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yep 600 million plus ppl below poverty line in India

Try 12.4% according to world bank


World Bank estimates show fall in India’s poverty rate - The Hindu

"“We expect that the MMRP-based estimate (currently at 12.4% for India) will set the baseline for India and global poverty estimates, going forward,” a World Bank spokesperson told The Hindu."

but keep looking at 8% growth, massive fdi & industrialisation...that section of your society which we feel is majority is becoming more intolerant towards minority .... dont worry about world's perception about Pakistan because it fluctuates with their need but you just worry about saffron extremism in your society ok?

Yup sure, leave it to us. We certainly dont need to hear about it from you guys living in a particularly thin glass house.
Zimbabwe came a couple months before, LOL
Zimbabwe came a couple of months before but the others (Australlia,New Zealand)have openly refused to play in Pakistan and hence yr cricket matches were was played in UK and UAE . Well it will be very difficult for Pakistanis to provide security to the visiting teams since it is involved in a war on the Afghan border.What if any suicide bomber attacks the visiting team on one fine day,everything will back to square one.
Zimbabwe came a couple of months before but the others (Australlia,New Zealand)have openly refused to play in Pakistan and hence yr cricket matches were was played in UK and UAE . Well it will be very difficult for Pakistanis to provide security to the visiting teams since it is involved in a war on the Afghan border.What if any suicide bomber attacks the visiting team on one fine day,everything will back to square one.

Everything is being taken care of; no more war - Shawal Valley, only area held by terrorists is almost cleared.
well all foreign teams playing in India should get used to it by now

Again,lungi brigade strikes with it's begging bowl:lol::lol:!!

one begs the other one is given back office work to feed its masses. yet still 40% cannot afford a decent meal but beware when they do because the world will stink a lot more because they still wont have toilets ch ch
Stoning of Argentina hockey team bus: Three held in Raipur
Three youths have been arrested in connection with the alleged stoning of a bus carrying Argentina’s hockey team in Chhattisgarh’s capital Raipur where the Hockey World League (HWL) final is being hosted, police said on Sunday.
The accused identified as Rajnarayan Tiwari (31), Meghesh Sahu (24) and Govind Sahu (26), all natives of Santoshi Nagar area, were rounded up on Saturday for their involvement in stoning of the bus, Inspector General of Police, Raipur Range, G.P. Singh told PTI.
The incident took place on Friday late evening near Bhatagaon area when the bus carrying Argentina players was going to their hotel from the stadium, after the visitors thrashed India by 3-0 in the opening game of the event.
During preliminary investigation, police said that a child hurled a stone at a stray animal which accidentally hit the bus leaving its window pane cracked.
However, further investigation revealed that the three youths, in an inebriated state, had pelted a cow with stone which deflected after hitting the animal and struck the bus, the IG said.o_Oo_O
No one was hurt in the incident, he said.
During interrogation, the trio confessed that they had thrown the stone at a cow which accidentally hit the bus, following which they ran from the spot fearing police action, Mr. Singh said.
A case has been registered against them based on the complaint of the bus driver, Dev Yadu, he said.
In the wake of the incident, the IG reviewed the security system in place for the players who have arrived from different nations to take part in the Hockey World League final, being hosted from November 27 to December 6 at Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Hockey Stadium in Raipur, and issued necessary instructions.
“Hockey India and International Hockey Federation have expressed their satisfaction over the security arrangements for the event,” the senior police officer said
Stoning of Argentina hockey team bus: 3 held in Raipur - The Hindu
I've had stones chucked at my train window by some slum kids a few times....and they were not aiming at some cow for sure.

Never vented that the whole country was intolerant though.
India were defeated comprehensively by Argentina by 3-0 at Raipur during the Hockey World League finals. Argentina dominated the entire match and the India team struggled to coordinate during the entire match.

According to reports this has sparked intense reaction in India as the bus carrying the Argentina team from the stadium to the hotel was attacked and stones were hurled at team but thankfully no player was injured but the windows were cracked due to the incident.

This has led to review of the security situation and the officials have decided to tighten the security and take measures to counter such issues.

Although the India media is reporting that it was just an accident but it remains to be seen whether that is the truth or are they trying to cover up the matter to avoid criticism.

This is not the first team such extremist acts have been associated with sports in India because recently Shiv Sena extremists also barged into BCCI headquarters when the the PCB delegation was on a visit to India regarding the cricket series.
Argentina team attacked | ARYSports.tv
and the source is a pakistani TV !!!
Stoning of Argentina hockey team bus: Three held in Raipur
Three youths have been arrested in connection with the alleged stoning of a bus carrying Argentina’s hockey team in Chhattisgarh’s capital Raipur where the Hockey World League (HWL) final is being hosted, police said on Sunday.
The accused identified as Rajnarayan Tiwari (31), Meghesh Sahu (24) and Govind Sahu (26), all natives of Santoshi Nagar area, were rounded up on Saturday for their involvement in stoning of the bus, Inspector General of Police, Raipur Range, G.P. Singh told PTI.
The incident took place on Friday late evening near Bhatagaon area when the bus carrying Argentina players was going to their hotel from the stadium, after the visitors thrashed India by 3-0 in the opening game of the event.
During preliminary investigation, police said that a child hurled a stone at a stray animal which accidentally hit the bus leaving its window pane cracked.
However, further investigation revealed that the three youths, in an inebriated state, had pelted a cow with stone which deflected after hitting the animal and struck the bus, the IG said.o_Oo_O
No one was hurt in the incident, he said.
During interrogation, the trio confessed that they had thrown the stone at a cow which accidentally hit the bus, following which they ran from the spot fearing police action, Mr. Singh said.
A case has been registered against them based on the complaint of the bus driver, Dev Yadu, he said.
In the wake of the incident, the IG reviewed the security system in place for the players who have arrived from different nations to take part in the Hockey World League final, being hosted from November 27 to December 6 at Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Hockey Stadium in Raipur, and issued necessary instructions.
“Hockey India and International Hockey Federation have expressed their satisfaction over the security arrangements for the event,” the senior police officer said
Stoning of Argentina hockey team bus: 3 held in Raipur - The Hindu

COW is there God right
hahaha the COW can do that lol

could not get a better story that is what IG has to make up
COW is there God right
hahaha the COW can do that lol

could not get a better story that is what IG has to make up

why on earth you make fun of someone's religius beliefs ? If cow is their god and let it be, if you cant respect that then dont comment at least.. I dont know what religion you belong to whether its God or allah, but if someone makes fun of your allah / god then please do not cry foul. Do not start something which you cant take. Post reported.
why on earth you make fun of someone's religius beliefs ? If cow is their god and let it be, if you cant respect that then dont comment at least.. I dont know what religion you belong to whether its God or allah, but if someone makes fun of your allah / god then please do not cry foul. Do not start something which you cant take. Post reported.

dont blame me i just enjoyed the report ,
you Indian can make something boring to something good to read which is good :)
they are Hindus i guess and they throw stone it is against even your religion
your really that serious then go and make good case against them :)
they hit the COW it is a rule not to do anything to them

India lost to Argentina so i know still you guys are angry :)
dont blame me i just enjoyed the report ,
you Indian can make something boring to something good to read which is good :)
they are Hindus i guess and they throw stone it is against even your religion
your really that serious then go and make good case against them :)
they hit the COW it is a rule not to do anything to them

India lost to Argentina so i know still you guys are angry :)

you guessed they are hindus... so you started typing $hit about thei belief., great.. with that logic they should guess you belong to some retard religion and make fun of yours..isnt it ?? and no retard, its not against my religion to throw stones...I do not make fun on anyone's religion.

Now tell us what great religion you belong to that allow you to make fun of Hindu Gods.

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