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Armed struggle within pakistan is against sharia : fazlur rehman

The TTP does not recognise these Deobandi scholars anymore. They have their own "scholars" that issue fatwas for their activities. Had they paid heed to what they said we would have seen progress.
The TTP does not recognise these Deobandi scholars anymore. They have their own "scholars" that issue fatwas for their activities. Had they paid heed to what they said we would have seen progress.

TTP themselves are deobandi.infact all the pashtun in pakistan are deobandi
The TTP does not recognise these Deobandi scholars anymore. They have their own "scholars" that issue fatwas for their activities. Had they paid heed to what they said we would have seen progress.
They got influenced/misguided by salafis of alqaida....

TTP themselves are deobandi.infact all the pashtun in pakistan are deobandi
Not all Taliban are deobandis. Taliban of swat and bajaur are panjpiri/wahabi. And even the deobandi taliban have influence of wahabism on them.
Oh shut up all of you! Who cares what who is....Had "fazlur" sahab been honest he would have 1st taken it up to kill all the segregation...When he does that then I will call him scholar!
I take his opinion to be worth ****, he is an ignorant, power hungry hypocrite.....

Yara this is a man with vested interests of his own. Can we really trust his judgement ?

Yara this is a man with vested interests of his own. Can we really trust his judgement ?
You can ignore him but he is saying that all important deobandi ulemas declared armed struggle against pakistan as against shariat....i shared it because most of the members here think that deobandi ulemas condone TTP's actions which is not right. Deobandis are wrongely called kharjis and what not by worshippers of zaid hamid....
Diesel is right about his role in treaties of army with Hafiz gul bahadur and mullah nazir, both belonged to JUI-F. I have already said that fazlur rehman is the most relevant person regarding taliban issue......Waliur rehman was also member of JUI-F and i am sure still there are many mehsud taliban who are linked with maulana.
By the way in the talk show he is hinting that decision of military operation has already taken place in GHQ.. chalak banda hey, nakaam muzakirat may shamil ho kar apna track record kharab nahi karna chahta.
So-called scholars agreeing on one shariah they will implement in future:

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On the side-notes:

Pakistan already is an islamic country. We might need to improve implementation & some tweaking here & there.
The all-too-often used word "shariah" will NEVER be seen. Since no 2 so-called scholars will ever agree on one unanimous shariah. There will be 70 different versions of shariah, which one they will implement???

In above posts I hear words like "Deobandi, Wahabi, Brailvi, Ahl-e-Sunnat, Salafi, blah blah blah"... They are ALL equally deviant in one way or the other. They ALL need چهترول. They are ALL disobeying Quran's order: "and do not be among those who ... split up their religion and became sects, each party rejoicing in that which is with itself!. Q:30:31-32" ... “As for those who divide Their religion and break up Into sects do not belong with you: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.” [Q:6:159:]

Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171:The Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said, “My Umma will be fragmented into seventy-three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one group.” The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong.”


The so-called "talks" with TTP are just a time-buying tactic. Discussion on SHARIAH is just a cover. Army & govt both are waiting for Dajjal to pack up & go away. As soon as nutrition-supply of TTP is gone, they will wither off without much effort. InshALLAH.

But just like Dajjal flew over Iraq & left it in ruins, & infested it with terrorists;;; Dajjal also wants to leave Afghanistan & Pakistan is an ongoing chaos even after it has gone. To ensure that they released many criminals from Afghani jails just now. Since Dajjal is a "Great-Deceiver", it could NOT do things in it's own name; makes others do things for it. Thus this release comes in the name of Karzai, & Dajjal pretended to be angry with that decision. Karzai can't even go to toilet with Dajjal's approval.

We're gonna have to make sure we eradicate remnants of Dajjal from Af-Pak after it has left.
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TTP Kharjis aren't going to accept the ahadeeth of Prophet Mohammad(SAW) himself and here we are discussing fatwa of Maulana diesel.
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