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Armenia and Iran To Discuss Railway


Jun 17, 2012
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The Iranian Energy Minister, head of the Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental commission Majid Namdzhu, said today that Yerevan and Tehran have agreed to hold discussions on the construction of the Iran-Armenia railway.

"There is an agreement to hold a discussion of various issues related to the construction of the railway, with the participation of all stakeholders, in Armenia or in Iran,” Namdzhu said after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the results of the 11th meeting of the Committee held in Yerevan on 23 -25 October, ARKA reports.

The North-South Railway (Iran-Armenia) will become an alternative way for Armenia to reach out to the outside world. According to expert estimates, the project needs $1.7 to $2.8 billion. Construction of the railway is currently under discussion with Russia, Iran and China.

I really hope this plan receives enough investment!

Happy Eid al-Adha to Iranians:cheers:
Armenia will access the PERSIAN gulf easily then.in the other hand Iranian visitors will visist Armenia more than before.and as era said the railway can be continued to goargia and russia too.so good.
Actually guys they have been talking about this for a while now....I am sure the construction would have started a while back if it wasn't for:

1- short border with Armenia and difficult terrain making it very challenging to built a good railroad system.

2- Building a rail system through Nagorno Karabakh border of Iran would be much easier but there are diplomatic problems

3- Also Russia may have a say or cut in this matter.....I remember Russia putting a limit on the diameter of the pipeline that sends oil from Iran to Armenia where its converted to electricity and send back to Iran.

Hope this project picks up since it is beneficial to both countries.

Edit: Just to add...

The only rail system open in Armenia (main station in Yerevan) is to Georgia so it should be no problem connecting Iranian route to that.

For now due to Turkish blockade...
the rail system to Azerbaijan is closed.
The rail system to Turkey is closed and requires rebuilding.
The rail system that connects Armenia with Iran through Nakichevan is also closed.
It's a shame we still don't have a railroad with Armenia despite the good trades.We have it with all neighbours except Afghanistan I think which is currently under construction.

It shouldn't be that difficult,since Iran's railroad extends to near border areas,only the Armenian part needs to be built more quickly.
It's a shame we still don't have a railroad with Armenia despite the good trades.We have it with all neighbours except Afghanistan I think which is currently under construction.

It shouldn't be that difficult,since Iran's railroad extends to near border areas,only the Armenian part needs to be built more quickly.
Don't we have a railroad that goes to Herat? I thought we did!

And didn't know we had smtg to Azerbaijan. I know there is a Baku-Tehran project that is happening right now, but do we have smtg working in place right now?

Pic of the Tehran-Baku infrastructure under construction
Picture 238 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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