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Are Russia and Iran Arming Daesh terrorists in Syria?

Does any one here wonder how ISIS has all those cells and conducted attacks around the world?

Isis funding comes from charities from rich Sunni gulf states such as Saudi Arabia. Nearly all foreign ISIS come through Turkey and get assistance through middle men located in Turkey. As I said before many Isis have been trained in Turkey and have worked with the Turkish military.

ISIS cells around the world have been linked to Sunni clerics. There is no conspiracy or Iranian boogy man. Gulf money, Turkish assistance and Sunni idiology is what drives ISIS.
Al-Qaeda/ISIS and Mullahs(the regime in Iran) relation is not something new.

-In 1993 Ayman Al-Zawahiri trained Al-Qaeda terrorists in IRGC and Hezbollah camps in Beqa. I repeat that The date is 1993.

-In 1993, Also Bin Laden met with Imad Mughniya in Sudan, If you wonder who this guy is, ''Google is your friend''.
- Some 500 terrorists were released from Assad and Maliki prisons, and they later fought for expansion of ISIS in the region.

- Among those 500 terrorists was Abu Mus’ab Al Souri, who was theoretician of Al-Qaeda and at the top of USA's most wanted list.

- Another one released by Assad was Abu Lukman in order to reinforce ISIS ranks against Syrian oppositions.

There is over 3 million Syrian refugees in the world, They must sue Iran and Assad for their war crimes, Just like People and countries who have been attacked by ISIS.

Dude why waste time? Iran does support isis to kill all sunnis. Nothing to discuss. A fact , we all know it and we are fine. Bam
- Iraqi Christian minority was also used,Christian religious leaders who are close to Assad, tried to portrey the ISIS was in genocide of non-muslims; however, ISIS killed no Christian, but with the help of those Christian leaders, it made the case for Assad that Others were worse than Assad, so Assad must stay and keep the power; In return, those leaders got some benefits for parsihes.
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-Abu Ayyub said they got funds and explosives from Iran, also Iran helped them take over Mosul in 2014, in return Iran got revenur of oil trade. Haji Bakr was making the connection between Syria(Iran) with Assad intel members Moaz Saffok and his cousin.
- Abu Ayyub said Families of Al-qaeda(ISIS) still live in Iran, including Bin Laden family, some letters of Bin Laden give some detail between Al-Qaeda and Iran.

-Iranian genereal Hasan Salami is mastermind of ISIS military activities via Ali Farmani who planned and helped massive escape of convicts from Abu Gharib in Iraq.
Dude why waste time? Iran does support isis to kill all sunnis. Nothing to discuss. A fact , we all know it and we are fine. Bam

Iran has truly become a state sponsor of terror like israel. It's an unfortunate fact.
Iran has truly become a state sponsor of terror like israel. It's an unfortunate fact.
Yep. Islamic state created by us to kill our enemies. Now pls leave us alone go better prepare to fight for your lives.
Are Russia and Iran Arming Daesh terrorists in Syria?

Does a bear shit in the woods ? Is a frogs @ss watertight ?
- 9/11 commision report reveals that Iran faciliated transit of Al-Qaeda member in-out of Afghanistan right before 9/11, and tried to conceal any evidences showing the co-operation with Al-Qaeda terrorists.

- A meeting between Syrian intel member Khidr, Iranian intel member Ali Farman and Saffock, Haji Bakr from ISIS side in Syria in 2013.

-Abu Ayyub said Farmani explained him how Iran helped and planned escape of Abu Gharib prisoner, in return, Iran got oil trade revenue, and also export oil to Iran at very cheap price.
To many claims without a single reliable proof!
It's funny how pathetic you obsessed anti Iran members try to connect every terrorist attack around the world to Iran that in fact has been carried out all by your compatriots!
If it continues like that! You will accuse Iran of dinosaurs extinction As well!
All terrorist groups around the world follow Wahhabism ideology, all the guys you mentioned as terrorist are Wahhabis and mostly Saudis! Thank God the whole world know most of 9/11 attackers had Saudi origins however you keep spreading BS about Iran!o_O
First you tell me how did ISIS members entered Syria? From which border? Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan? How did they get their weapons?
Seems you all are burning in your pants that your darling has not been able yet to carry out a successful attack in Iran! So you accuse Iran of having connection to ISIS:flame::rofl:
Aleppo is another reason why you are so any and desperate:flame:
We have a very competent intelligence service unlike your!, they are monitoring the whole region and neutralize every threat against Iran!
ISIS tried to attack Iran even they reached near our borders in the first days but we F..ked them up and pushed them back, we helped Iraq to gain her lost lands from ISIS and now we are going to put an end to their existence:sniper: ISIS supporters tried to open a scape route to Syria in order to save their offspring but we didn't let that happen
they are trapped in Mosul , we will revenge every life has been taken by them
Deal with that
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- The moment when ISIS and Iran started to have issue was when ISIS took some part in cutting the line between Iran and Mediterannean Sea, namely with Assad and some Other proxies of Iran.

- This backfire in the face of the regime in Iran made them angry so much that the Mullahs replaced General Qasem Solomeni(head of IRGC) with Ali Shamkani.

- The same Shamkani made effort to put who in Iraq suits well for the interests of Iran, therefore Malike was replaced with Al Abadi.
Actually Iran creates more chaos and trouble in the region than IS
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