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Arjun-II MBT development l Updates & discussion.


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Based on my interaction with some of the CVRDE folks, they said that there's already a project going on to reduce the weight of Arjun Mk2 by at least 3.5t using HN steel and some optimization. There is one prototype getting ready that will have an all out weight less than 65t. I only wish they could somehow change the barrel to smoothbore! It is still quite cumbersome to fire HEAT rounds from Arjun and the only way to do that is via cannon launched missiles like Lahat or our own CLGM. So, in a battle, IA would have to be heavily dependent on APFSDS rounds to take out enemy tanks. Now, with second generation of indigenous APFSDS round for Arjun having a penetration capability of 550mm of RHA at 2km distance, it has only now reached a level where it can pose some serious threat to the enemy (the first generation of APFSDS round had barely 300mm RHA capability at 2km range!!). But it would have to do a hell lot more. A newer round needs to be developed that can do at least 700mm or more. This will put all Chinese developments in serious danger.
This is also one avenue where our companies like Bharat Forge can play their part. They can effectively collaborate or even outright buy the IPR of some of the 120mm APFSDS designs from Europe-- of course only when GoI assures them of a secured order from IA.
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This should go a long way in convincing the Indian Army to induct the Arjun Mk1A and Mk2 in larger numbers.

Arjun tank fires Laser Guided ATGM

Laser Guided Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) was successfully test fired from MBT Arjun Tank at KK Ranges, Armoured Corps Centre and School (ACC&S) Ahmednagar on 22nd Sep 2020. In these tests, the ATGM successfully defeated a target located at 3 km. Laser guided ATGMs lock and track the targets with the help of laser designation to ensure precision hit accuracy.

The missile employs a tandem HEAT warhead to defeat Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) protected armoured vehicles. It has been developed with multiple-platform launch capability and is currently undergoing technical evaluation trials from gun of MBT Arjun.

Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE) Pune in association with High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL) Pune, and Instruments Research & Development Establishment (IRDE) Dehradun have developed the missile.

The ATGM fired is DRDO's indigenous CLGM and uses tandem HEAT warhead to defeat ERA equipped tanks. Being multi-platform, we'll see it on T-90S and possibly even T-72M1s in the future.
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