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Then what solution do you propose?Keep taking Rohingyas in our country!

For best solution 1st you have to kill Hasina/Khaleda. Any leadership like Mujib/Zia/Ershad will find a dynamic solution either backdoor or open policy. These two can't take any step. For now best solution is that Zihadist part though I don't like it but here the question is about the bloods they lost to animal cruelty of the Burmese monkeys.
For best solution 1st you have to kill Hasina/Khaleda. Any leadership like Mujib/Zia/Ershad will find a dynamic solution either backdoor or open policy. These two can't take any step. For now best solution is that Zihadist part though I don't like it but here the question is about the bloods they lost to animal cruelty of the Burmese monkeys.

'-2' formula.......but what if their sons come to power??
right.. so burma is you friend.. ?

Burma is not our born enemy, still the Rohingya issue is their internal though civilian bloodshed isn't tolerable. And other than this Rohingya issue there's no tension with them. For this I believe indian money that junta got in the name of fighting indian separatists worked and also it's an indian sketch to always keep a tension alive between BD and Burma.
'-2' formula.......but what if their sons come to power??

They will be the same...note that I told any leadership like Mujib/Zia/Ershad. None of them were on the throne by inheritance but by their own which requires some minimum quality that makes people think. These 2 witches don't think.
For best solution 1st you have to kill Hasina/Khaleda. Any leadership like Mujib/Zia/Ershad will find a dynamic solution either backdoor or open policy. These two can't take any step. For now best solution is that Zihadist part though I don't like it but here the question is about the bloods they lost to animal cruelty of the Burmese monkeys.

Politicians to us are quite similar as butchers to cows. If cows would kill butchers, had it been better for them? Never! They would have been treated by unskilled butchers. More pain!

We need qualitative change not quantitative or person-centric
Then what solution do you propose?Keep taking Rohingyas in our country!

Eventually, lets say in 20-30 years we have to make a comprehensive deal with ASEAN led by Indonesia. A possible deal could be that we take all of them in and in return, they let us into ASEAN as a full member.

But in the meantime, we can look the other way, if J!hadi's want to save their fellow Muslim brothers. The Burman led Burmese regime has been running campaigns of ethnic cleansing against most of their minorities. China is indirectly supporting Wa army who controls the Shan state. @Wholegrain can confirm this:

China is doing this to keep a lever against Burman's to keep them under control. We can follow China and keep a lever of our own in Burma, using the Rohingya's, if there is private financial support from Gulf states.

Burman's have proven themselves to be unreliable and not to be trusted with any deals and responding to threats and application of force only. Till they evolve from this state and become ready for a deal, keeping a lever to keep them from acting up, seems like a good option.
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