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Should Bangladesh recognise the ULA/Arakan army?

May 13, 2022
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Last month “ULA said the Bangladesh government would have to recognise ULA and the Arakan Army if they wanted to send the Rohingyas back […This declaration…] has created both an opportunity and a risk for Bangladesh”


Honestly, I am in two minds about this.

I don’t want Burma to become our Afghanistan!

But I see no other option to return the Rohingyas!

Is the massive risk worth the unlikely reward?

We really need to break up Burma in order to tame the genocidal primitive Buddhist maniacs!

@Homo Sapiens

What do you chaps think?
Last month “ULA said the Bangladesh government would have to recognise ULA and the Arakan Army if they wanted to send the Rohingyas back […This declaration…] has created both an opportunity and a risk for Bangladesh”


Honestly, I am in two minds about this.

I don’t want Burma to become our Afghanistan!

But I see no other option to return the Rohingyas!

Is the massive risk worth the unlikely reward?

We really need to break up Burma in order to tame the genocidal primitive Buddhist maniacs!

@Homo Sapiens

What do you chaps think?
Well my answers are always unpopular, and it's not going to be changed!

I believe that rohingyas issue is NATO creation , in order to distabilized and then annexation ( at least break in to pieces) of Myanmar and block the bay of Bengal for China.

However this time I will refer my favorite political analyst Mr Gautam das. If you have hard time reading Bengali , perhaps this English headline will help you.

This fascism ,( headline of the article) is Hasina regime , and he ( Gautam Das) is wondering if we have to be the part of American plan of breaking Myanmar in to pieces and annex it?

And why USA would try to do it? Indeed because they want to counter China.

So my message is , well although I want a change in Bangladeshi politics , but still don't want Bangladesh to be the pawn of USA! For me it's complex situation!

Here is the article , sadly it's in Bengali! But I just give you the hints of the tone of the article!

(Hit the blue texts , it's link of the article)

Is the condition for freedom from fascism to participate in the occupation of Burma by America!

In short , if Bangladesh recognize them , it will open the way to another so called war on terror for future , and Bangladesh will suffer same as Pakistan did after cold war!

This time the cold war is against China! So better we don't be a pawn of America!

I want a balanced world where no one will be dominating alone , as now USA is doing!

However I'm afraid that Bangladesh may choose to or forced to be USA pawn , and garments is our main export ( development theory of BAL's darling sir @UKBengali ) , and west is our main export destination!

However if really USA and Hindutva relationship is finished now , then I have no problem with USA aka western block.

Still it's hard to believe them ( west) for their disturbing history!

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Well my answers are always unpopular, and it's not going to be changed!

I believe that rohingyas issue is NATO creation , in order to distabilized and then annexation ( at least break in to pieces) of Myanmar and block the bay of Bengal for China.

However this time I will refer my favorite political analyst Mr Gautam das. If you have hard time reading Bengali , perhaps this English headline will help you.

This fascism ,( headline of the article) is Hasina regime , and he ( Gautam Das) is wondering if we have to be the part of American plan of breaking Myanmar in to pieces and annex it?

And why USA would try to do it? Indeed because they want to counter China.

So my message is , well although I want a change in Bangladeshi politics , but still don't want Bangladesh to be the pawn of USA! For me it's complex situation!

Here is the article , sadly it's in Bengali! But I just give you the hints of the tone of the article!

(Hit the blue texts , it's link of the article)

Is the condition for freedom from fascism to participate in the occupation of Burma by America!

In short , if Bangladesh recognize them , it will open the way to another so called war on terror for future , and Bangladesh will suffer same as Pakistan did after cold war!

This time the cold war is against China! So better we don't be a pawn of America!

I want a balanced world where no one will be dominating alone , as now USA is doing!

However I'm afraid that Bangladesh may choose to or forced to be USA pawn , and garments is our main export ( development theory of BAL's darling sir @UKBengali ) , and west is our main export destination!

However if really USA and Hindutva relationship is finished now , then I have no problem with USA aka western block.

Still it's hard to believe them ( west) for their disturbing history!


Why are all your favourite talking heads - Hindu raw agents?
Why are all your favourite talking heads - Hindu raw agents?
Who is your current raw agent now? Gautam das as well? 🤣 🤣 🤣

If anyone call Hasina fascist are raw agents , then majority of Bangladeshis ( I think more than 80% nowadays) are raw agents!

However for your comfort , I want to say that Gautam das is not anti Hasina like Pinaky!

( Also Pinaky is not my favorite analyst, it's you who always put words into my mouth and called me Pinaky lover, but I'm not.

But for sure he is also not RAW agent, only it's a new trick from BAL hooligans to call him raw agent ; these hooligans used to call him jamati. So don't follow these BAL hooligans!)

However I'm a di.e hard fan of Gautam das , and I'm proud to declare myself as fan of his all writings and his talk shows.

He is a balanced writer , who mostly analyse international and regional politics ; national politics is included sometimes!

He remains very low profile , unlike Pinaky Bhattacharya!

But he (Mr Gautam das) is
holy grail inside Bangladesh,and not everyone can have the ability to drink from holy grail , because most people don't deserve it!
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