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are indians good fighters?

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I've seen grown Indian men lost to superior Whites, since whites are genetically much stronger than Indians. Same for Pakistanis, it's in our genes to kill the Indian race
One Pakistani can handle 5 indians in the battle field.
yeah... thats why you failed in each and every attempts to "recapture" kashmir.... yet alone to hold East Pakistan. LOL.

But then you will answer me with the typical lame excuses like: CONSPIRACY; BS; PROPAGANDA; BACKSTABBING; TRAITORS:.... blah blah blah.....
I got into a fight with some indian once :laughcry:
I've seen grown Indian men lost to superior Whites, since whites are genetically much stronger than Indians. Same for Pakistanis, it's in our genes to kill the Indian race

All the internet tough guys get in this thread quick. Good to see @RazPaK already here :omghaha:
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