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Are U.S. Defense Experts Getting China Wrong?

China is a phenomena never seen neither experienced before so to judge and analyse it from behind the desk by some uni professor with the point of view of scamming more money out of Washington so professor could pay his next mortgage bill is quiet childish . And as far the question of if they have guts to do what they say, u (Indians) should have no doubt about that. Considering what china did to india in the past(war between india and china) and the way they treat u at the present( in their territorial claims on indian territory) is very obvious that Chinese metal is very hard.

so basically you are saying, don't believe this article and yet fear the Chinese based on a half baked 62 effort and some border issues, even if Indians hold an entire state that china claims to be it's? .
it is already treated as an independent country by china itself. it gets to reap all the benefits without the cost. why bother changing the status-quo

btw TW bought close to $6billion in weapons from US last year.

If China treated Taiwan as an independent country...I don't have objection :cool:
Never mind. Go in peace. Nobody cares whether or not you look like an idiot. What else should you look like, after all?

yeah right and take it from me try not to defend the undefendable , you are not in position to lecture or criticise us on anything
yeah right and take it from me try not to defend the undefendable , you are not in position to lecture or criticise us on anything

Tomorrow morning, 7:45. Try not to be late, and bring your own balloons and tricycles.
1. Indians as usual trolling and ruining a thread, with insults and attacks on others.

2. China and the US are far closer in military parity than many may think.

This is how military power works.

a: Ability to protect capital (e.g. Syrian civil war, Qaddafi before his fall). In this stage a national government such as in Afghanistan may not control the entire country but does control the capital.

b: Ability to protect capital and other key cities/areas.

Burma is in this stage as they control major cities but not large parts of the country.

c: Ability to control the entire territory and impose government writ on it.

Most governments are in this category, all EU members are, Bangladesh is (Pakistan is closer to B due to insurgencies and terrorism)

d: Ability to defend the motherland from any foreign attack, and all aggressors deterred.

Only strong states such as China fall in to this. No one on earth including the US would dare think of attacking mainland China. China has defended her national territory.

e: Ability to protect interests in the neighbourhood or region.

A state may be severely affected by things outside its borders or want to ensure stability in its borders. Russia is in this stage as it projects power over ex-USSR regions, China is now at this stage including the clashes over the South China sea.

f: Ability to project influence in regions other than yours.

g: Ability to project global military power.

Only the US truly has that capability.

China is seeking to go from e to f. I do not even think China is interested in g unless it has to out of compulsion.

The US is at g but in the next few decades (if it doesn't break up) deteriorate to f than e and so on.
No one has mentioned Pakistan in this after all I believe Pakistan scientists are involved in helping China with modernisation never underestimate Pakistan's engineers with their know how experience.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice one bro. I really needed my morning laugh :D
Any entrepreneurial spirit?

are you trying to recruit me :). I've been in this market ( gaming ) for 16 years now. Mahender satyam at one point was trying to get me to head a division in the US
are you trying to recruit me :). I've been in this market ( gaming ) for 16 years now. Mahender satyam at one point was trying to get me to head a division in the US

LMAO. No bro. I wish I was in such a position. I think there is a great way to intiate real change in India.... but it requires using the kind of skills you have. Im in healthcare looking to switch to IT but Im worried about job opportunitie, but If I pave my own path it doesn;t matter. I cant PM, so if you are interested shoot me an email at aphilip09@gmail.com
A thief belives all men are dishonest,

tell that to your muliti companies like google ,apple and samsung were they not suing each others to death all over the world for stealing intellectual property? yes i agreed with you they are all thief
tell that to your muliti companies like google ,apple and samsung were they not suing each others to death all over the world for stealing intellectual property? yes i agreed with you they are all thief

Nope they are worse a theif will steal but a lawyer will rob you blind then send you a bill for doing it. ;)

And they arent my companies
Some westerners are very ignorant, thats what I have seen in UK. They think they are the best in the world, without even doing any search.
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