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Argentina Considering To Purchase 12 JF17C Worth 664Million Dollars

I think it should just be expected that within days of a JF17 being delivered to Argentina the CIA will have someone looking at it...as is the same by China with anything sent to Taiwan.

The agency does not need to---.

The US has specialists who deal in this kind of thing just by looking at the visual of the aircraft or any machine---the industrial base of the country producing it---the capability and educational level of those producing it.

With all this information in front of them---they can asses pretty much up to the dot the capabilities of the machine in question.

But on hand visuals are an addition---.
Indeed , Tejas also defeat F-22 raptor and martian super fighter aircraft. Hail to mighty suparpowa IAF.

In your dream :rofl:

They are bloody thick skinned. And the country is ridden with full of lies and delusion. Smoking weeds to delude of themselves of reality of poor state of India in working ranking of science, technology and living standard.... :enjoy:
dont fall to flame bast. the original 2 troll posts grieving about Argentina's dire economic condition were set as bait and people fell for them.
Thunder shies away from a paper plane like Tejas? What a thinking! I know you are a call-center famed Indian. Is an air show a competing place for planes? Please try to use your tiny brain.

BTW, JF-17s thundered in Indian occupied J&K in Feb 2019 with Tejas nowhere to be seen. Well, gutless Tajas are considered may be a fourth or third rated defence by the IAF. When Thundered visited Indian occupied J&K, IAF's first rated plane (SU-30mki) and second rated one (i.e. M2K) felt it safe to ran away rather than facing Thunders in Indian occupied airspace. A very heavily updated Mig-21 in sheer stupidity tried it all and they then dived to the earth. Even his wingman found it safe to go cold (meaning showed his back and ran away).
please advoid responding to troll and off topic posts,. I am NOT surprised how you guys fall for same trick over and over again where 2 Indians come in a make 1 or tywo flame bait or troll posts then you forget the thread and the topic and start discussing and responding to their signals.
seen it for so long that I have now decided to start giving infractions to those who continue to fall victims to trolls.
from this post below all off topic postsers and their responders will get time off.

Yes but they also have to weigh in the consequences of that. As i said, their institutions would be all infiltrated. The US hollows out a state that can be a potential adversary or problem.

The US does not hollow out any state---.

They give individual the rope---and in the end---the individuals end up hanging themselves---.
I dont think they intend to take back falkland any time soon. They just keep it that way and talk for nationalist sentiments, their elites have accepted it. And its not necessary that they will reveals secrets of AESA or PL15 but their forces may already be deeply infiltrated by British, israeli and US spies and getting that info would not be hard. We all know Argentinian forces are weak and incompetent and probably filled with foreign agents.
I doubt if JF-17 block 3 has any cutting edge future technology that countries like America, Israel, UK and Uganda are lining up to steal and incorporate in their 6th generation platforms. it is just about OK plane and lets leave it there nothing world shattering that will change the earth axes. looking at how flimsy and nonexistent security protocols and firewalls are of both our military and civilian institutions and how willing our civilian and military bureaucrats are to settle in west after retirement I wont be surprised if these secrets are already on the desks of the interested parties and have been read many times and the readers are busy hiding under their desks cowering with fear how awesome JF`17 block 3 is.
I doubt if JF-17 block 3 has any cutting edge future technology that countries like America, Israel, UK and Uganda are lining up to steal and incorporate in their 6th generation platforms. it is just about OK plane and lets leave it there nothing world shattering that will change the earth axes. looking at how flimsy and nonexistent security protocols and firewalls are of both our military and civilian institutions and how willing our civilian and military bureaucrats are to settle in west after retirement I wont be surprised if these secrets are already on the desks of the interested parties and have been read many times and the readers are busy hiding under their desks cowering with fear how awesome JF`17 block 3 is.

Not much in the jet but they would love to look at PL15 and PL10. This doesn't necessarily means they need it for their 6th gen technology but its an in-service missile with china and getting to know whats inside is valuable for them. That is why id want china not to sell them these missiles and offer older ones. I am sure china will not offer these missiles to Argentina.
Not much in the jet but they would love to look at PL15 and PL10. This doesn't necessarily means they need it for their 6th gen technology but its an in-service missile with china and getting to know whats inside is valuable for them. That is why id want china not to sell them these missiles and offer older ones. I am sure china will not offer these missiles to Argentina.

And they would like to look at the aesa and the EW warfare package as well.

Most probably the pkg would have the SD10 and PL9's---and in the best case scenario for argentine---toned down version of the PL15
please advoid responding to troll and off topic posts,. I am NOT surprised how you guys fall for same trick over and over again where 2 Indians come in a make 1 or tywo flame bait or troll posts then you forget the thread and the topic and start discussing and responding to their signals.
seen it for so long that I have now decided to start giving infractions to those who continue to fall victims to trolls.
from this post below all off topic postsers and their responders will get time off.

It's useless to ask us stop responding to flame bait becos those troll will keep posting and posting irrelevant stuff to derail the thread. Instead of punish those who respond to troll. Why not ban the troll? @Ajamal
You guys had booked a slot for JF 17 for half a million USD for Demo in that second tire air show which you have to cancel upon knowing that Tejas is also going to participate.

Please provide the link of Liquid cool version. SO far as I know, KLJ 7 is an air cooled AESA which itself is an indicator of less powerful Radar which consumes lower electricity and doesn't heat too much because of that.
We have at least a few units being used outside of Pakistan. We knew no Gulf country was going to buy the JF-17. Why did you waste your 0.5M?. Did you really think the Gulf countries were going to buy the Tejas? Or with the sunset show they thought they were looking a propeller aircraft.
Just like the dream of US Navy using it as a trainer....

Having the pride of Indian aviation marketed to US Navy as a trainer aircraft should be humiliating enough
It's useless to ask us stop responding to flame bait becos those troll will keep posting and posting irrelevant stuff to derail the thread. Instead of punish those who respond to troll. Why not ban the troll? @Ajamal

Real trools are you guys who outrighly abuses other poster rathar than putting forward your point. You guys don't add value to forum. Why don't you report those troll posts. From now onwards, I will report your trolling and abusive post. Moderators will decide whose posts are trolling and abusive. @Irfan Baloch .
Indians arriving to wank themselves to death in requiem for tejas in


Goooooooooooo coconut power !

They are still recovering from the "F-16 package to Pakistan" shock....

And floating repeated propaganda in WION to save their sorry bhakt a$$es....

US, Australia and Philippines all interested in their Samosa Jet. Say What !!!!???? :ROFL:

This time it will be final blow, many of them will mix Endrin with Cow Kola and do the "Good Bye Cruel World" routine.....

I don't think it would do much against Typhoons or F-35Bs, but they have to start from somewhere. JF-17 is a good deal to revitalize their airforce.

Argentina economy is in really sorry state, they need some rides, any rides.

They can't afford Typhoons or even Gripens.

It’s funny how the Indians keep claiming they’ve offered Argentina the Tejas and that they’re “ready to sell” while also asking for more time to prepare it and not even having had a final analysis of the fighter. And if they’re raising concerns over inexperience with Chinese support, imagine how much concern there will be over Indian and Russian support with their much weaker industry.

An option which they’ve already discarded. If people here really think Argentina is getting fighters to fight the UK then I’m afraid they’ve got no understanding of The Argentine situation, they aren’t in any position it challenge the UK and it’ll stay that way, even their fighter deal is being pushed around because of that. The US won’t allow it and 12 fighters won’t make a difference no matter how good they are. They just need a functioning Air Force at this point, so please stop making bad comparisons people.
Weaker industry? So let's say Sweden is never able to supply spares for Gripen to Brazil? Might be that's how the people of the Philippines justify the spare parts problem of F/A-50.

Why do you think IAF signed 8000 crores worth of MRLS for Tejas for? Why in FMS deals there are separate defined values of spares?r But might be it's not a practice in PAF, so you guys don't know this about it.
BTW if you didn't know, half of the Tejas Mk 1A will use Elta ELM-2052 instead of Uttam. This is the level of confidence they have in Uttam :agree:

What this has to do with confidence?

Do you think changing radars and integrating at the last moment is like assembling a PC?

UTTAM is a just a bad copy of Russia zhuk ae which never make it to market.

View attachment 883892
Indian AESA tech is from Russia? :rofl: :rofl:

Mi gaad these guys, but such ignorance should prevail in our enemies.

Without exaggeration comparing Indian radar technology to Chinese is like comparing comparing Indian electronics technology industries to Chinese. Indian one barely exists, has less than 1/100 the investments and funding levels, has fewer research centers and universities to draw from, has no depth or spread of technology level. Meanwhile the Chinese one does everything from exporting to Germany, Japan, USA in battery technologies, computing, telecommunications, network computing, dedicated chip designs, beam forming technologies, GaN is old shit now already and Indians are planning to make GaA into service. It's worlds of levels apart not just one or two steps. At least 30 years of intensive R&D and industrial development with hundreds of billions in market cap style funding and top universities of continuous work.

The Indians think they can say some utter bullshit online and they somehow have all that stuff in reality.

Hence why this Indian says India beat China to Mars. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

The India (beat China) with this <14kg piece of shit orbiter (below) just because they had a Mars orbiter project while China was focusing on developing many launch vehicles, associated technologies, engines etc which India still does not even have on drawing boards in terms of performance level and many moon projects. Sure India got Mars orbit before China but during a time China managed to use to build a space lab for space station development. Enhanced deep space networks, a world leading GNS system with generations of satellites, extremely capable earth observation satellite constellations worth over 70 satellites of technologies from next gen SAR tech to meteorological to remote sensing and AI tracking of military and commercial vehicles, an actual space station and all associated tech, manned spacecraft replacing Shenzhou vehicle tested multiple times now, moon landings, rovers, and Mars landing and rover. And the list goes on and on particularly when discussing detailed componentry and the whole ecosystem of space tech but this Indian wants to talk about boring pointless orbit and who got where first.

Well lets sum up shall we:

Mar orbiter : India in 2014, China's first Mars orbiter reached orbit in 2021 in Orbiter + Lander + Rover mission.

Mars lander : India Z.E.R.O, China 2021.

Mars rover : India Z.E.R.O, China 2021.

Same for moon except China went twice and successfully landed twice and successfully rovered twice. India attempted once, failed once.

India's orbiter (14kg total payload - roughly the size of a microwave oven)

View attachment 883893

China's Mars mission (5000kg total payload)

View attachment 883894

View attachment 883895
yeah 2 steps behind

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Weaker industry? So let's say Sweden is never able to supply spares for Gripen to Brazil? Might be that's how the people of the Philippines justify the spare parts problem of F/A-50.

Why do you think IAF signed 8000 crores worth of MRLS for Tejas for? Why in FMS deals there are separate defined values of spares?r But might be it's not a practice in PAF, so you guys don't know this about it.

What this has to do with confidence?

Do you think changing radars and integrating at the last moment is like assembling a PC?

Indian AESA tech is from Russia? :rofl: :rofl:

Mi gaad these guys, but such ignorance should prevail in our enemies.

yeah 2 steps behind

View attachment 884360

Dekho mere Bhakt bhai,

When 4 Dhruv Helis supplied to Ecuadorean AF crashed in the span of as many years (and the Ecuadorians cancelled the contract), the ENTIRE AEROSPACE WORLD took note, not just South American Air Forces - or just Argentina. 2011-2015 was the time period.

You can kiss goodbye selling any prospective HAL products overseas - anywhere. Congo or Armenia maybe, after bribing high officials. Your dhokeybaaji did not even work in Bangladesh at suppliers' credit. We never bought Indian garbage, not even a single bullet. Your Defence Ministers starting with Parrikar all the way to Rajnath "Gobar" Singh paid monthly chai-biscuit visits and nothing happened, it never will either.

Even Indian armed forces divisions have problems accepting HAL products. You can't jeopardize pilots' precious lives with an immature product (even after copying all major systems from 1980's MBB heli products). Stop cutting corners - maybe it'll happen in some 4th world country like yours. But knowing your Sanghi tricks, the chances are rather dim.
Dekho mere Bhakt bhai,

When 4 Dhruv Helis supplied to Ecuadorean AF crashed in the span of as many years (and the Ecuadorians cancelled the contract), the ENTIRE AEROSPACE WORLD took note, not just South American Air Forces - or just Argentina. 2011-2015 was the time period.

You can kiss goodbye selling any prospective HAL products overseas - anywhere. Congo or Armenia maybe, after bribing high officials. Your dhokeybaaji did not even work in Bangladesh at suppliers' credit. We never bought Indian garbage, not even a single bullet. Your Defence Ministers starting with Parrikar all the way to Rajnath "Gobar" Singh paid monthly chai-biscuit visits and nothing happened, it never will either.

Even Indian armed forces divisions have problems accepting HAL products. You can't jeopardize pilots' precious lives with an immature product (even after copying all major systems from 1980's MBB heli products). Stop cutting corners - maybe it'll happen in some 4th world country like yours. But knowing your Sanghi tricks, the chances are rather dim.
Firstly, I don’t know what’s your problem, so much insecurity and jealousy.

If you hate Indians just for sake of hating us, that’s alright, but stop justifying it illogically.

You are looking so confused in every thread. Further, defence minister is not salesman, he is a cabinet minister. But might be as your whole country on sale, you thinking ministers all over the world like that.

And stop this idiocity that Indians are interested in selling anything tactical or strategic to BD, other day Bangladeshis were crying about it.

We have certain strategic issues with Myanmar, like tackling insurgents , and you think we backstab them for BD? You are day dreaming literally.

And why you are picking Ecuador issue, I never seen you picking how Indonesians crashed 4 aircraft’s out of 14 within span of 5-6 years, that’s a 30% fatality ratio.
Or this

But cherry picking and illogical hatredness is your nature.
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