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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

Arabs are so used to cheap Pakistani laborers all these years . They even want them to fight Arab wars to the last Pakistani blood.

While Pakistanis dream themselves as leaders of the Muslim world.In the eyes of the Arab muslims , Pakistanis worth nothing more than hench men who do bidding for few pittance of Riyals.
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Yeah, I had to read that half a dozen time to just digest it. Unbelievable. That also coming from the speaker of Arab Parliament representing Arab League nations.
not his fault...they don't have any parliament so they don't know how to address one...we should ignore him and move on:smart:
Pakistan's own, the obsession with "ummah" and the need to align itself as a separate identity from India.

You can be closer to an Indian hindu but spare the rest of us we dont want to align ourselves with India not even in a thousand year. They are backstabbers and occupied our territory. What world are u living in?
It's not that few rag tag tribal are going to run over Saudi Arabia and going to capture Makkah & Madina, it's political cum struggle of influence between Iran and Arabs. So, no need to play religious card, we are in such a mess because policy and decision makers kept making people fool using religion. GCC is no doubt important friends of Pakistan, but that doesn't mean that we should be offering our heads like slaves, friendship should be mutual and they should respect the opinion of Pakistanis if they really think them friends. Saudis can offer lucrative packages and recruite retired militery persons who are willing to do job, I have no issues with someones personal choice. But armed forces of Pakistan belongs to Pakistani nation and blood of our soldiers shouldn't be for sale. And rent an army business should be closed. I wouldn't mind in helping KSA if she is under attack, but it's opposite here.

Overall the battle is indeed between a Shiite Iran and a Sunni Saudi Arabia, along with other GCC allies. But as a predominantly Sunni country, Pakistan has no option but to take sides, especially since our economy is rather dependent on the 2 factors that are a part of this war..........GCC & USA. Another factor that we need to consider is that Iran is poking its nose where it does not belong and when there are consequences that will eventually effect Pakistan, we have to take sides.
Don't you think this decision has to do with Iran Pakistan relationship ? Iran already warned of consequences to these Arab forces even though it underlined with call for peace between two sides. If there was no Iran interest Pakistan would had gone with it . Has it has to do what these oil rich Arabs may say due to lots of debt Pakistan owe to them. Iranians are not Saudis but warriors of the Islamic world !

Read this article !! By Washington Institute

The visit by the chairman of Pakistan's Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee will likely prompt concern in Washington and other major capitals that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have reconfirmed an arrangement whereby Pakistan, if asked, will supply Saudi Arabia with nuclear warheads.

The main meeting on Gen. Rashid Mahmoud's itinerary was with King Salman — the topics discussed were reported as "deep relations between the two countries and ... a number of issues of common interest."

General Rashid also saw separately Defense Minister Prince Muhammad bin Salman — who presented him with the King Abdulaziz medal of excellence — as well as Deputy Crown Prince and Interior Minister Muhammad bin Nayef and Minister of the National Guard Prince Mitab bin Abdullah.

The only senior Saudi absent from the meetings appears to have been Crown Prince Muqrin.

For decades, Riyadh has been judged a supporter of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, providing financing in return for a widely assumed understanding that, if needed, Islamabad will transfer technology or even warheads.

It has been noticeable that changes in leadership in either country have quickly been followed by top-level meetings, as if to reconfirm such nuclear arrangements. Although Pakistani nuclear technology also helped Iran's program, the relationship between Islamabad and Riyadh has been much more obvious.

In 1999, a year after Pakistan tested two nuclear weapons, then Saudi defense minister Prince Sultan visited the unsafeguarded uranium enrichment plant at Kahuta outside Islamabad — prompting a US diplomatic protest.

Last year, as Riyadh's concern at the prospect of Iranian nuclear hegemony in the Gulf grew, Pakistan's chief of army staff, Gen. Raheel Sharif, was a guest of honor when Saudi Arabia publicly paraded its Chinese CSS-2 missiles for the first time since they were delivered in the 1980s.

YouTubePakistani ballistic missile tests

Although now nearly obsolete, the CSS-2 missile once formed the core of China's nuclear force. Pakistan's first nuclear devices were based on a Chinese design.

Pakistan's prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, visited the kingdom January 23 for the funeral of King Abdullah and had also been there a couple of weeks earlier to pay his respects to the ailing monarch.

The civilian leader and his military commanders have an awkward relationship — in an earlier term of office, Nawaz Sharif was overthrown in a military coup and sent into exile in Saudi Arabia — but Pakistan's nuclear program seems above any civil-military partisanship.

The visit by General Rashid comes a day after Pakistan announced the successful flight-testing of its Raad air-launched 220-mile-range cruise missile, which reportedly is able to deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with pinpoint accuracy.

While chairing his first cabinet meeting as prime minister yesterday, King Salman announced there would be no change in Saudi foreign policy.

In its own way, today's top-level meetings with the Pakistani military delegation seem to confirm this statement, adding perhaps an extra awkward complication to the Obama administration's effort to secure a diplomatic agreement with Tehran over Iran's nuclear program.

Simon Henderson is the Baker Fellow and director of the Gulf and Energy Policy Program at The Washington Institute.

This article originally appeared atThe Washington Institute For Near East Policy. Copyright 2015. Follow The Washington Institute For Near East Policy on Twitter.
Maybe in preliminary phase in early 70s when bhutto was seeking support to develop arsenal might have recieved some funding, but it was always in a way highly exaggerated by west too, cuz in 70s and 80s saudis had sent massive fundings for afghan war. So west intel agencies and media always distorted the war funding to be an indirect nuclear program one. Basically, they got no proof for that, its all speculation.
Arabs are so used to cheap Pakistani laborers all these years . They even want them to fight Arab wars to the last Pakistani blood.

While Pakistanis dream themselves as leaders of the Muslim world.In the eyes of the Arab muslims , Pakistanis worth nothing more than hench men who do bidding for few pittance of Riyals.

The Indians and the Bangalis are the most cheapest of the cheap when it comes to labour in the middle east. No doubt ill information is a blessing for Indians as usual.
Another factor that we need to consider is that Iran is poking its nose where it does not belong and when there are consequences that will eventually effect Pakistan, we have to take sides.

Why saudia was poking its nose where it did not belong (syria)? which is iran's backyard for a very long time. You hurt my back I hurt yours. Simple. This is tit for tat war. Shia sunni war in yemen??????? Please read the recent history of houthis in yemen then comment about this war. Either they fight for saudi arabia or they fight against saudia arabia. They keep changing sides all the time. Just check the history. Thank you.
Arabs are so used to cheap Pakistani laborers all these years . They even want them to fight Arab wars to the last Pakistani blood.

While Pakistanis dream themselves as leaders of the Muslim world.In the eyes of the Arab muslims , Pakistanis worth nothing more than hench men who do bidding for few pittance of Riyals.

LOL and if you get job in K.S.A you will go thr for sure. isn't it? It's a common man of arab who treat Pakistani ,Indian and Bengali like that not thr govt, they still give visa to us. Do you think IRAN will give us all that jobs in tehran if all our workforce return from K.S.A and U.A.E? Don't forget that in hour of need gulf countries always supported us in term of finance and in defence whereas Tehran never did anything. That's why yesterday they called us NAMAK HARAM.
I hope our Politicians will not go to arab countries and say, "ALLAH k naam pr Dollars dey de baba".

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