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Area where 16 BSF men were killed to go to Bangladesh

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You are welcome to come to Lucknow and have Kebab. However, please get a VISA and come legally. Don't come hiding through the paddy fields.
Aur haan, takeover se yaad aya, have you heard of RAWAMI league?
@MandarK - Next time we should not stop at our border rather go beyond Rajmahal hills and take over Lucknow and bring that under the fold of Muslim again. Why should we miss Lucknow Kebab when those are rightfully ours.


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Iajdani himself is a Rawami dalal, ask idune or mullah zakir if you don't believe me.
It is foolish of Bangladeshis to think that if India will have to occupy Bangladesh to punish it.

Biggest Bangladeshi disadvantage(more than even its lack of quality weapons or equivalent forces) in case of a hypothetical Indo-Bangla conflict is it is geography.

It is practically surrounded by India on 3 sides(except a small section of none too friendly Mayanmar) and one side water(Indian Navy)

If India really wanted to punish Bangladesh ..
It would simply impose a Naval blockade on Bangladesh.Bangladesh will be starved of oil..It will stop your water, your crops will die, your economy will crumble.

Destroy Bangladeshi military infrastructure from air or by precise surgical ops(military installations , airbases, naval bases, aircraft, ships, bridges etc). Bangladesh does not have adequate defenses to prevent this.

While Indian army will stay on Indian border preventing any attempts at counterattack by your army. It unlikely Bangladeshi army(with it present force and equipment, can mount any serious attack into India.

Entire Bangladesh can be captured in few weeks if Indian army goes on an offensive into Bangladesh...but I can not foresee a need for it at this point. Usually a country is invaded and captured if the invading forces hope to install a new regime(as in 1971 or as US did in Afghanistan and Iraq).However invasion is more time and resource consuming arrangement.
However if just a case "teaching a lesson" a simple economic sanctions followed by naval blockade will suffice.
If India really wanted to punish Bangladesh ..
It would simply impose a Naval blockade on Bangladesh.Bangladesh will be starved of oil..It will stop your water, your crops will die, your economy will crumble.

Destroy Bangladeshi military infrastructure from air or by precise surgical ops(military installations , airbases, naval bases, aircraft, ships, bridges etc). Bangladesh does not have adequate defenses to prevent this.

While Indian army will stay on Indian border preventing any attempts at counterattack by your army. It unlikely Bangladeshi army(with it present force and equipment, can mount any serious attack into India.

Entire Bangladesh can be captured in few weeks if Indian army goes on an offensive into Bangladesh...but I can not foresee a need for it at this point. Usually a country is invaded and captured if the invading forces hope to install a new regime(as in 1971 or as US did in Afghanistan and Iraq).However invasion is more time and resource consuming arrangement.
However if just a case "teaching a lesson" a simple economic sanctions followed by naval blockade will suffice.

Do you even believe this fairy-tale yourself?
Yeah because we did that to you in 71.
Do you even believe this fairy-tale yourself?
Do you even believe this fairy-tale yourself?

Which part is fairy tale here?
A simple comparison of Indian and Bangladeshi force levels will tell you that can IAF can achieve air supremacy over Bangladeshi Skies in a matter of days if not hours.
A comparison Indian and Bangladeshi Naval forces will tell you, a couple of Delhi class destroyers have more firepower than entire Bangladeshi Navy.

A look at map of political map of region will tell you that Bangladeshi is almost completely surrounded by India except for a small border with Burma..and Burmese are not very fond Bangladeshis.

Imposing a economic and naval blockade will rather be a diplomatic exercise than a military one.India will have to withstand international pressure...but it will much easier than what India withstood, when it defied a superpower and two P5 Nations and created Bangladesh. Since Indian has more diplomatic clout and Bangladesh has no hardcore friends in UNSC. As far diplomacy is concerned India is there only friend, which has stood by it from its creation.

However this is entirely hypothetical exercise , for I do not think Bangladeshi govt(does not matter which) will be foolish enough to antagonize there much..much larger neighbor and there only friend in the region.
1.The last General sent by the ruler of Delhi, Man Singh, was taught a lesson that India might recollect. And the Maratha raiders under Vashkar Pandit were also met similarly to be annihilated by Alivardi Khan. Likewise we intend to defend our country with a Doctrine of Traditional People's War. We are strong internally, and a resilient and intelligent people. Rarely in history have a people sacrificed so much to earn freedom. We know how to retain it.

2. And BD is not friendless like India. We have friends who encircle India. We are an important element of the Islamic Ummah. When India is the invader, we have many allies within India - Kashmiris, Khalistanis, Muslims, Bengalees, Maoists and the NE freedom-fighters. The day India dares to attack us will be the start of the final phase of our retrieving the sovereign nation that we had lost to the English on 23 June 1757.

1.The last General sent by the ruler of Delhi, Man Singh, was taught a lesson that India might recollect. And the Maratha raiders under Vashkar Pandit were also met similarly to be annihilated by Alivardi Khan. Likewise we intend to defend our country with a Doctrine of Traditional People's War. We are strong internally, and a resilient and intelligent people. Rarely in history have a people sacrificed so much to earn freedom. We know how to retain it.

2. And BD is not friendless like India. We have friends who encircle India. We are an important element of the Islamic Ummah. When India is the invader, we have many allies within India - Kashmiris, Khalistanis, Muslims, Bengalees, Maoists and the NE freedom-fighters. The day India dares to attack us will be the start of the final phase of our retrieving the sovereign nation that we had lost to the English on 23 June 1757.
1.The last General sent by the ruler of Delhi, Man Singh, was taught a lesson that India might recollect. And the Maratha raiders under Vashkar Pandit were also met similarly to be annihilated by Alivardi Khan. Likewise we intend to defend our country with a Doctrine of Traditional People's War. We are strong internally, and a resilient and intelligent people. Rarely in history have a people sacrificed so much to earn freedom. We know how to retain it.

2. And BD is not friendless like India. We have friends who encircle India. We are an important element of the Islamic Ummah. When India is the invader, we have many allies within India - Kashmiris, Khalistanis, Muslims, Bengalees, Maoists and the NE freedom-fighters. The day India dares to attack us will be the start of the final phase of our retrieving the sovereign nation that we had lost to the English on 23 June 1757.

1.The last General sent by the ruler of Delhi, Man Singh, was taught a lesson that India might recollect. And the Maratha raiders under Vashkar Pandit were also met similarly to be annihilated by Alivardi Khan. Likewise we intend to defend our country with a Doctrine of Traditional People's War. We are strong internally, and a resilient and intelligent people. Rarely in history have a people sacrificed so much to earn freedom. We know how to retain it.

2. And BD is not friendless like India. We have friends who encircle India. We are an important element of the Islamic Ummah. When India is the invader, we have many allies within India - Kashmiris, Khalistanis, Muslims, Bengalees, Maoists and the NE freedom-fighters. The day India dares to attack us will be the start of the final phase of our retrieving the sovereign nation that we had lost to the English on 23 June 1757.

Where were all these friends in1971????:lol::lol::lol:
Come back to real world delusional jamaati.
Where were all these friends in1971????:lol::lol::lol:
Come back to real world delusional jamaati.

Asad bhai was active in liberating Bangladesh in 1971, you have no idea who he is immature teenage Indian.
1.The last General sent by the ruler of Delhi, Man Singh, was taught a lesson that India might recollect. And the Maratha raiders under Vashkar Pandit were also met similarly to be annihilated by Alivardi Khan. Likewise we intend to defend our country with a Doctrine of Traditional People's War. We are strong internally, and a resilient and intelligent people. Rarely in history have a people sacrificed so much to earn freedom. We know how to retain it.

You need to stop living medieval times, war are not fought and won by ,

2. And BD is not friendless like India. We have friends who encircle India. We are an important element of the Islamic Ummah. When India is the invader, we have many allies within India - Kashmiris, Khalistanis, Muslims, Bengalees, Maoists and the NE freedom-fighters. The day India dares to attack us will be the start of the final phase of our retrieving the sovereign nation that we had lost to the English on 23 June 1757.

You encircle India..how?

Pakistanis: Has Pakistan made any commitment to help you in a conflict against India?In your entire history, since your independence,how many times have they even supported in your stand even diplomatically?

Chinese : They did not even care, when your Pakistani brethren were killing you en mass, why would they bother now ?Perhaps Chinese will lobby for your internationally..but if you think they will militarily intervene, then you are very wrong..they did not even intervene to save Pakistan..which is a very close ally of there's.

Who else ? Srilankans, Nepalese, Bhutan, Maldives?

Kashmiri , Kahlistani , Maoist: tell me the name of single Kashmiri, khalistani or Maoist leader you have links to or have helped in their time of need? So why would they help you?

You have some links to NE militants..but even now they are too few , too weak to cause any significant damage to India. A bomb blast here or there, would have not have any effect on Indian plans or cause any diversion of forces.

Muslim Ummaha or Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is joke, their diplomatic clout is minimal..they can not prevent Israel from bombing Lebanon or Palestine. India has much better diplomatic relations with most Muslim countries than Bangladesh has.

Only thing you will realize if there were ever war b/w Indian and Bangladesh that wars are neither won by fantasizing about some victory which happened hundred of year years.
In a battlefield a force which is larger, better equipped, better trained and holds higher ground(ie air supremacy today's standard) will simply win.
When you could not save yourself against PA which killed BD like anything and they were still controlling Dhaka, what is the basis of your argument that BD forces can even cross border??

BD forces will be busy defending sea ports from IA.

What is the distance between Dhanka and New delhi??

Do you really think your forces are capable enough to even enter NE?

We are killing BD on daily basis. Nothing has been done by your forces.

And for Moists, we are not even using Army against them. And in the event of war, Moist will be first to fight BD.

They were cowards who were using civilians as a shield. In an all out war, no one will care about BD civilians. We will bomb them all.

:lol: :rofl:

This is not some video game where you will simply enter an area and do all your stuff.

How will you even reach Delhi? With the starting of war we will impose a naval and air blockade. All BD Military installations, Govt building and other important building will be bombed with hundereds of missiles. In the absence of Military and govt, BD will collapse automatically.

We must ensure that India suffers in this war and that Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta suffer.[/B]

You cant ensure that. You have nothing which can hit Delhi or Calcutta. While we ill ensure that nobody is left in BD.

We dont even require a nuclear bomb for that. We will simply give a free hand to BSF.

Bhai jaan agar pic dekh k attack possible hota to duniya me kuch na bacta.

We have seen how good BD troops are. Once the news of Indian attack will reach your forces, they will start killing each other.

That was a mistake but your men killed without any mistake or confusion..

The BDR Massacre in Bangladesh

100k will be armed one.

You are not afghanistan.

You are not finland.

You are not vietnam.

You are not vietnam.

You are not algeria.

We will leave after some 2000 years. Dont worry about that.

Because Indian Army was supporting the struggle. Without IA help more than 300k BD died in just 9 months.

All the BD will be provided with food and clothes. They will consider as Gods.

You became free because Indian Army was fighting for you. You could not achieved independence without IA's help.

This time no country will help you.

Allah is not only yours gentlemen......he loves everyone.

Is this a joke or retard comment?? Most of the armed personnel live away from their parents and children. Whats new in that??

And you think IA's convoy moves with wives and children of armed personnel?? :lol:

(Post Marked for future reference)

The moment we will attack BD, all the poor of BD which are oppressed by the elites of BD will join IA. This will be like a second liberation war for BD.

For that you will be required to enter India. Given the hostile population of India coupled with a free hand of BSF, you will be seen somewhere near bay of bengal.

So the unfriendly faction will grab the opportunity??

Indianexpress.com : comments : 'Bangladesh backstabbed ULFA movement'

ULFA will be ready to take revenge.

The same attitude will inspire the poor of BD to fight against BD forces. They will be very angry that their own forces are not accepting their dead.

And all the disruptive elements were sent behind the bars.

No problem with that. Atleast we will grab a huge amount of land.

Even in 1991 we were standing tall. We will continue to do so.

Your country is nothing but a group of hungry and poor people forced to live in congested land. With an Indian attack, these all will snatch the riches which are in the hands of few Bangladeshies.

Why you are supporting my point?? I said clearly that Muslim world will not do anything. They did nothing for the Rohingya.

But did they send them??

You are not afghanistan. Secondly USA was also giving help to Afghans. Who will support you??


yeah thanks to BD.

And why should we occupy sri-lanka?? Going by same logic you could not occupy Burma.

Heck yoou could not even help Rohingyas and those were crushed by Burma.

All BD must come to reality. Making underwears for the world will not give you any support. Do something better.

One of the most moronic and idiotic posts ever written on this forum.

Unsurprisingly it was an Indian and not a Pakistani, a Chinese, an American, a Jew or a Martian.

I just don't know where to begin refuting this Uttar Pradeshi (Uttar Pradesh is soon to cease to exist and to be wiped off the map) and his nonsense.

1. The scenario which I gave is based on a post-conventional occupation scenario.

Let us imagine that India can win a conventional war with Bangladesh (when it could not even invade the small island of Sri Lanka or even do what the Russians have done in Georgia and the Thais in Burma and create de facto independent statelets, despite India's Tamil nationalist politicians) then what would happen if there was an occupation of Bangladesh.

2. Uttar Pradeshi moron, of course the 100,000 Indian soldiers in your scenario would be armed, what differentiates a "soldier" from a civilian is that a soldier has weapons.

Do you understand?

If you don't, go to a 11 year old and he will explain the difference.

3. The north-east is not homogenous and consists of different ethnicities including races who are totally Christianized or being Christianized due to CIA-backed missionary work (Christians in Pakistan already ask for their own province, watch out for the American backed Christians of the north-east). If Bangladesh is occupied the 0.2 million Bangladeshi army will disperse and conduct a guerilla war. Indians already moan daily on this forum over fictitious Bangladeshi border crossings so how will they stop the army from doing so in a war situation.

4. We can attack Delhi, Mumbai with Islamic commandos using kamikaze tactics. What are "kamikaze" tactics? What is a kamikaze, ponder on it dim-witted Uttar Pradeshi from the soon to be non-existent, wiped off the map Uttar Pradesh (a state hated by many if not most Indians for producing arrogant clowns who think they are the true Indians and rulers of the country).

A commando would go in to an airport with a massive bomb and take out the entire airport even if himself is eliminated in the process.

We can also target Indian leaders such as Narendra Modi, Sonia Gandhi etc if they ever dare to attack our country.

This is war.

We will do everything we have to liberate ourselves and if it results in the disintegration of India (disintegration something which Uttar Pradesh is going to go through soon as it will be broken up) then so be it.

Using such tactics we can destroy India's airports, roads, rail stations, power stations, ports, stock exchange and cripple India economically.

5. Idiotic moron from Uttar Pradesh, state hated by the whole of India, we Bengalis liberated our country ourselves and India only got involved to cause trouble for Pakistan. India is no friend of Bangladesh and we look down on Indians as inferior and ourselves as superior. Even now in Dhaka (I am no friend of Pakistan), 90% of Bangladeshis will support Muslim Pakistan over Hindu India in cricket.

We fought and in fact we often laughed at how inept and cowardly the Indian soldiers were.

Thanks for "helping".

We clever and shrewd Bengalis made Punjabi fight Punjabi in 1971 while Bengalis (east and west, Muslim and Hindu) united and now we Bengalis of Bangladesh are far stronger than we ever were as part of Pakistan.

You now face a much larger army.

6. You are attributing everything to India as if poverty-stricken, insurgency plagued India which cannot even handle Maoists who are present in 1/3 of India is some sort of global power. In other threads

- Indians are threatening to send the Maldives to "the stone age"

- Indians are threatening Sri Lankans

- Indians are harassing Chinese posters and making trouble

You guys are nothing and you complain in day and night like women about "Illegal immigration" and then at the same time claim Bangladesh is a colony (yeah, right even Awami League run Bangladesh bans Indian films and doesn't give it transit), so if Bangladesh was a colony wouldn't it ensure no illegal immigration to India (as per your claims)?

Stop threatening to bomb, destroy, flood people's countries.

If you stop threatening other countries maybe you will finally get some respect, as it stands you are the most hated nationality on this forum. Even the westerners who you suck up to secretly look down on you as poor and inferior.

7. You know nothing about guerilla warfare.

Even Turkey which is the biggest military in Europe, 2nd in NATO and regularly wins NATO competitions has not been able to defeat Kurdish rebels and Kurds are at maximum 20 million.

The government is now hinting at speaking to PKK leader Ocalan to find a political solution to the conflict. Is India - the super-duper mega-powerful godfather and bully of Asia -behind this as well, behind the PKK success?

If Turkey cannot defeat the PKK (whose political wing only gets 5% of votes) and whose fighters number in thousands and who have no coast and just small arms, how can dirt poor India defeat and occupy 150 million Bangladesh?

You are a serious embarassment.

By the way Mr Uttar Pradeshi - from the soon to be non-existent, wiped off the map, "Uttar Pradesh" (RIP) - just to remind you:

Soldier = armed, civilian = unarmed.

Asad bhai was active in liberating Bangladesh in 1971, you have no idea who he is immature teenage Indian.

After the war everybody is a liberator:lol:lol:
If he was really involved in liberation,He should know better where were the so called "friends" in 1971.And Only immature teenager I see here are the people who harbours grandeur delusions of fighting war with India.
One of the most moronic and idiotic posts ever written on this forum.

Unsurprisingly it was an Indian and not a Pakistani, a Chinese, an American, a Jew or a Martian.

I just don't know where to begin refuting this Uttar Pradeshi (Uttar Pradesh is soon to cease to exist and to be wiped off the map) and his nonsense.

1. The scenario which I gave is based on a post-conventional occupation scenario.

Let us imagine that India can win a conventional war with Bangladesh (when it could not even invade the small island of Sri Lanka or even do what the Russians have done in Georgia and the Thais in Burma and create de facto independent statelets, despite India's Tamil nationalist politicians) then what would happen if there was an occupation of Bangladesh.

2. Uttar Pradeshi moron, of course the 100,000 Indian soldiers in your scenario would be armed, what differentiates a "soldier" from a civilian is that a soldier has weapons.

Do you understand?

If you don't, go to a 11 year old and he will explain the difference.

3. The north-east is not homogenous and consists of different ethnicities including races who are totally Christianized or being Christianized due to CIA-backed missionary work (Christians in Pakistan already ask for their own province, watch out for the American backed Christians of the north-east). If Bangladesh is occupied the 0.2 million Bangladeshi army will disperse and conduct a guerilla war. Indians already moan daily on this forum over fictitious Bangladeshi border crossings so how will they stop the army from doing so in a war situation.

4. We can attack Delhi, Mumbai with Islamic commandos using kamikaze tactics. What are "kamikaze" tactics? What is a kamikaze, ponder on it dim-witted Uttar Pradeshi from the soon to be non-existent, wiped off the map Uttar Pradesh (a state hated by many if not most Indians for producing arrogant clowns who think they are the true Indians and rulers of the country).

A commando would go in to an airport with a massive bomb and take out the entire airport even if himself is eliminated in the process.

We can also target Indian leaders such as Narendra Modi, Sonia Gandhi etc if they ever dare to attack our country.

This is war.

We will do everything we have to liberate ourselves and if it results in the disintegration of India (disintegration something which Uttar Pradesh is going to go through soon as it will be broken up) then so be it.

Using such tactics we can destroy India's airports, roads, rail stations, power stations, ports, stock exchange and cripple India economically.

5. Idiotic moron from Uttar Pradesh, state hated by the whole of India, we Bengalis liberated our country ourselves and India only got involved to cause trouble for Pakistan. India is no friend of Bangladesh and we look down on Indians as inferior and ourselves as superior. Even now in Dhaka (I am no friend of Pakistan), 90% of Bangladeshis will support Muslim Pakistan over Hindu India in cricket.

We fought and in fact we often laughed at how inept and cowardly the Indian soldiers were.

Thanks for "helping".

We clever and shrewd Bengalis made Punjabi fight Punjabi in 1971 while Bengalis (east and west, Muslim and Hindu) united and now we Bengalis of Bangladesh are far stronger than we ever were as part of Pakistan.

You now face a much larger army.

6. You are attributing everything to India as if poverty-stricken, insurgency plagued India which cannot even handle Maoists who are present in 1/3 of India is some sort of global power. In other threads

- Indians are threatening to send the Maldives to "the stone age"

- Indians are threatening Sri Lankans

- Indians are harassing Chinese posters and making trouble

You guys are nothing and you complain in day and night like women about "Illegal immigration" and then at the same time claim Bangladesh is a colony (yeah, right even Awami League run Bangladesh bans Indian films and doesn't give it transit), so if Bangladesh was a colony wouldn't it ensure no illegal immigration to India (as per your claims)?

Stop threatening to bomb, destroy, flood people's countries.

If you stop threatening other countries maybe you will finally get some respect, as it stands you are the most hated nationality on this forum. Even the westerners who you suck up to secretly look down on you as poor and inferior.

7. You know nothing about guerilla warfare.

Even Turkey which is the biggest military in Europe, 2nd in NATO and regularly wins NATO competitions has not been able to defeat Kurdish rebels and Kurds are at maximum 20 million.

The government is now hinting at speaking to PKK leader Ocalan to find a political solution to the conflict. Is India - the super-duper mega-powerful godfather and bully of Asia -behind this as well, behind the PKK success?

If Turkey cannot defeat the PKK (whose political wing only gets 5% of votes) and whose fighters number in thousands and who have no coast and just small arms, how can dirt poor India defeat and occupy 150 million Bangladesh?

You are a serious embarassment.

By the way Mr Uttar Pradeshi - from the soon to be non-existent, wiped off the map, "Uttar Pradesh" (RIP) - just to remind you:

Soldier = armed, civilian = unarmed.


You are imagining way too much stuff.As a result you are have metal breakdown.:lol::lol:
Take a break or your head might explode.:lol:

Well done Indian at least you haven't threatened to "send us to the stone age" as an Indian threatened to do to the Maldives today on the forum.

1 billion + Nuclear India v 0.3 million island nation in the sea.

Anyway cowards will always threaten and bully, but in the real world we Bangladeshis will be ready to defend our country and to fight to the death to liberate it and if needs be to destroy Asia's biggest bully forever ;).
Checks and balances are always there. and Public anger/opinion is one of these. BD has changed alot and India can feel the change thats why you spew venom filled with racial slurs for Bangladeshis.

The contracts of head of the state does NOT make BD an Indian colony

Are you saying that I am spewing venom filled with racial slurs on Bangladeshi's. Are you joking? First of all how can I hurl racial abuses on them when Indians and Bangladeshis are of the same race. And Second show me one post where I have racially abused anyone whether Bangladeshi or others.

Atleast read your lines first before posting them. Pretty amazing that you are a PDF Veteran. Waise frankly if you haven't learned this even after posting 24,839 times probably its too late for you.
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