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Arafat poisoned with Polonium 210 - Lancet confirms


Sep 14, 2013
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PressTV - Arafat poisoned to death: Medical journal

Arafat poisoning claim backed by journal - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Lancet publishes peer review supporting findings Palestinian leader may have been poisoned by polonium.One of the world's leading medical journals has supported the possibility that Yasser Arafat, the longtime Palestinian leader, was poisoned with the*radioactive element polonium 210.The British The Lancet journal has published a peer review of last year's research by Swiss scientists on Arafat's personal effects.It endorsed their work, which found high levels of the highly radioactive element in blood, urine, and saliva stains on the Palestinian leader's clothes and toothbrush.The work of the experts at Lausanne University, Switzerland, was triggered by an*Al Jazeera investigation, and also led to*Arafat's body being exhumed*in November 2012 for further testing.In October 2004, Arafat fell ill, suffering from a number of symptoms, including nausea and abdominal pain.Within a few short weeks, his health became significantly worse, and he was transferred from his base in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, to Percy Hospital in France.His situation continued to worsen, and he suffered from acute renal failure, and entered into a neurological coma.By November 4, 2004, he died of a cerebral haemorrhage, at the age of 75.Despite several scientific tests, there was no evidence of poison, and the cause of his illness remained unidentified.Following a*nine-month investigation by Al Jazeera, in which several of Arafat's key belongings were sent to Paris for tests, results revealed they contained abnormal levels of polonium; a rare, highly radioactive element.At the time of the investigation, Dr Francois Bochud, the director of the Institut de Radiophysique in Lausanne, told Al Jazeera: "I can confirm to you that we measured an unexplained, elevated amount of unsupported polonium-210 in the belongings of Mr Arafat that contained stains of biological fluids."The results of the investigation led Suha Arafat, his wife, to call on the Palestinian Authority to have his body exhumed.According to the*Lancet publication, "[the] findings support the possibility of Arafat's poisoning with 210Po ... on the basis of [the] forensic investigation, there was sufficient doubt to recommend the exhumation of his body in 2012".The results of that latest analysis are expected shortly.
So Mossad killed Arafat................what wil Arabs do about it?.........attack Syria?............send an angry letter to France?..............lol........jokers............too scared to really do anything about it...........they will lash out at their own kin..............instead..............
So Mossad killed Arafat................what wil Arabs do about it?.........attack Syria?............send an angry letter to France?..............lol........jokers............too sacred to really do anything about it...........they will lash out at their own kin..............instead..............

So in Libya they killed an US ambassador. What will the US do? Attack Afghanistan? Send a letter to Rohani? Lol jokers.
Lol......our government knew very well what was going to happen in Libya.......who do you think trained and armed the al qaeda thugs that did it................just because you are clueless doesnt mean everything isnt scripted.......the world is a lie my friend.........wake up...........

So in Libya they killed an US ambassador. What will the US do? Attack Afghanistan? Send a letter to Rohani? Lol jokers.
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Every time who went to Israel asking them to make a deal before Arafat dies, they were smiling behind the screen..
the pathetic TERRORISTS hadnt the guts to attack him like a man ... they knew they will pay for it ......
@Archdemon @500
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Lol......our government knew very well what was going to happen in Libya.......who do you think trained and armed the al qaeda thugs that did it................just because you are clueless doesnt mean everything isnt scripted.......the world is a lie my friend.........wake up...........

Another retarded illuminati conspiracy theorist. He was a patsy! Put on your thin foil hat. :omghaha:
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the pathetic TERRORISTS hadnt the guts to attack him like a man ... they knew they will pay for it ......
@Archdemon @500
Jews are like that all along.. Hitler wanted to annihilate them for the same core reason.
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Get away with what? and IF? what will happen?

Are you not Jewish?........Dont you know the old Testament or the Torah?........are you a fake Jew? Or are you a devil worshipping zionist?.............the punishmemt for death..............is..........Death...............just remember................revenge is best...............served cold...............
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