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Arlington refuses burial of U.S. ally from Vietnam War


Aug 7, 2009
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Washington (CNN) -- The family of a man who fought alongside U.S. troops in Vietnam have been told their relative will not be allowed to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Major General Vang Pao led thousands of Hmong soldiers as they fought alongside the United States against the North Vietnamese Army during the war in Southeast Asia, according to a news release from Congressman Jim Costa of California.

Costa, on behalf of Pao's family, asked the Army to grant an exception to Arlington's rules to allow Pao to be buried in the nation's most hallowed burial ground.

Pao died recently of complications from pneumonia, according to Costa.

"The Vang Pao family's request for an exception to the burial policy was thoroughly reviewed by a board comprised of senior military and civilian officials. ... After a comprehensive analysis, the board unanimously recommended denial of the request for exception to policy. Upon receipt of the board's input, the Secretary carefully reviewed and deliberated on this matter and accepted the board's recommendation," according to a statement from the Army released Friday evening.

According to the cemetery's policy, Pao would have had to have served in the U.S. armed forces to be eligible for the honor.

The family can still ask Defense Secretary Robert Gates and President Obama to make an exception. A Pentagon spokesman said he did not know if any request regarding Pao's burial had reached Gates as of Friday afternoon

Arlington refuses burial of U.S. ally from Vietnam War - CNN.com
Is Mr. Pao's family residents of the United States? Some more background info would be good. It's a difficult decision. He fought along side American soldiers, so he has my vote. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he was denied burial. The United States has always had a problem differentiating between the meaning of the word "American". For example, Japanese Americans who fought along side their White American counterparts in WWII. They rarely get any acknowledgment and recognition bc... well... they aren't seen as true Americans. I guess they just don't have the right skin color. :undecided:
Rules pertaining to an exemption.

Justification for the specific waiver is the responsibility of the requestor. The Department of Defense does not conduct research to help justify waivers for internment or inurnment to ANC. Each request for exception to the interment and inurnment policies will be evaluated using the following considerations:

a. A decedent’s specific military service (contributions and acts) that directly and substantially benefited the United States military.

b. A decedent’s specific civilian service (contributions and acts) that directly and substantially benefited the United States military, and which demonstrates the manner and level of sacrifice or heroism typical of military service.
c. Finally, whether the decedent’s combined military and civilian service presents extraordinary circumstances that justify approving an exception to the policy.

d. The degree to which a decedent meets eligibility standards for interment or inurnment.

e. The degree of consistency with past decisions.

f . The potential impact of a decision, as precedent, for future requests of like circumstance or degree.
betray your country and you are left all alone with nothing but humility
Oh wait... maybe he was Viet but just led a Hmong group? Like I said... more background info would be good.
whether he was Vietnamese or Hmong , it doesnt matter.
To the white owners of America , he was a 'yellow man' , a 'gook' and not worthy of being burried in the same place where white americans are buried.

The comments on CNN clearly say that infact there are British servicemen that are also buried in Arlington so why not this man ?

I know the reason , but as usual there will be people from the US who will lie through their teeth and show you the rule book giving this or that reason.

The reason that he was not burried there is simple , he's a 'gook'.
whether he was Vietnamese or Hmong , it doesnt matter.
To the white owners of America , he was a 'yellow man' , a 'gook' and not worthy of being burried in the same place where white americans are buried.

The comments on CNN clearly say that infact there are British servicemen that are also buried in Arlington so why not this man ?

I know the reason , but as usual there will be people from the US who will lie through their teeth and show you the rule book giving this or that reason.

The reason that he was not burried there is simple , he's a 'gook'.
Buddy...My previous post about foreign nationals, including Asians, buried at Arlington was deleted to protect you from embarrassment.

But I will try again...

Arlington National Cemetery:: Historical_Information

There are criteria for a foreign national that must be met before he can be interned at Arlington. How is that unusual? Since land at Arlington is finite, it is only understandable that those criteria will be more important.
Buddy...My previous post about foreign nationals, including Asians, buried at Arlington was deleted to protect you from embarrassment.

But I will try again...

Arlington National Cemetery:: Historical_Information

There are criteria for a foreign national that must be met before he can be interned at Arlington. How is that unusual? Since land at Arlington is finite, it is only understandable that those criteria will be more important.

only ONE South Vietnamese ?
by posting this link you are only embarassing your own self
Just like there is a Token Black guy , Major Phao Van Vu burrial at Arligton seems like the Token South Vietnamese guy's burrial. I mean South Vietnam was allied to the United States in a very big way and for that all the US does is that in death they allowed the token burrial of ONE south vietnamese guy ... wow what a wonderful ally the US can be
only ONE South Vietnamese ?
by posting this link you are only embarassing your own self
Nope...There are more...

9 South Vietnamese Unknowns:

Two South Vietnamese Unknown Pilots were buried in a group burial of former MIAs including Staff Sgt. Richard Fitts in sec. 34 # 4524. They were missing in action in Laos from 1968 to 1990 when they were interred together in March.

Seven unknown South Vietnamese are interred in a group burial which includes Sp4 Joel C. Hartley, USA, Sp4 Michael E. King, USA, WO1 Ralph A. Moriera, USA and CPT David Nelson, from a downed helicopter in South Vietnam on March 5, 1971. Section 34/4439
But the point is made -- That you are wrong. About everything. You did not do basic research before shooting off. The rules at Arlington is no different than that of any places of national import and sacredness in any country. But do not fear, I do not expect my posts here to be around for long. They will be deleted just like the first one to save your face.
Umm... what betrayal are you speaking of? The guy was Hmong and was helping American forces fight the North Viets. Or am I misunderstanding your comment? Please elaborate.
The Hmong is just an ethnic minority of Laos but they decided to be on the wrong side of the war by allying with the U.S . Little that they know, the U.S would eventually left but the majority of the Laoiian will stay put.

The Hmong have been stateless people throughout history and their dream of having their own state has never stopped. Even until last year, the Hmong were hiring mercenaries in a quest to return to Lao and overthrow the Lao government and establish a Hmong state. They thought that if "capitalism" emerged as the victor in the Vietnam war, some piece of Laotian land would be carved out and given to them to establish their own state. Now the ethnic Hmong are being hunted to the last man, woman, children, and toddler throughout Laos.

The ethnic Hmong of Laos is like the Mongtagard of Vietnam. Lesson of history is that if you're an ethnic minority of a country, don't ever side with foreigners
Nope...There are more...

But the point is made -- That you are wrong. About everything. You did not do basic research before shooting off. The rules at Arlington is no different than that of any places of national import and sacredness in any country. But do not fear, I do not expect my posts here to be around for long. They will be deleted just like the first one to save your face.

No the point is still not made , the american allied south vietnam suffered more than 200,000+ deaths.

9 burrials and 1 refussal is a tremendous tribute to these 200,000 dead south vietnamese allies of the United states. Its just great
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No the point is still not made , the american allied south vietnam suffered more than 200,000+ deaths.

9 burrials and 1 refussal is a tremendous tribute to these 200,000 dead south vietnamese allies of the United states. Its just great
Absolutely the point has been made. The same argument can be made for the UK burials as well, that out of so many British allies, from WW II to the Vietnam War, the few Brits buried in Arlington are nothing more than 'token' burials. Same for Canadians. Same for France. You cannot deny the truth, that the rules at Arlington are no different than those of any country that hold the grounds that buried their war dead as sacred and restricted.
I don't understand why Vang Pao's family would pursue this any further. Denial has inflicted more pain to the people alive and involved than the dead. They should walk away and save their dignity..
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