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Army appeals to Kashmiri mothers, 'Ask sons to drop guns, or they will be killed'


Mar 22, 2013
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Speaking on the same, Lt General KJS Dhillon, Corps Commander of Chinar Corps issued a warning to all the mother of Kashmir to ask their sons who have picked up guns to surrender, saying “request the mothers of Kashmir to tell their children who have picked the gun to surrender, otherwise they will be killed and eliminated”.

He further said that all those soldiers who got injured in terror attack which took place on February 14 are undergoing excellent treatment in best hospitals.

"I pay my homage to the martyrs of yesterday's operation and those who were killed due to terror attack on Feb 14," he said.

Speaking on Yesterday’s operation, he said “We hit the module on specific information and eliminated JeM leadership in less than 100 hours post Pulwama attack"

Speaking on why the operation took so long, he said “We wanted to ensure that not even single civilian should be injured in the encounter, therefore the encounter went on for so long”.

It's a change in position by the Indian army, previously it was we will kill you if we see you whether you are armed or not.
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I saw the address live.

It was polite but there was steel in his voice.

He said he realizes that in Kashmir the women call the shots at home.

So he was addressing the mothers directly.

Convince your sons to put down their guns and come home. There is an excellent surrender policy that the government is rolling out.

If they do not, they will be eliminated.


Cheers, Doc
It's a change in position by the Indian army, previously it was we will kill you if we see you whether it is armed or not.
Indian army never reached that point, even yesterday they were told to surrender thrice, we lost soldiers to this humane act.
If we were any where near to israeli ideology we would had blown that locality using RL and LGB's, no need for ground deployment.
Indian army never reached that point, even yesterday they were told to surrender thrice, we lost soldiers to this humane act.
If we were any where near to israeli ideology we would had blown that locality using RL and LGB's, no need for ground deployment.

All that Israeli training went to waste?
If that were the case then US training would had made you bande ka baccha, your ideology doesn't change, we will keep giving them chance, it is they who are wrong .
you can't even maintain pakistan and you want to add more territory??
We don't want any territory, that's the perception you have, because you are brainwashed. We want the Kashmiris to live peacefully without repression and brutality that they are suffering at the hands of the Indians. We want them to be free and independent, free of us and free of the Indians.
Brainwashed? I think that's your perception, India has a large population of Muslims, close to 200 million, when will you people understand that India is in better shape and condition than pakistan to keep them happy? If you stop intervening we will make them ours, that's the only fear you have, If you really loved them you would had left them alone, but instead you kept on enraging India and now it's in front of you, the whole country including Indian Muslims hate them for the terrorism that you started, sorry but as someone said, “the rivers will keep flowing through the land of Kashmir that belongs to the people of rishi kashyap”.
We will soon remove article 370 as you have already assimilated Gilgit into pakistan...

I hope video below answers your perception what shape India is in. Another genocide waiting to happen by you extremist cow worshippers:-
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I saw the address live.

It was polite but there was steel in his voice.

He said he realizes that in Kashmir the women call the shots at home.

So he was addressing the mothers directly.

Convince your sons to put down their guns and come home. There is an excellent surrender policy that the government is rolling out.

If they do not, they will be eliminated.


Cheers, Doc

Vocational education, job opportunities and shitload of money will work better than death threat.
Vocational education, job opportunities and shitload of money will work better than death threat.

They have been mollycoddled and spoiled with all of that and much more at our expense for generations.

Please read my recent posts to Waz and Agnostic Muslim for details.

This warning is for those who've grown balls now.

Cheers, Doc

I hope video below answers your perception what shape India is in. Another genocide waiting to happen by you extremist cow worshippers:-

Your mother will be eliminated you fukin kunt.

Abusing my mother is not going to help the boys who are now going to get hunted down by a determined and very pissed force.

Nor the mothers they will leave behind.

Cheers, Doc
They have been mollycoddled and spoiled with all of that and much more at our expense for generations.

Please read my recent posts to Waz and Agnostic Muslim for details.

This warning is for those who've grown balls now.

Cheers, Doc

Abusing my mother is not going to help the boys who are now going to get hunted down by a determined and very pissed force.

Nor the mothers they will leave behind.

Cheers, Doc

Oh shutup !! Nobody is going to get hunted you stupid bharati!! Stop ranting on pakistani forums and get some balls and do something or go eff off to your bharat- ratsh!t forums and scratch each other balls to soothe yourself
Oh shutup !! Nobody is going to get hunted you stupid bharati!! Stop ranting on pakistani forums and get some balls and do something or go eff off to your bharat- ratsh!t forums and scratch each other balls to soothe yourself

Please do not lower the standards of the forum with this verbal jahilpana.

Cheers, Doc
You have been ranting BS for 5 days now we will do this we will do that. Dude stop sh!tting and do something or shutup.
As I have told many times, we don't have a habit of planning failed operations like others.

I hope video below answers your perception what shape India is in. Another genocide waiting to happen by you extremist cow worshippers:-

Your mother will be eliminated you fukin kunt.
Be gracious to God we are not killing locals like Myanmar, otherwise Kashmir toh chod tu, ye sab chod ke bhaag jate India...
As I have told many times, we don't have a habit of planning failed operations like others.

We cannot live like this all the time threatening for war and doing nothing, attack us and finish us off or we will finish you off. Grow a pair of balls and do something instead of chest thumping
Nothing is wrong with India, you took lessons from USA and now after US quitting Afghanistan, pakistan seems to be flying high and again wants to fight proxy war with India, fix that issue and we are good, War is our last resort, aur tumhara to pesha ban gaya hai ladna...

More BS talk and no action!!! Idhar ke baat karwalo bas.. kuch kar na hai toh kar ke dekhao.
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