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Are these dreams normal?

I don't think these dreams has any tafseer to it either.There may be some indirect explanations in quran,but it surely won't affect you.

I'd suggest you to keep yourselves happy bro!

Thanks brother, I will stay happy but I want you to make prayers for me and all of us that Allah(SWT) softens our hearts and washes them with Emaan. Amen.
........Islamically speaking (no science jumbo mumbo) it is coz the Shaitaan isnt allowing you to get close to ALLAH....


Then you all complain why people make fun of Islamism

In 2014, people need to check with their shrink

What is is this Islamic mumbo jumbo (your words not mine)

Sorry to see educated people going stone age

so sorry to see

Then you all complain why people make fun of Islamism

In 2014, people need to check with their shrink

What is is this Islamic mumbo jumbo (your words not mine)

Sorry to see educated people going stone age

so sorry to see

Okay since we are so 'stone age' because we believe in a God and way of life why don't you tell us your idea on life.
Okay since we are so 'stone age' because we believe in a God and way of life why don't you tell us your idea on life.

Believing in God doesn't mean I have to believe in fairies and fairy-"tails".

If someone has medical or psychological issues, the best thing is to go the appropriate clinic.

and not start yet another religious mumbo jumbo stuff.

Hope you understand.
i dnt dream... n when i do ... its mostly nightmare... or as if im falling ... n when i hit the ground... i ltrly get a jolt or something tht wakes me up..

Not to forget the >good< dreams.... :lol:

Then you all complain why people make fun of Islamism

In 2014, people need to check with their shrink

What is is this Islamic mumbo jumbo (your words not mine)

Sorry to see educated people going stone age

so sorry to see
Thanks for your input in derailing!
Believing in God doesn't mean I have to believe in fairies and fairy-"tails".

If someone has medical or psychological issues, the best thing is to go the appropriate clinic.

and not start yet another religious mumbo jumbo stuff.

Hope you understand.

Okay brother, and neither do I believe in fairy tales but some things were willed by God to happen. This however doesn't mean I believe any dream is some sort of sign, I actually think this is due to being tired on days or thinking too much.

It's rare to have dreams that are religious signs and this is the stance in Islam. Very few dreams are actually signs from God and everything requires proper investigation and it's called 'tafseer' in Islam.

So are you an practicing Muslim or agnostic brother?

i dnt dream... n when i do ... its mostly nightmare... or as if im falling ... n when i hit the ground... i ltrly get a jolt or something tht wakes me up..

Not to forget the >good< dreams.... :lol:

I don't dream much except when I get little sleep I have back to back dreams. And geesh brother, don't bring up those disturbing dreams...:D

They are very awkward because everything happens so fast and with real life people....you know what let stop here this getting too explicit ...:lol:

Should only be PM material. :blink::laughcry:
Okay brother, and neither do I believe in fairy tales but some things were willed by God to happen. This however doesn't mean I believe any dream is some sort of sign, I actually think this is due to being tired on days or thinking too much.

It's rare to have dreams that are religious signs and this is the stance in Islam. Very few dreams are actually signs from God and everything requires proper investigation and it's called 'tafseer' in Islam.

So are you an practicing Muslim or agnostic brother?

Good for you.

I am practicing Muslim. Thank you. But I do like Eggnog :D
you all talking about bad dreams. Please visit an appropriate clinitc

For you all single brothers, drink a glass of milk before going to bed. No bad dreams then. only happy thoughts

What I hear is that if the dreams still persist.

people say then get married. you will have nightmares even when you are awake :D

Perfect solution for ending night time dreams
You think so? Could you elaborate more? And I'm very strong about these dreams I wake up and am perfectly normal and calm my family down. I'm not afraid of such things but what's odd is I'm starting to understand them more. So before I didn't expect a dream to take a turn, this time I knew what was coming and was asking my father to wake me up. I wonder how the next time will be. I want to win this battle if it indeed is a battle I'm trying to have a clean heart as much as possible.

Thanks brother.
Alright,I will explain you in PM of reasons.Rightnow,if you are reciting any surah too much then I suggest you to stop,plus I advise you to use less salt in your food.Stand up where you are sitting and get any sweet candy or chocolate to eat.If you have chocolate rightnow then I suggest you to eat it.Recite ayat ul kursi,last four surah and distract yourself.whatever I am advising you has religious and spiritual reasons.


Then you all complain why people make fun of Islamism

In 2014, people need to check with their shrink

What is is this Islamic mumbo jumbo (your words not mine)

Sorry to see educated people going stone age

so sorry to see

This is a continuation from the other thread. Sorry if I have offended you in any way, because I know you are a Muslim (I am an Atheist)

I have no problem with people believing in religion. Individual rights and all, But I hate when people dismiss science as mumbo jumbo when they use the internet, and the computer to dismiss science, without which, we will still be in the stone age.

Good for you.

I am practicing Muslim. Thank you. But I do like Eggnog :D



consult a medical professional first. If not, go the religious route.
Good for you.

I am practicing Muslim. Thank you. But I do like Eggnog :D

May God accept us all together and give us good in this life and the hereafter,amen.

Let's try getting along even though we're different to politics. :D :)

What'd you say?

Alright,I will explain you in PM of reasons.Rightnow,if you are reciting any surah too much then I suggest you to stop,plus I advise you to use less salt in your food.Stand up where you are sitting and get any sweet candy or chocolate to eat.If you have chocolate rightnow then I suggest you to eat it.Recite ayat ul kursi,last four surah and distract yourself.whatever I am advising you has religious and spiritual reasons.


Are you playing a joke on me? :D

You're right...as a child I used to eat candy, now I don't eat at all candy or chips.

PM me anyways.
This is a continuation from the other thread. Sorry if I have offended you in any way, because I know you are a Muslim (I am an Atheist)

I have no problem with people believing in religion. Individual rights and all, But I hate when people dismiss science as mumbo jumbo when they use the internet, and the computer to dismiss science, without which, we will still be in the stone age.



consult a medical professional first. If not, go the religious route.

I stopped going to doctor for everything pretty much after I became 15, I only take pills when I get flu once in a while. Other than that I prefer to be natural.
I stopped going to doctor for everything pretty much after I became 15, I only take pills when I get flu once in a while. Other than that I prefer to be natural.

Thank god you are not a Woman

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