfully the smart judges saw through the SCAM you are asking for and did not allow such MOCKERY of JUSTICE that you (and they) were proposing.
Its not 'my list' it is what the relevant article of the Constitution says .... all the Aiders, Abbetters, Conspirators, Collaborators must be held responsible and accountable

Read it to and post it not your wishlist

And what you talked about Judges they had NO MANDATE to nominate or include anyone in this case its ONLY the Right of Parliament
On one hand you says that you are not against the inclusion of others but then criticize the same when I said hang all the Judges of Superior Judiciary who not only taken oath under Musharraf bothe the time [1999 and 2007] but gave power to him to amend the constitution as per his wish ..... Under which Law .... ???

And the whole Parliaments 2003 and 2008 who not only had take oath by Musharaf but provided cover to his "TRAITOROUS" Actions .....

This is the TRUE SPIRIT of the Constitution Clause Read it before unnecessarily arguing ....

Again my Argument is SIMPLE and BASIC it the LAW is to be IMPLEMENTED then it MUST be implemented in its True Spirit and on EVERYONE .... POLITICAL WITCH HUNTING is not acceptable

Military doesn't care about this. This is not where the debate is today even though it should be. Military just want musharraf not to be punished.


And your the spokesperson of Military???

You are new here who might not aware that I don't take 'General Sides' based on my likeness .... so plz don't make assumptions about me

And before to advice other to open their eyes open your mind first and read about the subject ....

Will the government reopen cases against the parties or will they fall under the technical terms of having past the statute of legal existence?
Bhai pheley parh lay yaar all case not only got reopened but settled through courts in the tenure of PPP and PML-N governments ....
"Open book test" for everyone on this forum .
Go to the pakistani courts from lower to higher anyone of ur choosing and have experience of life time .
You can find front men/ Touts of 70%+ judges , its upto ur approach n authority and ur pocket , u can settle ur case their . Other 10 % wld probably out of ur reach coz they are " honest " they play clean . Only receive money property abroad . :)
Other 15 % are mix women + money . Its upto their choice .
Other 5 % known as " cranky " ones hard headed bla bla ... they are the only honest ones .

Experience urself mate .
And the Gov of Pak initiated these cases. GoP is prosecutor in the case.
No read the post above your post, all that initiated because of SC advice/order through Parliamentary procedure
Start with Memogate, Dawn Leaks, then 'Famous' statement of اینٹ سے اینٹ by Asif Ali Zardari and so on .... plz don't act as you don't know
He loved the two pooches Dot and Buddy more than the constitution.
his personal preference has no weightage in this discussion
Bhai pheley parh lay yaar all case not only got reopened but settled through courts in the tenure of PPP and PML-N governments ....
they can be opened now then after recent legal implications
No read the post above your post, all that initiated because of SC advice/order through Parliamentary procedure
you mean how extension case is being handled?
Start with Memogate, Dawn Leaks, then 'Famous' statement of اینٹ سے اینٹ by Asif Ali Zardari and so on .... plz don't act as you don't
Whose job is it then? It's not the Supreme Courts nor the Armed Forces jobs. The government opened the case on military dictator but cannot open cases on civilian dictators?

The parliament can go for an appeal to include them all.

his personal preference has no weightage in this discussion

It was his personal decision which triggered the article 6.
they can be opened now then after recent legal implications
How .... ?? all those case were settled/ decided by the court as per procedure .... I am not getting this notion that these cases could get reopen again ... plz explain further
you mean how extension case is being handled?
Nope I was not referring to Extension case [though some people have reservation]
Whose job is it then? It's not the Supreme Courts nor the Armed Forces jobs. The government opened the case on military dictator but cannot open cases on civilian dictators?

The parliament can go for an appeal to include them all.
Bhai Its the job of Parliament to include those who were part of Musharaf act but do you think they will do because one it happen it will open the flood gate and would set an example for the past Marshall Laws as well now plz tell do you seriously think that PPP would allow Bhutto to be declared by Court as Traitor being the Minister of Ayub Khan ....???

PML-N would Allow NS to de declared as Traitor and then get hanged being the Beneficiary of Zia Dictatorship .... ???

Judiciary would allow Judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan in the year of 1999 to be declared as Traitor and then get hanged as they not only legalize the Musharraf Coup but gave him full authority to amend the Constitution as per his wish

Everyone has committed the same Tratious Act but only Musharraf is being targeted is itself an evidence that this action have ulterior motive

It was his personal decision which triggered the article 6.
it was His Decision but supported by many actors and elements from the system ....

Musharraf was not GOD that upon his saying of word Kun everything happened itself ....
How .... ?? all those case were settled/ decided by the court as per procedure .... I am not getting this notion that these cases could get reopen again ... plz explain further

Nope I was not referring to Extension case [though some people have reservation]

Bhai Its the job of Parliament to include those who were part of Musharaf act but do you think they will do because one it happen it will open the flood gate and would set an example for the past Marshall Laws as well now plz tell do you seriously think that PPP would allow Bhutto to be declared by Court as Traitor being the Minister of Ayub Khan ....???

PML-N would Allow NS to de declared as Traitor and then get hanged being the Beneficiary of Zia Dictatorship .... ???

Judiciary would allow Judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan in the year of 1999 to be declared as Traitor and then get hanged as they not only legalize the Musharraf Coup but gave him full authority to amend the Constitution as per his wish

Everyone has committed the same Tratious Act but only Musharraf is being targeted is itself an evidence that this action have ulterior motive

it was His Decision but supported by many actors and elements from the system ....

Musharraf was not GOD that upon his saying of word Kun everything happened itself ....

Iftikhar Kana giving Musharaf total authority to amend the constitution 'as per his wish' is High Treason according to Article 6. This falls under Subversion of Constitution - undermining the power of Parliament as a legislative authority.
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