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Are these dreams normal?

May God accept us all together and give us good in this life and the hereafter,amen.

Let's try getting along even though we're different to politics. :D :)

What'd you say?

Are you playing a joke on me? :D

You're right...as a child I used to eat candy, now I don't eat at all candy or chips.

PM me anyways.
Do I look like a person who jokes around?I give you advise because I found it effective.Leave it anyways.
Do I look like a person who jokes around?I give you advise because I found it effective.Leave it anyways.

I have sensitive teeth and I get bothered by really sugary snacks or very salty food. Do you think a cup or two of coffee a day is a bad thing?
Basically, about two years ago I started having dreams in which I try to escape an scene in my dream and this results in me actually moaning loudly waking up my family. These dreams sometimes occur when I'm really tired and sleep late but not always. Anyways for example...: one of the first dreams I could remember was me at home and my sister was having a birthday party, I noticed a invisible presence there that was a lady only visible to me. I told my sister don't let the 'Shaytan' do this to you but I was telling the figure which was a older woman with like a sneaky looking face to get out. Something like that, however I left the house and started driving to a gas station, I was the only person in the streets and my car wouldn't allow me to control itself and it just veered off and started driving in a straight line thinking i was going to crash I began saying things and I woke up moaning.

A second time I was driving through a subdivision of homes and a white car was slow in front of me and I decided to overtake it as I was doing that my car got stuck to her car and this woman in her 20's had her eyes locked in my eyes and I was yelling the shahada and asking her what she wants.

Just right now I awaken, was dreaming that me and my family were shopping at like a Home Depot looking place, near the end, as we were moving towards the exit I saw a guy half way through the store....as I got closer to the exit I would see him again as if he just entered. This happened 4 times and again when we got to our car he appeared next to his car and started talking to me and I knew something was really fishy in that dream. He began telling me about something stupid like Dawla Islamiyya will lose in Lebanon. I'm not sure what this meant but I think it's my own thoughts. However he had a scary stare and I couldn't get rid of such figures in my dream until I completely wake up so in my dream i start yelling at my father telling him to wake me up and I woke up moaning loudly just now.

Are these normal thoughts or is this something I need Tafseer for? I never used to have this problem please help brothers and sister.

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @Talon .....does this have any significance in Islam?

Btw, it usually happens when I'm trying to increase my Iman and read more Quran and add extra prayers. What's confusing me is I never had such a thing although I may remember one time back in middies school I wasn't religious but not bad either but this girl had a Jewish star marked on her but was wearing hijab and grabbed my hand wouldn't let go of it and kept telling me I cook for the Jinn until I woke up and I was sleeping in a basement alone at the time.

When I was 8 or 9 I used to have this dream almost everyday, we lived in a 2nd floor of a 2 story house and we had access to roof for ourself and every evening me and my brother used to goto roof and play. In my dream I am leaning forward on the roof wall and suddenly my feet slip and I start to fall and always wake up before i hit the ground. I used to have this dream almost everyday, exactly the same dream...untill...one day my parent had gone out and asked us to stay home, but as usual we went to roof but my brother said we need to keep looking at the door since we had no lock to lock the door, so every now and then we would lean above a 3 foot wall around the stairs and make sure our front door is closed...you probably can tell where its going to lead now...rightly, on my turn when i leaned on the wall to check the door, my feet slipped and i came down hard on my head on the concrete floor, thankfully it was only one floor drop not like my dream which was 2 floors, but my fall was exactly the same as in my dreams...I was taken to hospital and had 6 stitches on the back of my head....I never had that dream again.

be safe brother
When I was 8 or 9 I used to have this dream almost everyday, we lived in a 2nd floor of a 2 story house and we had access to roof for ourself and every evening me and my brother used to goto roof and play. In my dream I am leaning forward on the roof wall and suddenly my feet slip and I start to fall and always wake up before i hit the ground. I used to have this dream almost everyday, exactly the same dream...untill...one day my parent had gone out and asked us to stay home, but as usual we went to roof but my brother said we need to keep looking at the door since we had no lock to lock the door, so every now and then we would lean above a 3 foot wall around the stairs and make sure our front door is closed...you probably can tell where its going to lead now...rightly, on my turn when i leaned on the wall to check the door, my feet slipped and i came down hard on my head on the concrete floor, thankfully it was only one floor drop not like my dream which was 2 floors, but my fall was exactly the same as in my dreams...I was taken to hospital and had 6 stitches on the back of my head....I never had that dream again.

be safe brother

You too brother...this is interesting I've never had direct dreams where something was reflected unto my life.
I have seen several dreams of me getting killed and even one time shooting myself in the head just to see whether it hurts or not. That's how much of a lunatic I am. Nevertheless I am alive and kicking up to this day and I really don't give half a f**k about death.
I have also seen a dream of me getting killed by gunshot. OMG! It was horrible. I felt horrible pain in dream. Then shouted loudly and woke up from bed.
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