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Army and Antony scuttled PM's Siachen initiative


Aug 14, 2013
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Baru blames hawkish Antony, Army for scuttling PM's Siachen initiative, Gen JJ Singh hits back - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: It's well-known that PM Manmohan Singh was very keen to convert Siachen into "a mountain of peace" after visiting the forbidding glacial heights in June 2005. But the Indian defence establishment was equally adamant that Pakistan would have to first authenticate the relative troop positions before any withdrawal from the Siachen Glacier-Saltoro Ridge.
Indian soldiers, after all, controlled almost all the dominating heights, ranging from 16,000 to 22,000-feet, on the Saltoro Ridge region. But with Pakistan unwilling to give ironclad guarantees on existing troop positions, the PM's dream slowly ebbed away and perished.
The PM's media adviser during UPA-I, Sanjaya Baru, has now set the cat among the pigeons by holding that Manmohan Singh's peace initiative for the world's highest and coldest battlefield was effectively torpedoed by the "hawkish" position of defence minister AK Antony, as also his predecessor Pranab Mukherjee, as well as the then Army chief General JJ Singh.
"I was never sure whether Antony's hawkish stance was because he genuinely disagreed with the Siachen initiative or whether he was merely toeing a Nehru-Gandhi family line that would not allow Dr Singh to be the one finally normalizing relations with Pakistan. After all, the Kashmir problem had its roots in Nehru's policies ... I felt Sonia would want to wait till Rahul became PM so that he could claim credit," writes Baru, in his new book "The Accidental Prime Minister".
Both Mukerjee and Antony, as successive defence ministers in UPA-I, were not enthusiastic about a deal on Siachen, though Sonia had "blessed"" the peace formula. Moreover, the PM also had to contend with "a declining quality" in military leadership. "In closed-door briefings, the general would say that a deal with Pakistan was doable, but in public he would back Antony when the defence minister chose not to back the PM," says Baru.
Gen Singh, who was the Army chief from 2005 to 2007 and Arunachal Pradesh governor till last year, hit back on Saturday. "What does he (Baru) know? What are his qualifications to pass such sweeping judgements and make disparaging statements on the military leadership? Does he have any idea what leadership is all about?" said Gen Singh, talking to TOI.
Dismissing Baru's knowledge of classified matters, Gen Singh said the military had given "perfectly sound advice" to the PM on the Siachen imbroglio. "We said unless Pakistan authenticates the troop positions, both on the ground and maps, there was no question of any withdrawal," the former Army chief said.
And even if Pakistan agreed to this pre-condition, the disengagement and demilitarization of the Siachen could only be done in a phased manner. "If Pakistan tried to indulge in some misadventure (to take the heights), the response and reaction time of our troops would have to be factored in. I am happy India's continues with the same stand," said Gen Singh.
Thank God Army and Anthony has acted with good sense else this Guy would have give Siachen and even kashmir to pakistan for wining his dream Nobel Peace Prize award
Oh look another politically slanted thread.....:coffee:

You know you're in the build up to Indian General Elections when......

Look at Indians comment they don't want Peace through peaceful manner .... If there would be modi name they will say..... wha wha kya baat hai modi ki
Oh look another politically slanted thread.....:coffee:

You know you're in the build up to Indian General Elections when......

Actually this story is based on book authored by PM's media adviser Mr Sanjay Baru: " The accidental PM " ...

The timing of books release was decided by publisher ...to rake in benefits of electoral turmoil

But the book gives first hand inside knowledge of happenings in PMO camp during UPA I

agree that the excepts of book are being raked by all and sundry to discredit MMS .

But it does give rare insight towards inner workings of cabinet and how PM and Defence minister and Armed forces were not on same page ( at least initially )

It also gives good vibes since good sense prevailed ultimately .

It's nice to understand that despite our democratic set up where civilians have final word - military managed to have its say ...

Many observers have repeatedly made it clear that India is in position of strength as far as Siachen is concerned ...and our advantage vis a vis Pakistan on Siachen should not be frittered away in a fit of peace-mania to unreliable and untrustworthy rival .

There is no political slant in this thread .

It comes on 30'th anniversary of Operation Meghdoot ...and the government stance is importance as Pakistan has been pushing for resolution of Siachen and Sir Arthur Creek issues off late .

This has relevance as Siachen continues to bleed us financially but more so in terms of man power .....and the situation is all the more grim for financially strained Pakistan .
Look at Indians comment they don't want Peace through peaceful manner .... If there would be modi name they will say..... wha wha kya baat hai modi ki
Yeah we want peace with Pakistan.Pakistan should establish an example and vacate Azad Kashmir and show the world how evil these Indians are.
How can we trust such an unreliable western neighbour?
AB Vajpayee and his NDA government are the last victims in that because they trust this untrustworthy neighbour.We send them peacebus and they gave us Kargil.
We cant ignore sacrifice of our military .no more.
Look at Indians comment they don't want Peace through peaceful manner .... If there would be modi name they will say..... wha wha kya baat hai modi ki

Simply we don't trust Pakistan... Don't you remember what you did last time???
And why do we have to come off siachen ??? we've the upper hand and money to maintain
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