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Army Aviation should get fighter planes!

There is no doubt that they should. Specially jets like the A-10 which could provide close airsupport to the front line troops. I guess US will have no objection providing them under the military aid programe as they sole purpose would be against terrorism.
Fairchild is Not a bad Choice it can be devasting tho the gun recoil is enormous and quickly slows the air craft, but we need Air -to-Air Refuling tankers before we even venture into it. The GAU-8/A Avenger gun of 30mm Caliber with drum of 1,174 rounds each much larger than normal 30mm , 11 Pylons for Max load, when on CAP it takes off with limited fuel because of the weight and than refuels in air.
But agian it is a tank killer with max speed of 432mph on cap missions it can stay in air up to 1.8 hr, radious of single deep strike penetration is appox
620 miles.
Fairchild is Not a bad Choice it can be devasting tho the gun recoil is enormous and quickly slows the air craft, but we need Air -to-Air Refuling tankers before we even venture into it. The GAU-8/A Avenger gun of 30mm Caliber with drum of 1,174 rounds each much larger than normal 30mm , 11 Pylons for Max load, when on CAP it takes off with limited fuel because of the weight and than refuels in air.
But agian it is a tank killer with max speed of 432mph on cap missions it can stay in air up to 1.8 hr, radious of single deep strike penetration is appox
620 miles.

The US has not transferred/sold the A-10 Warthog to any country and i dont see pakistan getting this aircraft.
The most cost-effective way to provide COIN a/c to the PAA would be to convert the current fleet of T-37A/Bs into the AT-37C COIN. i am sure they could be upgraded as there is hardly any difference in the two types. PAF is anyway converting to the K-8 as their basic jet trainer and the T-37s will become redundent.
The US has not transferred/sold the A-10 Warthog to any country and i dont see pakistan getting this aircraft.

Sir if i remember correctly A-10, F-20, F-5 E/F were offered to pakistan back in the 80's untill the sale of the F-16 was made possible by the adminstration of Ronald Reagan. The A-10c is no exception, it just has made advancement in fields like a new glass cockpit, advanced data link and all weather multi precision weapons and laser targeting capability. I dont think US should have any problems selling it to pakistan after all they are used in WOT;)
However whether pakistan can induct them or not thats another question i would leave on the experts like you to comment on.
Sir if i remember correctly A-10, F-20, F-5 E/F were offered to pakistan back in the 80's untill the sale of the F-16 was made possible by the adminstration of Ronald Reagan. The A-10c is no exception, it just has made advancement in fields like a new glass cockpit, advanced data link and all weather multi precision weapons and laser targeting capability. I dont think US should have any problems selling it to pakistan after all they are used in WOT;)
However whether pakistan can induct them or not thats another question i would leave on the experts like you to comment on.

ice you may be right and thanks for the compliment but i am not an expert. i was just suggesting an idea on what to do with the T-37s once they are retired by the PAF. the AT-37C is quite a deadly COIN a/c used successfully in countries like columbia, nicaragua etc against rebels and drug smugglers.
According to Janes Aircraft Recognition Guide:

A-37B/C Dragonfly Attack aircraft
Operators: Chile, Columbia, Ecuador,Guatamala, S.Korea, Hondouras, Peru, Thailand and Uruguay.
Crew: 2 pilots.
Max Speed: 455kt.
Range;390nm (so no need for ATA refuelling)
Gun: one 7.62mm GAU 2A/B - 20mm cannon in later models.
Hardpoints; eight plus wing-tip tanks.
Max weapons load: 2,574 kg
Representative weapons: MK 81/82 bombs, FFAR pods, gun pods, external fuel tanks.
later upgrades included AIM-7P AAMs for self-defence.
By the way the K-8 Karakorum can be used in a COIN role.
23mm cannon can be fitted in center-line gun-pod.
four hard-points.
max weapons load:943 kg
representative weapons: PL-7 AAM, FFAR pods, bombs.
Yes i think K-8 would do the job with some changes and if our gov is willing and US is willing to sell the A-10's then thats a good idea as well but just incase i think k-8 shall do the tast with some changes very good idea!!:pakistan::azn:
Oh and i think the k-8 in camo color will be hot armed with rockets and bombs !!!!! yea baby :flame:
By the way the K-8 Karakorum can be used in a COIN role.
23mm cannon can be fitted in center-line gun-pod.
four hard-points.
max weapons load:943 kg
representative weapons: PL-7 AAM, FFAR pods, bombs.

Sir is the load of 943 kg enough to successfully destroy the suspected hideouts of these terrorists specially bunkers and also can a K-8 use precision ammuntion like JDAMS for precision strike mission. Not to forget that militants use civilian population as a shield and without precision strike capability coleteral damage can increase.
What about using the ex-PAF A-5's for this role primarily. Theycan be a cost effective platform until we get our hands on something else.
The US has not transferred/sold the A-10 Warthog to any country and i dont see pakistan getting this aircraft.
The most cost-effective way to provide COIN a/c to the PAA would be to convert the current fleet of T-37A/Bs into the AT-37C COIN. i am sure they could be upgraded as there is hardly any difference in the two types. PAF is anyway converting to the K-8 as their basic jet trainer and the T-37s will become redundent.

T-37s may become redundant but the problem that they were phased out in the first place is that keeping them flying is becoming a very difficult and expensive affair. K-8 btw, has the ability to provide CAS but the type of stuff that you need to do in CI type roles, Cobras and Apaches are better suited for it.
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