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Are We Children of a lesser God: PM Imran Khan, UNGA

The problem is not limited to words but to the context in which they are used.His speech represents that he is referring to GOD ALMIGHTY and lesser is used as idiom.I am not making accusation that his intention was to commit shirk but I think that he has not chosen right words which may have delivered same message in effective manner
There is no shirk in what he said.
Intentional or otherwise.
"are we children of lesser god ?"
i am sure mullah diesel will issue a fatwa of shirk on IK and his followers will chant slogans against.:lol:

oh what the hell. i wrote this comment without going through the entire thread by the way of joke but then i went through the comments sections and found it amusing and astonishing that a patwari has already taken it as a matter of shirk. hilarious.:omghaha::sarcastic:

10000000000 guns salute to a patwari............you are even ahead of mullah diesel. congratulations. this reminds me of a joke. in a village there was a mirasi who developed some enmity against the khateeb . the khateeb was giving khutba on jummah and he said " qala rasool Allah ......"in arabic and then the mirassi immediately got up and said to the people dekho iss nay rasool ka kala kah dia hay and the people beat up the khateeb. :lol::rofl:

"Children of a lesser God" is Sarcasm on humanity. It basically means why are people focused on doing bad things...instead of living good and pious lives like the Almighty expects...if we are supposed to be reflecting goodness but are only doing bad things then by that logic we must have been made with an inherent design flaw by some second-rate God.
"Children of a lesser God" is Sarcasm on humanity. It basically means why are people focused on doing bad things...instead of living good and pious lives like the Almighty expects...if we are supposed to be reflecting goodness but are only doing bad things then by that logic we must have been made with an inherent design flaw by some second-rate God.
What it means is one rule for the powerful and another for the rest.
"Children of a lesser God" is Sarcasm on humanity. It basically means why are people focused on doing bad things...instead of living good and pious lives like the Almighty expects...if we are supposed to be reflecting goodness but are only doing bad things then by that logic we must have been made with an inherent design flaw by some second-rate God.
it basically means why humanity dies when it comes to Muslims?!

Muslims in thousands to millions can be effected and no one bats an eye...Few tens of European or 6 million Jews can make a hue cry for decades?!
it basically means why humanity dies when it comes to Muslims?!

Muslims in thousands to millions can be effected and no one bats an eye...Few tens of European or 6 million Jews can make a hue cry for decades?!

The hue and cry are made by those affected. For instance ~3 Billion Chinese and Indians are not crying for those Jews.
And hence are we (the effected) a lesser being than the Jews (who were ALSO effected) ?

Well unfortunately you have to sway 1 Billion+ people on the far right of you and another 1 Billion+ of the World to your left.
Well unfortunately you have to sway 1 Billion+ people on the far right of you and another 1 Billion+ of the World to your left.
Why would the Chinese need to concern themselves with the Jews suffered from atrocity during ww2 when the Chinese suffered the same atrocity during the same WW2 period by the emperialist Japan after the leauge of nations imposted the unfair treaty and tried to colonized China prior to the broke out of WW2?
Why would the Chinese need to concern themselves with the Jews suffered from atrocity during ww2 when the Chinese suffered the same atrocity during the same WW2 period by the emperialist Japan after the leauge of nations imposted the unfair treaty and tried to colonized China prior to the broke out of WW2?

Exactly. It's usually countries that are directly affected that are doing the crying...the rest are apathetic. With Kashmir you have a huge chunk of the World in apathy.
Exactly. It's usually countries that are directly affected that are doing the crying...the rest are apathetic. With Kashmir you have a huge chunk of the World in apathy.
In real world no one can fight the battle for anyone, one can only hope you get some help within your fight.
The speech was good.

But it will change nothing.

It did not change entire countries from being invaded. Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and so on.

The non Muslim world DOES NOT care about Muslims.
Read the comments of the Americans posted under this article to find out how much the American public hates Islam and Muslims. This is for those people on this forum who hold the Americans in a high and mighty place like the mods here who keep punishing me for expressing my thoughts against Americans
you cannot define American public based on what is posted under an article, keeping in mind multiple posts from one id, fake names, multiple ids, and the fact that the ones who posts there would be the ones who have an opinion on the article which does not mean it represents all American public, lastly, not all Muslims represent themselves in the best of way so there will be people pointing that out
i think it would be more appropriate if he said that are we not creatures and servant of same GOD ALMIGHTY WHO made you western people
What nonsense. IK is using entirely the correct media and articulations to make his points in the specific forum he is in.

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