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Are Indians racist?

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I don't get it, he looks like a N.E. Indian....
No doubt about it he is northeasterner and probably an arunachali too...but he claimed to be an crossgender or something which he is not and is apparently related to some previous issue here in pdf..but why the h*** did he give his FB account ??
seriously? so why cant untouchables become brahmins by living a certain lifestyle in this lifetime? who decides on conversion what caste you become?

Oh and i dont follow the analogy of the nawab?

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Anyone can become a muslim. Please tell me how does one convert to hinduism? and if so can they be brahmins? explain whats cheap about that? if im wrong put me right but I am under the impression that hinduism does not accept converts and it is not possible to become a brahmin seems racist to me. No offence intended mate

What do you think about the process of conversion in Judaism ?
. . .
i think its similar am not an expert but i thought you had to be born a jew

Its bit longer process as its not only change in faith but you must provide evidence that you have adopted their cultures, history and ways of life and not all conversions are accepted by orthodox Jews but i dont think it has anything to do with racism. Its how their religion is
Anyone can become a muslim. Please tell me how does one convert to hinduism? and if so can they be brahmins? explain whats cheap about that? if im wrong put me right but I am under the impression that hinduism does not accept converts and it is not possible to become a brahmin seems racist to me. No offence intended mate

yes anyone can convert to Hinduism, who told u that it is not possible & as far as caste system is concerned u seems to be confused. there is no concept of converting from one caste to another it is same like if u are not born as a pathan u simply can't be a pathan. or is it possible to be a pathan by conversion???? here lies ur answer.
yes anyone can convert to Hinduism, who told u that it is not possible & as far as caste system is concerned u seems to be confused. there is no concept of converting from one caste to another it is same like if u are not born as a pathan u simply can't be a pathan. or is it possible to be a pathan by conversion???? here lies ur answer.
what caste a new convert will belong to if he convert into Hinduism from another religion? :)
Its bit longer process as its not only change in faith but you must provide evidence that you have adopted their cultures, history and ways of life and not all conversions are accepted by orthodox Jews but i dont think it has anything to do with racism. Its how their religion is

bit off topic but not according to the Torah.

Who is a Jew, according to the Torah?

back on thread I think that racism is institutionalised in india-caste system but would be willing to convinced that I am wrong
bit off topic but not according to the Torah.

Who is a Jew, according to the Torah?

back on thread I think that racism is institutionalised in india-caste system but would be willing to convinced that I am wrong

It's questionable wether the caste system is "racist", since caste is something that is (mostly) independent of race. Nevertheless, both caste and race are things you're born into, and discriminating on the basis of either is wrong.

As for racism itself, Indians have consider dark skin to be ugly and fair skin to be beautiful. This is racist.

Also, in my experience in America, there are two kinds of desis when it comes to racism. The first kind is progressive relative to other Americans, and thus more anti-racist. The second kind wants to look up to whites and look down on blacks, and are more racist than white Americans. I think it's these racist Indians that get us the title of "model minority", because they are willing to fit into the racial hierarchy.
what caste a new convert will belong to if he convert into Hinduism from another religion? :)

if anyone from subcontinent converts to hinduism he/she will remain in same caste he/she formerly belongs to but if any foreigner converts then there is no caste for him/her.
bit off topic but not according to the Torah.

Who is a Jew, according to the Torah?

back on thread I think that racism is institutionalised in india-caste system but would be willing to convinced that I am wrong

no one is denying the fact that there is discrimination based on caste system in india but my only objection is why did u labeled all hindus & all indians racist based on this concept.
South Asians as a whole are racist people. Let face it we all know how much we dislike the "kaalays".
indians are racist, but more so towards eachother (based on region and caste)

in Central/Southern Asia at least, the most racist are probably Afghans --followed closely by old fashioned Persian thinkers.

Thats so true. When you talk to Indian Punjabi Sikhs in North America. You will notice that they dont even consider South Indians as their people. They say why should we when we can't even speak the same language and have totally different culture from them, and look totally different from them.

Most Indians belong to central/south India.
if anyone from subcontinent converts to hinduism he/she will remain in same caste he/she formerly belongs to but if any foreigner converts then there is no caste for him/her.

I did not get it . can you practice hinduism without belonging to any of its sect/castes ? I am just asking these questions to have clear understanding of conversions in hinduism
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