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Armenia calls for boosting all-out relations with Iran


Feb 13, 2010
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Iran and Armenia signed 8 Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) and a joint statement as Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian is preparing to wrap up his two-day trip to Iran.

Cooperation on rail transportation and construction of Iran-Armenia direct railroad, investment on building Aras hydro plant, free trade regime and building a pipeline for petrochaemical products transport were among the documents.

The MoUs also involve close cooperation on energy, banking and insurance.

Also the joint statement was signed by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Armenian counterpart Serzh Sarkisian.

During a meeting between Sarkisian and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran on Monday, Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian called for boosting Iran-Armenia relations in all spheres appreciating Tehran's support for his country's all-out development.

The two sides urged the bilateral growing cooperation needs to be secured and that global condition makes it necessary for the two neighbors to increase the level of cooperation.

Armenia's President stepped in Iran on Monday afternoon for talks with Iranian officials on mutual ties as well as regional and international developments. He got a red-carpet welcome from Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki upon his arrival at Tehran's Mehrabad airport.

Ahmadinejad on his part said Sarkisian's trip to Iran will help make a leap in bilateral ties and added the two countries must closely work on trading, energy, transportation and international relations.

Iran's President continued "an advanced and sustainable Armenia will be beneficial to the whole region".

Also according to Press TV, Iran and Armenia are expected to finalize a deal over building a railway that will connect the two countries.

In April the two states agreed on building a 470-kilometer railway to connect the two neighbors. The venture needs some five years to be constructed and is expected to cost 1.2 billion dollars.


Armenia is a verry good country with verry good people.. I have several Armenian friends here. Pakistan should look forward to having a good relationship with Armenia too..

Yes But One Problem, We Have Good Made Friends With Azerbaijan and Support Them OIn The Issue Of Nagorno Karbakh
Armenia is a verry good country with verry good people.. I have several Armenian friends here. Pakistan should look forward to having a good relationship with Armenia too..

How can you make such a statement? Because of the fact that your two armenian friends are good, means the whole country is good?
Armenia is a verry good country with verry good people.. I have several Armenian friends here. Pakistan should look forward to having a good relationship with Armenia too..
You're obviously high on some Armenian hash! Don't open your trap on behalf of a handful of friends. I have 3 dozen good Indian friends, does that make India our natural ally?

yes i agree! :D:D
Trolly boy. Shut your mouth while spewing garbage out if it.
if pakistan ever allies with armenia i will question real pakistani's view , you will ally an enemy of us , a enemy of our brothers also.
however i believe majority are against sparkling cresents view and base that on their own views

Just look at the armenian guys face , that says it all
if pakistan ever allies with armenia i will question real pakistani's view , you will ally an enemy of us , a enemy of our brothers also.
however i believe majority are against sparkling cresents view and base that on their own views

Just look at the armenian guys face , that says it all
Don't worry. It ain't happening. We maybe stupid, but not that moronic!
Armenia is totally isolated today , borders closed so nothing from europe , not allowed any air traffic through our air space , they begged us to open borders for some trade but NO. Today they are living on diaspora and that isit. What a shame poor country.
if pakistan ever allies with armenia i will question real pakistani's view , you will ally an enemy of us , a enemy of our brothers also.
however i believe majority are against sparkling cresents view and base that on their own views

Just look at the armenian guys face , that says it all

So, can we question Turkey's intention for recognizing India? Armenia is a free country, and Pakistan should recognize it as such.

This statement I just made in no way will mean that I hate Turks, if you think that, then you are paranoid.

@Hyper: Stop being such a suck up idiot, and open your own mind for once.
Armenia is totally isolated today , borders closed so nothing from europe , not allowed any air traffic through our air space , they begged us to open borders for some trade but NO. Today they are living on diaspora and that isit. What a shame poor country.
Diaspora that thrives mostly on underground economy. Most earnings of Armenian diaspora come from either 1. Gang related activities 2. Prostitution. The reason they're tolerated all over the US and Europe is due to the FACT that one day they maybe used as a hedge against Turkey. Nothing more, nothing less!
Double-dealing west. What else can you expect?
suck up? show me a message where i have ever said anything against pakistan pro india when they are against , does that mean i am suck up ifits so be it whats wrong with that? i dont know history of india but didnt pakistan become independent after they were together so we already recognized india , and plus as far as i can see there isnt war or a real hostility between two countries , you have trade but some big issues like kashmir etc recognizing armenia will be a knife into turkish hearts , just as if turkey says kashmir is india , while we always say kashmir is pakistan.

yes exactly , also if you see many armenians views they are anti-islam and even swear at islam just because azeri turks are muslim.

Diaspora that thrives mostly on underground economy. Most earnings of Armenian diaspora come from either 1. Gang related activities 2. Prostitution. The reason they're tolerated all over the US and Europe is due to the FACT that one day they maybe used as a hedge against Turkey. Nothing more, nothing less!
Double-dealing west. What else can you expect?
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