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Armenia announces ceasefire after Azerbaijan border clashes

And yet again Russia will only play as a role of a meditator but will never directly take part in Armenia vs Azerbaijan conflict. If Russia jumps to support Armenia it will be a big mistake.
Its too complicated, more than a million Azeris live in the RF, only God knows the count of the Armenians, they may be more than 3 million, going in this conflict will cause too much troubles in the Federation itself.
And yet again Russia will only play as a role of a meditator but will never directly take part in Armenia vs Azerbaijan conflict. If Russia jumps to support Armenia it will be a big mistake.
Why a big mistake?
This time Iran should step in and protect Armenia from Azeri aggression.

What Muslim Iran have got in common with the Armenia that's warrant that sort of reaction ?? Muslim list of countries are turned into the waste land by the West but few Muslims countries just can't help themselves from playing with their ego's and nuts.
since turkeys help to Azerbaijan military. its no longer a helpless hostage to its neighbours not just Armenia!
What Muslim Iran have got in common with the Armenia that's warrant that sort of reaction ?? Muslim list of countries are turned into the waste land by the West but few Muslims countries just can't help themselves from playing with their ego's and nuts.
Geopolitical reasons. Iran would like to stop Turkey and Azerbaijan from gaining more influence,bases and power in the area and Armenia and Iran are on good terms diplomatically. It also gives them a road to the Caucasus that doesn't go through Azerbaijan.
Geopolitical reasons. Iran would like to stop Turkey and Azerbaijan from gaining more influence,bases and power in the area and Armenia and Iran are on good terms diplomatically. It also gives them a road to the Caucasus that doesn't go through Azerbaijan.

They didn't die for them first time and won't be difference again. the risks outweigh the benefits just not worth the hassle but that doesn't mean Armenia will vanish because they won't I don't think there will be any conflicts unless they miscalculate and give the Azeris no choice but other than that they should be o'right.

Azeris have no interests in proper Armenia just a corridor which has been agreed upon between them that should be solved politically other than that the azeris have no interest in expelling them from their homes or lands there is no claim on proper Armenia
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Geopolitical reasons. Iran would like to stop Turkey and Azerbaijan from gaining more influence,bases and power in the area and Armenia and Iran are on good terms diplomatically. It also gives them a road to the Caucasus that doesn't go through Azerbaijan.

Bro Wrong approach that's why we as Muslims where we are standing today. Western countries help each other to climb up the ladder and we are pulling each other down the ladder and feel envy if some goes up. Very disappointed and its a sad state of affairs amongst us, no wonder wolves are picking us one by one. :disagree:.
Muslims are their own best enemies why we need others to destroy us.
Azeris have no interests in proper Armenia just a corridor which has been agreed upon between them that should be solved politically other than that the azeris have no interest in expelling them from their homes or lands there is no claim on proper Armenia
Pashinyan will hand over everything to them.
Bro Wrong approach that's why we as Muslims where we are standing today. Western countries help each other to climb up the ladder and we are pulling each other down the ladder and feel envy if some goes up. Very disappointed and its a sad state of affairs amongst us, no wonder wolves are picking us one by one. :disagree:.
Muslims are their own best enemies why we need others to destroy us.
Sirji , You really have no idea about western history , do you ?
Western countries helping each other is a modern phenomena , after ww1 to be honest .
Before that , they were at each other's throats.
I can tell you about many wars between european countries , but I remember 1 war only between safavids and mughals, the one about control of kandhar .
Many wars happened between muslims , it was less than what Europeans fought .
Rather intervention of western countries in middle East , and some countries being their vassals in ME has led muslims countries to where they are.
Sirji , You really have no idea about western history , do you ?
Western countries helping each other is a modern phenomena , after ww1 to be honest .
Before that , they were at each other's throats.
I can tell you about many wars between european countries , but I remember 1 war only between safavids and mughals, the one about control of kandhar .
Many wars happened between muslims , it was less than what Europeans fought .
Rather intervention of western countries in middle East , and some countries being their vassals in ME has led muslims countries to where they are.

Before commenting on anything and making up your mind about the person that he doesn't have got any idea just got to show pathetic approach of yours and poor education. Don't try to be smart with me and grasp the idea under discussion, good bye.
Anyone who wants to fuk with Aliyev has to go thru Turkey. Azeris has defense treaty with them it would be equal to attacking Turkey ain't nobody trying that at home not Russia or the whole universe into one alliance

Russian can beat @$$ of turkey,
real problem is when armenia was russian part, they were crying for independence, no they are asking for russians help, but russians seems not interested to fight for them, they will remain neutral.
Why iran? Why doesnt the greeks help their armenian frnds?
Iran's right next to them and they are the ones who want common borders with the Armenians. They are also angry ever since Erdy and Aliyev made comments about liberating Azerbaijani parts of Iran etc.

Russian can beat @$$ of turkey,
real problem is when armenia was russian part, they were crying for independence, no they are asking for russians help, but russians seems not interested to fight for them, they will remain neutral.
dude... cool your testostorene. you forget this is the same country that the mujahideen chewed and threw their body bags to the dogs. Then same army that crumbled in chechenya. They can only fight against those of lower ranking. But Turks... sorry ... think again. Putin knows well Turkey is an ally in a wierd way.

You need to read and read geopolitics well - Armenia was left to hang and dry because Putin hates that Armenian dog in power; Armenians are decietful and scum of the earth. It is a known fact even during SSR days. Azeri forces were forced to halt because Putin told them to hold. But if Armenians dogs again try their escapades together with duplicitous Iranians; it is just a matter of weeks before entire remaining territory is taken back.

So before you write bravado ... i suggest you take a trip and see for yourself what is on the ground there.
Russian can beat @$$ of turkey,
real problem is when armenia was russian part, they were crying for independence, no they are asking for russians help, but russians seems not interested to fight for them, they will remain neutral.
Isn’t an attack on Turkey an attack on all of NATO?
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