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Army, Navy and Air Force join in along with health workers in the battle against Covid19


Nov 2, 2015
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Infrastructure in military hospitals are being ramped to handle the rising Covid cases while doctors & medical staff of the forces have been deployed in cities where cases have surged.

New Delhi: The Indian Army, Navy and the Air Force have pitched in resources to help the country as it continues to grapple with a massive Covid-19 crisis.

This includes importing oxygen generation plants and containers from Germany to cater to the shortage, military hospitals’ infrastructure being ramped up to handle the mounting cases, doctors and medical staff of the forces being deployed to cities reporting a surge in cases and oxygen cylinders and essential medicines being transported to Delhi, which is reeling under a massive shortage of these essential items.

The efforts come days after Defence Minister Rajnath Singh asked the armed forces to leverage their resources to help the civil administration fight the fresh Covid-19 wave.

Amid this, sources said over 97 per cent of the armed forces have got the first dose of the vaccination and about 76 per cent of them have received the second dose. This includes personnel of the Border Roads Organisation and the Indian Coast Guard.
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