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Army jawan Sandeep from Haryana killed in Pulwama encounter

One terrorist of Indian army bites the dust... Good job freedom fighters..fight against the tyranny and oppression ..May Allah be with you.
Your freedom fighters and Pakistani establishment are in hurry to meet their God . You don't even have idea what is coming to you in future.
Your freedom fighters and Pakistani establishment are in hurry to meet their God . You don't even have idea what is coming to you in future.
Abhi Nandan's wife or daughter? or Kul Bashan's wife and mother but they already visited and we made her remove her shoes... remember? and Abhi None Done got thoroughly fcuked up and I guess getting fcuked in foreign lands is precondition to become a hero/heroin in India... so bring it on..
Abhi Nandan's wife or daughter? or Kul Bashan's wife and mother but they already visited and we made her remove her shoes... remember? and Abhi None Done got thoroughly fcuked up and I guess getting fcuked in foreign lands is precondition to become a hero/heroin in India... so bring it on..
You got Abhinadan bcz he has guts to cross deep the line even in a "flying coffin ".
But your establishments gonna a sign one more surrender contract in future for sure.
Freedom struggle in Balochistan also seems to be getting stronger. Just saying.

Besides FATF is still around your neck, or have your forgotten ? IMF loan is still pending and your finances is on the brink.

"Fate" is a funny thing.

Don't worry. These operations are funded through opium produce in Afghanistan. #undocumentedEconomy

Your freedom fighters and Pakistani establishment are in hurry to meet their God . You don't even have idea what is coming to you in future.

A lot of talk for a country who got sodomised on the 27th Feb, who's army is now begging us to stop firing across LoC. Where was all your brave talk then? All your dhotis were coloured like it was Holi.
Since when did PDF become a propaganda site for the Endians? Don't Indians have enough of their own forums and BJP right wing websites post their cow dung?
You got Abhinadan bcz he has guts to cross deep the line even in a "flying coffin ".
But your establishments gonna a sign one more surrender contract in future for sure.

Havent you indians had enough after your humiliation in February?
BUT BUT, according to Hindu terrorist Modi, Kashmir has gone quite after their so called surgical strike.
You got Abhinadan bcz he has guts to cross deep the line even in a "flying coffin ".
But your establishments gonna a sign one more surrender contract in future for sure.

Chest thumping on the surrender where only 35000 soldiers were fighting vs a whole army. Yeah, good achievement. You've failed to make Pakistan give up the piece of Kashmir it has so first do that then we can talk. Until then, keep your sorry *** to yourself because all the hype of "destroying", "isolating", "removing Pakistan from world map" yet here we are with much improved diplomatic relations with Russia, Middle East, Japan, Aus, Brazil etc. You're funny mate
For one Jawan, we have killed 3 terrorists.

We have 14 lakhs jawans in army, do you have 42 Lakhs terrorists?
For one terrorist , we have killed 3 freedom fighters.

We have 14 lakhs terrorist in army, do you have 42 Lakhs freedom fighters?

Fixed it for you
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