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Argentina, China Could Jointly Develop Fighters

Argentina, recuperar las Malvinas por la vía diplomática, no estamos interesados ataque a la isla, ya que todo el mundo apoya reclamo soberano de Argentina sobre las islas, a excepción de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Canadá.

Pero hoy, el primer ministro Cameron, utilizando los medios de comunicación sensacionalistas y con el único deseo de permanecer en el poder, intenta hacerse pasar por los villanos de la película, que se extiende al Inglés pobres y sembrar el miedo en los kelpers.

Argentina compró y rearme porque el material bélico tiene más de 30 años y debe ser renovada, estoy a favor de la compra de la FC-1 / JF-17 J-10 y J-31, nuestro objetivo no es el Inglés, pero que necesitan para utilizar nosotros como una excusa para seguir robando dinero de los bolsillos de sus habitantes.

Lástima que las personas que las creen a Cameron y sus amigos. Ayer leí un informe qeu de Inglaterra que nos robó las Islas Falkland ha gastado £ 500.000 por habitante de la isla, la mayor parte en los altos salarios, mantienen una isla muy lejana improductivo a un alto costo y lo más gracioso es que cada avión, barco , la compra del arma gastan 20 veces más, no porque se puede (porque sus números son bastante cerca de la roja), sino porque es la mejor manera de robar votantes impuestos.

Argentina, recover the Falklands through diplomatic channels, we are not interested attack the island, since everyone supports Argentina's sovereign claim over the islands, except US, UK and Canada.

But today, the Prime Minister Cameron, using sensationalist media and with the sole desire of staying in power, tries to pose as the villains of the film, lying to the English poor and sowing fear in kelpers.

Argentina bought and rearming because the warlike material has more than 30 years and must be renewed, I am in favor of purchasing the FC-1 / JF-17 j-10 and J-31, our goal is not English but they need to use us as an excuse to continue stealing money from the pockets of its inhabitants.

I pity the people who believe them to cameron and his friends. Yesterday I read a report qeu from england who stole us the Falkland Islands has spent £ 500,000 per inhabitant of the island, most of it on high salaries, maintain an unproductive very distant island at high cost and the funniest thing is that each plane, boat, gun buy spend 20 times more, not because they can (because their numbers are quite close to the red) but because it is the best way to rob voters taxes.

I cant say I seen any of this on news so "Cameron" isnt really trying any political manoeuvres here, this forum is the only place I have seen the Falklands discussed in a while. I dont care about the Falklands and who it belongs to but if the people there are British and has always been so since before your existence as a country then really what argument do you have, they have never belonged to Argentina and are just near your nation, I doubt any Argentines really care either. Its a small mound of dirt in a fairly cold boring place, I think the UK government should split revenue just to keep your government quiet about it but its always a point to bring up when whichever one of your failing governments is losing favour, I dont think I would want to live in a place run by your government though, living standards would drop instantly.
The whalers who inhabited the island were expelled by the British company robbing the lands and islands such whalers were Argentines and other nationalities.
before had been inhabited by another nation and neglect, the island is in Argentine territorial waters within 200 nautical miles and belongs to the same continental shelf as it is an extention of the territory.
Islanders must go to England voluntarily or stay low peacefully Argentina flag, all UN and give us the right, but England as colonialist and pirates do not return the stolen either by force or hong kong malvinas territories, Gribraltar, etc.

England is not presented in the table of decolonization, but peacefully in support of worldwide islands will return to our homeland and usurpers iran.

During the Falkland war France gave source codes from the Argentinian Mirages to the British. At this point upgrading the Mirages is not a cost effective option. Argentina needs a new platform, preferably something not French or even European because what happened in 1982 with source codes can happen again. Although Argentina can afford some reasonably expensive aircraft it can not afford too many, and it can not afford anything that is overly expensive to operate.

The J-10 and JF-17 would fit perfectly but there is also some viable options such as the newer Mig-29 variants. The F-CK-1, or the South Korean T-50.
the high command of the armed forces have preferences for NATO material, but after the British blockades these interests are bowing to Chinese material, the Russian material was relegated for their high maintenance cost and because the air forces of Argentina do not use engine airplanes
the high command of the armed forces have preferences for NATO material, but after the British blockades these interests are bowing to Chinese material, the Russian material was relegated for their high maintenance cost and because the air forces of Argentina do not use engine airplanes

The Grippen is nothing special, it's a pretty lack luster aircraft. It's range and payload is not great, its radar is nothing special or outstanding. Other European aircraft are just far too expensive and out of reach for Argentina due to politics. As for Russian aircraft being expensive to operate and having high maintenance costs. That was true for older Russian aircraft but newer Russian aircraft are much cheaper to operate. Newer engines means much longer service life and time between overhauls (TBO) are less, not to mention newer engines have less fuel consumption.The same for the airframe, the airframes themselves require less maintenance and last much longer. Something like a Mig-29K or KUB is a perfect option because it is a true multirole aircraft, that has improved earlier Mig-29 short comings such as low fuel capacity and high maintenance.
I cant say I seen any of this on news so "Cameron" isnt really trying any political manoeuvres here, this forum is the only place I have seen the Falklands discussed in a while. I dont care about the Falklands and who it belongs to but if the people there are British and has always been so since before your existence as a country then really what argument do you have, they have never belonged to Argentina and are just near your nation, I doubt any Argentines really care either. Its a small mound of dirt in a fairly cold boring place, I think the UK government should split revenue just to keep your government quiet about it but its always a point to bring up when whichever one of your failing governments is losing favour, I dont think I would want to live in a place run by your government though, living standards would drop instantly.

Exactly.........i don't think many in the UK or Argentina, really care about the Falklands..........i mean its really just a bleak, cold, wind swept, barren, miserable island, and i dont think anyone really would want to live there. Its just the fact that for sometime 2 or 3 thousand British people settled down to live there.
If the Argentinian junta, in 1982 hadnt decided to invade the islands............then i pretty much think the Falklands would still of been unknown to most of the worlds population.
The Grippen is nothing special, it's a pretty lack luster aircraft. It's range and payload is not great, its radar is nothing special or outstanding. Other European aircraft are just far too expensive and out of reach for Argentina due to politics. As for Russian aircraft being expensive to operate and having high maintenance costs. That was true for older Russian aircraft but newer Russian aircraft are much cheaper to operate. Newer engines means much longer service life and time between overhauls (TBO) are less, not to mention newer engines have less fuel consumption.The same for the airframe, the airframes themselves require less maintenance and last much longer. Something like a Mig-29K or KUB is a perfect option because it is a true multirole aircraft, that has improved earlier Mig-29 short comings such as low fuel capacity and high maintenance.
si, por eso la combinacion de un avion chino economico con posibilidades de motor ruso nos viene muy bien, el gripen es un proyecto de brasil con suecia que puede que compremos 24 aviones solo si parte de las piezas se fabrican aca

if, so the combination of a Chinese economic possibilities plane with Russian engine comes very well, the gripen is a project of Brazil with sweden who may purchase 24 aircraft only if some parts are manufactured here
The Grippen is nothing special, it's a pretty lack luster aircraft. It's range and payload is not great, its radar is nothing special or outstanding. Other European aircraft are just far too expensive and out of reach for Argentina due to politics. As for Russian aircraft being expensive to operate and having high maintenance costs. That was true for older Russian aircraft but newer Russian aircraft are much cheaper to operate. Newer engines means much longer service life and time between overhauls (TBO) are less, not to mention newer engines have less fuel consumption.The same for the airframe, the airframes themselves require less maintenance and last much longer. Something like a Mig-29K or KUB is a perfect option because it is a true multirole aircraft, that has improved earlier Mig-29 short comings such as low fuel capacity and high maintenance.

Lots of Chinese jet still operate on Russian engines.
but I thought the 29K is for carrier based only? what is the status for mig-29M or Mig-35 program ?
I think the biggest competitor to the mig is actually the SU-30MK, since the cost is not much higher and have a near perfect air frame.
Lots of Chinese jet still operate on Russian engines.
but I thought the 29K is for carrier based only? what is the status for mig-29M or Mig-35 program ?
I think the biggest competitor to the mig is actually the SU-30MK, since the cost is not much higher and have a near perfect air frame.
Su-30MK is expensive to operate and Russia after sales service is not very good. Just ask China and India and you know the answer.
Lots of Chinese jet still operate on Russian engines.
but I thought the 29K is for carrier based only? what is the status for mig-29M or Mig-35 program ?
I think the biggest competitor to the mig is actually the SU-30MK, since the cost is not much higher and have a near perfect air frame.

The Mig-29k is carrier based but so is the F-18 and the F-18 is used by Malaysia, Canada, Finland, Spain, Kuwait and Australia. As for the Mig-35 program, i do not keep close tabs on it. The last i heard Russia placed an order for the Mig-35 but so far it's not operational.
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