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Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

Jan 16, 2013
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Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

First unofficially and then slowly they would coalesce and then they would officially declare that Europe is one country united in every sense.

Isn't this happening? Am I not right?
No, not possible in immediate future .. there is alot of nationalism and mistrust between all major countries.. like Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Outside EU. Switzerland...
EU will be more frigile after brexit.
1000s of years of History,culture,Civilizations can not be forgotten by mare 2 generations of Brainwashing...
I hope EU learns lessons after Brexit. Unless all European countries unite, we all will face the risk of turning irrelevant in the medium term and after. Brexit is the direct result of the nostalgic old brits feeling irrelevant in current world dominated by US, Russia and China. Subconsciously, they crave for the good old days of post world war relevance they had and days of mighty empire. And they used EU as scapegoat, while continuing to be in denial of the changing world order. Future is going to be dominated by big countries with big populations like US, China, India and Brazil. Countries of few millions of people will saturate in their economic power/output and as consequence their hold on world affairs. And thus by becoming a large federal state EU will maintain the large size and population and as a result its say in world matters. Its time for us to change and adapt to what's coming or else face becoming irrelevant.
Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

First unofficially and then slowly they would coalesce and then they would officially declare that Europe is one country united in every sense.

Isn't this happening? Am I not right?
Britain has decided to leave EU :lol:, Hungary...Poland are also very suspicious of EU intent!
1000s of years of History,culture,Civilizations can not be forgotten by mare 2 generations of Brainwashing...

What is needed to create a European nation is for a non European country that unite and colonize the whole Europe. Impose its language and political system on Europe. After two hundred years, give European independence. European can then claim that Europe as a country existed since ancient times such as Greece and Rome were Europeans and Europe as a country existed under Rome. Charlemagne's empire is actually an empire of the European country. These future European can also claim that Napoleon and Hitler were trying to unite Europe. They were not creating an empire for France or Germany. So even though European never existed as a country, after two hundred years of colonialism, these future Europeans can claim that Europe was always a country that was separated by regional rulers and use Ancient Rome as evidence. :rofl:

I think that most Indians would agree that my arguement is a sound arguement.
1000s of years of History,culture,Civilizations can not be forgotten by mare 2 generations of Brainwashing...
Exactly why those 60 plus independence moments in your artificial British created nation "India" will eventually succeed, it is most inevitable:lol:
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