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Are these dreams normal?


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Basically, about two years ago I started having dreams in which I try to escape an scene in my dream and this results in me actually moaning loudly waking up my family. These dreams sometimes occur when I'm really tired and sleep late but not always. Anyways for example...: one of the first dreams I could remember was me at home and my sister was having a birthday party, I noticed a invisible presence there that was a lady only visible to me. I told my sister don't let the 'Shaytan' do this to you but I was telling the figure which was a older woman with like a sneaky looking face to get out. Something like that, however I left the house and started driving to a gas station, I was the only person in the streets and my car wouldn't allow me to control itself and it just veered off and started driving in a straight line thinking i was going to crash I began saying things and I woke up moaning.

A second time I was driving through a subdivision of homes and a white car was slow in front of me and I decided to overtake it as I was doing that my car got stuck to her car and this woman in her 20's had her eyes locked in my eyes and I was yelling the shahada and asking her what she wants.

Just right now I awaken, was dreaming that me and my family were shopping at like a Home Depot looking place, near the end, as we were moving towards the exit I saw a guy half way through the store....as I got closer to the exit I would see him again as if he just entered. This happened 4 times and again when we got to our car he appeared next to his car and started talking to me and I knew something was really fishy in that dream. He began telling me about something stupid like Dawla Islamiyya will lose in Lebanon. I'm not sure what this meant but I think it's my own thoughts. However he had a scary stare and I couldn't get rid of such figures in my dream until I completely wake up so in my dream i start yelling at my father telling him to wake me up and I woke up moaning loudly just now.

Are these normal thoughts or is this something I need Tafseer for? I never used to have this problem please help brothers and sister.

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @Talon .....does this have any significance in Islam?

Btw, it usually happens when I'm trying to increase my Iman and read more Quran and add extra prayers. What's confusing me is I never had such a thing although I may remember one time back in middies school I wasn't religious but not bad either but this girl had a Jewish star marked on her but was wearing hijab and grabbed my hand wouldn't let go of it and kept telling me I cook for the Jinn until I woke up and I was sleeping in a basement alone at the time.
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Basically, about two years ago I started having dreams in which I try to escape an scene in my dream and this results in me actually moaning loudly waking up my family. These dreams sometimes occur when I'm really tired and sleep late but not always. Anyways for example...: one of the first dreams I could remember was me at home and my sister was having a birthday party, I noticed a invisible presence there that was a lady only visible to me. I told my sister don't let the 'Shaytan' do this to you but I was telling the figure which was a older woman with like a sneaky looking face to get out. Something like that, however I left the house and started driving to a gas station, I was the only person in the streets and my car wouldn't allow me to control itself and it just veered off and started driving in a straight line thinking i was going to crash I began saying things and I woke up moaning.

A second time I was driving through a subdivision of homes and a white car was slow in front of me and I decided to overtake it as I was doing that my car got stuck to her car and this woman in her 20's had her eyes locked in my eyes and I was yelling the shahada and asking her what she wants.

Just right now I awaken, was dreaming that me and my family were shopping at like a Home Depot looking place, near the end, as we were moving towards the exit I saw a guy half way through the store....as I got closer to the exit I would see him again as if he just entered. This happened 4 times and again when we got to our car he appeared next to his car and started talking to me and I knew something was really fishy in that dream. He began telling me about something stupid like Dawla Islamiyya will lose in Lebanon. I'm not sure what this meant but I think it's my own thoughts. However he had a scary stare and I couldn't get rid of such figures in my dream until I completely wake up so in my dream i start yelling at my father telling him to wake me up and I woke up moaning loudly just now.

Are these normal thoughts or is this something I need Tafseer for? I never used to have this problem please help brothers and sister.

@al-Hasani @Arabian Legend @Talon .....does this have any significance in Islam?

Btw, it usually happens when I'm trying to increase my Iman and read more Quran and add extra prayers. What's confusing me is I never had such a thing although I may remember one time back in middies school I wasn't religious but not bad either but this girl had a Jewish star marked on her but was wearing hijab and grabbed my hand wouldn't let go of it and kept telling me I cook for the Jinn until I woke up and I was sleeping in a basement alone at the time.

Hmmm....Well, if it is happening because you are tired then it is understandable that your mind has a list of things it cant seem to coordinate properly and they are causing such dreams...

If it is happening because you are increasing your imaan...I have heard of such stuff..

Islamically speaking (no science jumbo mumbo) it is coz the Shaitaan isnt allowing you to get close to ALLAH.... I remember my cousin was doing quran hafiz and he would wake up screaming and he had to discontinue though he had a nice voice....but he didnt stop being a Muslim...

Then again I had a classmate who told me if she couldnt sleep and something would bother her, she would do wudhu' and open the quran....start reading until (as she put it) "Shaitaan got fed up of her and put her to sleep himself" (so that she wont continue reading)...

1 of the advises I have heard is read lots of Surahs, Ayat Qursi and doas until your mind is sooo tired and at peace that you sleep without a dream...I usually do that when I am stressed I have a few things I read like Surah Fatiha (7x) Ayat Qursi (5x) the 4 Qul (3x) and if that doesnt help I listen to Nasheed or Quran recital on computer....It does knock me out soo bad sometimes I miss Fajr prayers :(
Hmmm....Well, if it is happening because you are tired then it is understandable that your mind has a list of things it cant seem to coordinate properly and they are causing such dreams...

If it is happening because you are increasing your imaan...I have heard of such stuff..

Islamically speaking (no science jumbo mumbo) it is coz the Shaitaan isnt allowing you to get close to ALLAH.... I remember my cousin was doing quran hafiz and he would wake up screaming and he had to discontinue though he had a nice voice....but he didnt stop being a Muslim...

Then again I had a classmate who told me if she couldnt sleep and something would bother her, she would do wudhu' and open the quran....start reading until (as she put it) "Shaitaan got fed up of her and put her to sleep himself" (so that she wont continue reading)...

1 of the advises I have heard is read lots of Surahs, Ayat Qursi and doas until your mind is sooo tired and at peace that you sleep without a dream...I usually do that when I am stressed I have a few things I read like Surah Fatiha (7x) Ayat Qursi (5x) the 4 Qul (3x) and if that doesnt help I listen to Nasheed or Quran recital on computer....It does knock me out soo bad sometimes I miss Fajr prayers :(

Thanks sister, can you elaborate more on 'Shaitiaan isn't allowing you to get close to Allah(SWT)'?

I will read these suras today inshallah.
Thanks sister, can you elaborate more on 'Shaitiaan isn't allowing you to get close to Allah(SWT)'?

I will read these suras today inshallah.
Well I am going to say from the point of Islam...so people who want to drag in science or whatever please refrain yourself!

Do you know the story of Iblees and Adam (AS)? I have picked the last part of the story (it is the Satan's goal and he swore an oath to lead us astray):

Then Iblees asked for a respite until the Day of Resurrection, and Allah granted him that. Allah says:

  • (Iblees (Satan)) said: "O my Lord! Give me then respite till the Day they (the dead) will be resurrected."
  • Allah said: "Then, verily, you are of those reprieved,
  • "Till the Day of the time appointed" (Quran, al-Hijr: 36 – 38).
When Iblees was certain that he was doomed, he resolved to mislead whomever he could from the slaves of Allah, so that they would be with him in Hell. Allah says:

  • (Iblees (Satan)) said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all.
  • "Except Your chosen, (guided) slaves among them" (Quran, al-Hijr: 39 – 40).
(Iblees) said: ‘Because You have sent me astray, surely, I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them as thankful ones (i.e. they will not be dutiful to You)’” (Quran, Al-Aaraf: 16,17)

Then we have other ayats:

(And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah . Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing.
(7: 200).)

“And if an evil whisper from Shaitan (Satan) tries to turn you away (O Muhammad) (from doing good), then seek refuge in Allah. Verily, He is the All Hearer, the All Knower” (Quran, Fussilat: 36).

And you can find many:

Mus'ab ibn 'Umair - The First Envoy of Islam

These are useless dreams and on having these we are advised to :

(a) Seek refuge with Allah from the evil of the dream

(b) Seek refuge with Allah from the evil of Shaitan

(c) Spit to his left three times (without saliva) on waking up

(d) Say two voluntary rakah on waking up

(e) Ask Allah for a good dream

(f) Turn over the side on which you were lying previously

(g) Not mention it to anyone

(h) Have a firm belief that it was a meaningless dream and it will not harm you

(i) Don't let it occupy your mind at all
Right following this dream sister I had another dream in which I met some old friends and I met a man who drove us to our school in a truck and he was telling me do you know that such and such phrase in Hebrew is such and such....he said something in Arabic I can't remember and told me it in Hebrew and I felt he was an holy man and I said bye to him and he expected high standards of me.
Right following this dream sister I had another dream in which I met some old friends and I met a man who drove us to our school in a truck and he was telling me do you know that such and such phrase in Hebrew is such and such....he said something in Arabic I can't remember and told me it in Hebrew and I felt he was an holy man and I said bye to him and he expected high standards of me.
My guess is you are reading up too much about Gaza conflict...Though that is only guess....
My guess is you are reading up too much about Gaza conflict...Though that is only guess....

Maybe you're right, I think too much about conflicts and everything else pretty much.

Maybe when I get married and children and wife become more of my concern I will allow my brain to relax.

You just freaked me out!

Why? o_O
Maybe you're right, I think too much about conflicts and everything else pretty much.

Maybe when I get married and children and wife become more of my concern I will allow my brain to relax.

Why? o_O
When someone say he's freaked out,don't ask him why!

One a serious note,I find these kinda problems common with people who are trying to become more religious bro,I've seen it with an aunt and a cousin.
Just have firm belief that allah is watching our us!
When someone say he's freaked out,don't ask him why!

One a serious note,I find these kinda problems common with people who are trying to become more religious bro,I've seen it with an aunt and a cousin.
Just have firm belief that allah is watching our us!

You think so? Could you elaborate more? And I'm very strong about these dreams I wake up and am perfectly normal and calm my family down. I'm not afraid of such things but what's odd is I'm starting to understand them more. So before I didn't expect a dream to take a turn, this time I knew what was coming and was asking my father to wake me up. I wonder how the next time will be. I want to win this battle if it indeed is a battle I'm trying to have a clean heart as much as possible.

Thanks brother.
Wake up moaning? Sure is normal bud happens to best of us ;)
You think so? Could you elaborate more? And I'm very strong about these dreams I wake up and am perfectly normal and calm my family down. I'm not afraid of such things but what's odd is I'm starting to understand them more. So before I didn't expect a dream to take a turn, this time I knew what was coming and was asking my father to wake me up. I wonder how the next time will be. I want to win this battle if it indeed is a battle I'm trying to have a clean heart as much as possible.

Thanks brother.

You are welcome bro,
I believe these dreams are purely a psychological problem,and has no material (real life) significance,i.e,these dreams are not any warnings nor symbols,but just things your mind play with you.

Its probably due to the religious feelings that you are having combined with events that you see in your daily life that disturbes you.
If I am assuming it correctly,you weren't much religious before and is trying to increase your imaan more these days,and you do have guilt for not being religious before.You are also dissappointed and worried about the miseries of people(perhaps fellow muslims) over the world.

Well,I am not at all an expert in it,I am just telling you what I feel and from my experiences.

My cousin,she was a typical girl,and not that religious. But she had to go through some unfortunate experiences,after which she entered into a kind of scared of everything state.She became heavily religious,reciting quran almost throughout the day.She too had dreams kike these,often screamind and yelling.We took her to doctor,after counciling and stuff,we gradually brought back her mind back to other things,like tvs,music etc.We began to entertain her,and she began to become more happier.She also came out of the "overly religious" state,and now none of us even remember of those days!
You are welcome bro,
I believe these dreams are purely a psychological problem,and has no material (real life) significance,i.e,these dreams are not any warnings nor symbols,but just things your mind play with you.

Its probably due to the religious feelings that you are having combined with events that you see in your daily life that disturbes you.
If I am assuming it correctly,you weren't much religious before and is trying to increase your imaan more these days,and you do have guilt for not being religious before.You are also dissappointed and worried about the miseries of people(perhaps fellow muslims) over the world.

Well,I am not at all an expert in it,I am just telling you what I feel and from my experiences.

My cousin,she was a typical girl,and not that religious. But she had to go through some unfortunate experiences,after which she entered into a kind of scared of everything state.She became heavily religious,reciting quran almost throughout the day.She too had dreams kike these,often screamind and yelling.We took her to doctor,after counciling and stuff,we gradually brought back her mind back to other things,like tvs,music etc.We began to entertain her,and she began to become more happier.She also came out of the "overly religious" state,and now none of us even remember of those days!

I was always a good boy, went to Arabic and Quran school, however I wasn't such a strict person as I am now. I've never made any major mistakes in my life and don't really regret much because sins I made were when I wasn't mature enough. For example, I used to have problems with my mother when I was a child and I grew up and changed. I'm still an young person under 20 although the past 3 years was when I would pray all prayers and Friday prayer and avoid many sins and I've become more strict on myself. This is also due to influence from Gaza.

But, these dreams I wake up moaning although I do believe it's my mind from too much thinking and little sleep on the days I have such dreams. It doesn't affect me as a person though I still like a rock solid hard headed mentality so things usually don't change anything about me. My name means 'strong willed' so this describes my personality.

I'm not sure if this has Tafseer to it but I asked a female very religious cousin and she told me it's nothing serious.
I was always a good boy, went to Arabic and Quran school, however I wasn't such a strict person as I am now. I've never made any major mistakes in my life and don't really regret much because sins I made were when I wasn't mature enough. For example, I used to have problems with my mother when I was a child and I grew up and changed. I'm still an young person under 20 although the past 3 years was when I would pray all prayers and Friday prayer and avoid many sins and I've become more strict on myself. This is also due to influence from Gaza.

But, these dreams I wake up moaning although I do believe it's my mind from too much thinking and little sleep on the days I have such dreams. It doesn't affect me as a person though I still like a rock solid hard headed mentality so things usually don't change anything about me. My name means 'strong willed' so this describes my personality.

I'm not sure if this has Tafseer to it but I asked a female very religious cousin and she told me it's nothing serious.

I don't think these dreams has any tafseer to it either.There may be some indirect explanations in quran,but it surely won't affect you.

I'd suggest you to keep yourselves happy bro!
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