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Army is fighting a war, and not terrorism, in J&K


Apr 17, 2010
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For the past six months Pakistan is using the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and other terrorist groups to launch frontal attacks on Indian security forces and assets instead of aimlessly targeting civilians. The sooner all of us understand this, the better it is.
The last three attacks on Indian assets -- one in Afghanistan and two in Jammu and Kashmir -- are a clear demonstration of Pakistan's last throw of dice in sending highly-trained and motivated fidayeen to specifically target the Indian Army and other security forces.
The first instance took place three days before Narendra Modi was to be sworn in as prime minister on May 26. The target was India's consulate in Afghanistan's Herat.
A Lashkar-e-Tayiba hit squad was assigned to take hostages and lay siege at the Indian consulate. The LeT hit-squad, highly trained, heavily armed and intensely motivated, seemed to have come prepared for a long haul. Security sources said each of the four attackers carried AK-47 rifles and six magazines each.
Two of them also carried under barrel grenade launchers or UGBLs and rocket propelled grenades or RPGs. Each also carried fruits, nearly half a kg of dry fruits and water bottles.

The Herat attack and the last two attempts to push in terrorists into the Kashmir valley have uncanny similarities. In both the attacks last week, terrorists had come equipped for a prolonged fight and were eventually prepared to die.
This is a new breed of fidayeen Pakistan has invested in.
On the night of December 1, half a dozen terrorists tried to infiltrate the Tootmari gali in the Naugam sector at an altitude of 14,000 feet. The army killed all six and recovered huge 'war-like' stores right on the Shamshabari range.
All six terrorists fought for 12 hours and were equipped with high-end gadgets and sophisticated equipment including military grade snow suits and boots. Their communication equipment too was state-of the art.
The dramatic attack on the Uri military camp on Friday, December 5, was more audacious and planned to inflict maximum damage to security forces. Again, the group was heavily armed (each man was carrying 10 magazines of AK-47) and were ready to die.
That all six 'bent-on-suicide' terrorists were eliminated with six hours is testimony to the Indian Army's preparedness although it did suffer initial reverses.

Since November, a subtle shift in the tactics has been noticed by security managers. Initially, there were three attempts to plant massive Improvised Explosive Devices to target army patrols along the Line of Control in the Tangdhar sector of the Kashmir valley.
All were fortunately thwarted by a combined effort of intelligence and security agencies. Similarly, the recovery of a huge cache of 18 brand new AK-47 rifles and half a dozen pistols in the third week of November indicated a concerted attempt to arm those terrorists already inside J&K.
What has prompted this change in tactic on Pakistan's part?
Pakistan has clearly realised that the well-knit security grid in the J&K hinterland did not allow any space for terrorists to target the civilian population.
As violence levels fell dramatically between 2011 and 2013 (less than 40 civilians were killed in those years as against about 100 killings on an average in the previous three years) and the security forces gained an upper hand, the effectiveness of Pakistan's 20-year old tactic of pushing in terrorists to disrupt peace in Jammu & Kashmir was giving diminishing returns.
Many of these terrorists were being intercepted and eliminated on the LoC itself. The multi-layered security grid refined over the years and involving the army, the Central Reserve Police Force and the J&K police, killed around 80 terrorists every year since 2011. More than 90 terrorists have been neutralised till November this year.
The high turnout of voters in the first two phases of the J&K assembly election was perhaps the signal for those in charge of Kashmir policy in the Pakistan army to shift gears
. They could not let Kashmir fall off the map. Something dramatic needed to be triggered to once again bring Kashmir back into focus.
Last weekend's attacks launched almost simultaneously was in keeping with this shift. That all three attacks (Uri, Srinagar and Tral) were nipped in the bud is a tribute to the Indian Army's commitment to keep Kashmir peaceful even if it means paying a very heavy cost to itself.

Army is fighting a war, and not terrorism, in J&K - Rediff.com India News
Well every one is surprised with the assembly election response and voting percentage, and this is a desperate attempts to damage the election proceedings and its implication....... Nothing else....... NO it is not a war, it is terrorism......
A crap is again on indian media.. my question is where did you learn crying.. you making your whole nation to cry for what.. every one in world knows that india have been exporting terrorism in blouchistan and supporting TTP in Pakistan..
Now you have to sit back tight and taste your own medicine..
and Stop crying cuz no one is comming to wipe your tears..
Both sides are facing huge losses. You mentioned terrorist's losses in numbers but didn't mentioned your own sacrifices.Please share your loses so we pay them tribute.
I think you should know better who is tasting own Medicine.

we havent started your army cross line of control in 1971, and KASHMIR is disputed terrority its have line of Control isnt border.
i am just waiting Mody to say somthing wodering what sad story he is gonna come up with anger since india is good making stories (bollywood style).
No substance in the article at all except for the three prominent attacks recently and the civilian toll in recent years. The author is also showing some uncanny smokescreen. To be honest, the Uri attack was an embarassment if not a setback for the army. The terrorists were able to take down high number of army jawans. Besides some jawans(4 according to one report) were reportedly killed in friendly-fire as well. It shows the weaknesses in the interoperability of armed force units and also the bad screening protocol followed at the entry to the base. There should be a thorough investigation on the incident and the gaps should be addressed. After 25 years of experience of fighting the insurgency, if there are still Uri-like death toll, it raises questions about the training IA gives its soldiers.
A crap is again on indian media.. my question is where did you learn crying.. you making your whole nation to cry for what.. every one in world knows that india have been exporting terrorism in blouchistan and supporting TTP in Pakistan..
Now you have to sit back tight and taste your own medicine..
and Stop crying cuz no one is comming to wipe your tears..
yea sure!
If you wanna cry and blame pakistan then we can blame you for the taliban insurgency in pakistan

Both terrorist group belongs to Pakistan and using unemployed youth of Pakistan. So how can you blame India for TTP? Even you yourself create them.

stop crying its getting pathetic

You should say that your PM and army chief for they doing here and there for Kashmir.
How can the so called Infiltrators cross the multi-layered fences and barriers at LoC as alleged by Indian media and establishment...Everyday we hear news of fake encounters carried on by Indian LEA for the sake of prizes and medals,these actions aren't gonna pass without consequences as we see in the form of retaliations from these Kashmiri's which Indian media gladly blames on Pakistan to hide their atrocities...

Both terrorist group belongs to Pakistan and using unemployed youth of Pakistan. So how can you blame India for TTP? Even you yourself create them..

India finances trouble in Pakistan: Hagel - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan, says US defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel - The Times of India

India's hands has been dirty with the blood of innocent Pakistani's in the form of funding TTP and BLA/BRA...
Both terrorist group belongs to Pakistan and using unemployed youth of Pakistan. So how can you blame India for TTP? Even you yourself create them.

You should say that your PM and army chief for they doing here and there for Kashmir.
ok next time i meet them i will tell them.
Still all are Pakistani not Indian unlike unemployed youth of your country in LeT.

Putting AK-47 and Pakistani ID card doesn't make local Kashmiri youth and freedom fighters from Pakistan...Why would someone carry ID cards when they are going with the intent to be killed in fighting the oppressors..:angel:
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Indian Army is fighting to supress Muslims standing up for freedom from Hindu India. Its Jalianwala Baagh and the Indian Army is playing the British Army.

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