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Army reaction on decision by Special court about General Pervez Musharraf

Abey chay insaan Dgispr is authorised to give statements when military wants to address media. Who the **** are you to tell him what to do what not to do.

That was a pretty stupid statement. The DG ISPR is tasked with military PR on military matters and military matters alone. He cannot start reviewing Hollywood movies tomorrow.

Also, by all rights, the people of Pakistan are his employers and he is answerable to them.
Before you spew your usual liberal retard wet dream off changing the army.Puddi yavan thiya all you scream on this forum everyday is democracy like it's not being provided to you.You are living happily in your Lahore mansion and please stay there we dont want your bullshit ideas on how to reform our army you are irrelevant in this world my friend go for a little walk ya deluded masali

Blah blah. Tum dictators ka mou mein leilo.
You've got the balls to bring Islam in defence of removal of corrupt governments!

We do live in a Islamic Republic country. PM did say he is trying to model the country after the state of Medina. We are not a secular country, so maybe I am missing something here and you can help me? Our religion is a way of life, it is everything to us, we suffered through corruption Becuase we went on the wrong path. So yes I did bring religion in, stand for what's right

A large number of superior judges are anti-army. They were only waiting for an opportune moment for attack and they have done it. They felt that currently PA is substantially "khassified", courtesy General Bajwa. This assessment have lead to this action.
So if anyone violates the constitution they should not be punished? Or we have to follow different rules for army
List of Traitors In Pakistan Who Deserve Instant Death Penalty.

People who deserve public hanging in Pakistan are the following.

1. Nawaz Lohaar (The king Traitors)

2. Shahbaz Lohaar ( Married To Nargis Khosa The Cheap Justice of Pakistan) LANATH.

3. Maryam Qatri

4. Zardaree Haramee Murdered BB

5. Murad Ali Shah.

6. Ifthekar Choudhry

7. Fazlu The Pig

8. Hamza Shahbaz

9. Captain Safdar

10. Asfand Yar Wali

11. Adee Faryal

12. Ishaq Dar

13. Ochuka Zai

14. Faez Esa A sitting judge with properties in UK.

15. Ahsan Iqbal

16. Saad Rafeeq

17. Hamid Mir

18. Malik Riaz

19. Hassan Hussan Nawaz rat bastards.infected DNA OF SATAN.

20. Rana San Ullah the Drug dealer.

21. Abid Kunjur Sher kulee.

Bonus death penalty.. Gay Bilawal.

You people can add more.
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Technically only!

Morally, No! Removing corrupt and robbers from the throne by any means is perfectly fine.
2 wrongs don't make a right. When will this country learn the difference. Have we not learned anything from history.
2 wrongs don't make a right. When will this country learn the difference. Have we not learned anything from history.
You see this is where things get messy. Musharraf supporters are saying that he should be tried for 99 coup also. But in that one judges were also involved.
Sab takht uchale jayienge...
warna mulk aakhir kar toot jayien ge.

What are traitorous actions?
Is presiding over the breakup of Pakistan while engaging in drunken orgies traitorous?
Is promoting sycophants to power and destroying institutions traitorous?
Is looting Pakistan to the bone traitorous?

In this animal farm, all are traitors; all are filth.

The best that can be done is to disqualify everyone in Pakistan over 40 to partake in politics and lobotomize all that refuse to do so. It’s time for these vile old men with their self serving ideals to die. Be it in wardi or pagri.
Drums of war b/w army and judiciary?
Yes...very interesting times ahead. On one hand, we have a Military that defeats blood thirsty terrorists through a grueling war, breaks the teeth of the eastern enemy 6 times our size and maintains peace in the nation by standing guard at nights while we sleep, then on the other hand we have a corrupt judiciary that opens courts on a Saturday to give a convicted criminal a judicial nro, stays silent as the lawyers do wukla gardi on sick heart patients and are infamous for being cheaper to hire than an attorney.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which side the masses will be on.
Such a divided nation on something that should be clear. You violate your oath, the constitution you are guilty, doesn't matter you are politician, judge or army chief. Fight for the country, save the institutions yet people defending army like it can't do anything wrong. What has not happened under Musharraf rule, absolute dictatorship, rise of MQM, PMLN Q, destruction of other institutions and people are defending him. Never hate someone so much that you are blinded by it, hating corrupt politicians doesn't mean you can't see the wrong committed by army. Who the hell is ISPR commenting on government matter, interfering openly in internal affairs. What is the difference between Army, PML N and PPP they all say decisions are wrong against their current or past leaders. Such a Morally corrupt society where everyone has because a Saint and built up such a blind followings. Wrong can never be justified so stop trying to make excuses, fight for Pakistan learn from history.

You see this is where things get messy. Musharraf supporters are saying that he should be tried for 99 coup also. But in that one judges were also involved.
So charge that judge also, charge everyone who participated.
when court can record statement of Masoor Ijaz through Pakistani Embassy, can record Statement of the owner of Baldia Town Factory by sending a team to Dubai then why not for Pervaiz Musharaf which he himself offered ... ??

BTW how can one possibly think that trial was impartial while court during the hearing declare Pervaiz Mushraf the sole responsible for the emergency and the Government of that time lead by NS made the summary of 2007 emergency disappear from the government record ....

third Suspense, Abrogation or Abeyance of Constitution is HIGH Treason , but Disloyalty towards the STATE IS NOT EVEN THE TREASON ....

May I ask Why and How....???

Constitution exist because of the STATE or STATE is dependent on the Constitution .... ???

Reference Memo Gate Report, plz read: this [click] and this [click]

The verdict has been delivered. Anyone having issues with it may ask the govt to make him a party as well for the sake of filing appeal.
Verdict charay saday lan thay [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] nothing is gonna happen to him Khosa will be dragged out the court and shot
The verdict has been delivered. Anyone having issues with it may ask the govt to make him a party as well for the sake of filing appeal.
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