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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only, even Iran show Pure Hate towards Pakistan in many times

Iran occupies A big Part of Pakistan during 1947 Independence as at that time Pakistan was very Weak and Iran was much Strong and Iran took a big Part of Baluchistan from Pakistan and Wipe out lot of Sunni Population in Baluchistan and other Parts of Iran

Once Iran was Majority Sunni Country but in Centuries to Come Shia Elite in Power either force Sunni to Convert or make them migrate to Turkey, Syria and other Sunni Countries or Just kill all Sunnis

This is the reality of Persian-Irani Majoosi Shia Iran - So Iran is also not a brother of Pakistan, Hell with Iran & SA-Gulf Elite & Establishment too; Yasser ARafat always Prefer and Love India over Pakistan, His Blonde Whore Wife took Billions of $$$$ Money, the Money which belongs to Poor Palestinians but Not a Single Person in Arab World Speak a Single Word as Arabs are there Own Enemies, They Hate Pakistan, Iran, everybody else and even Hate themselves!

Pakistan is Pakistan Friend and Brother - Thanks but No Thanks

We are NOT Toilet Papers Super Rich Arab States - Enemies of Poor Muslims, Go to Hell

Even We Help them, I for sure know that in future they will not Support Pakistan Bid in UN Security Council for Permanent Membership but Vote for Indian support,

So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers....................

I Know there are double the Indians then Pakistanis in SA, Dubai, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Syria, Gulf Countries even in Iran as Iran is more Near to India then Pakistan; only Country which has less Indians then Pakistanis is Turkey Only, even Iran show Pure Hate towards Pakistan in many times

Iran occupies A big Part of Pakistan during 1947 Independence as at that time Pakistan was very Weak and Iran was much Strong and Iran took a big Part of Baluchistan from Pakistan and Wipe out lot of Sunni Population in Baluchistan and other Parts of Iran

Once Iran was Majority Sunni Country but in Centuries to Come Shia Elite in Power either force Sunni to Convert or make them migrate to Turkey, Syria and other Sunni Countries or Just kill all Sunnis

This is the reality of Persian-Irani Majoosi Shia Iran - So Iran is also not a brother of Pakistan, Hell with Iran & SA-Gulf Elite & Establishment too; Yasser ARafat always Prefer and Love India over Pakistan, His Blonde Whore Wife took Billions of $$$$ Money, the Money which belongs to Poor Palestinians but Not a Single Person in Arab World Speak a Single Word as Arabs are there Own Enemies, They Hate Pakistan, Iran, everybody else and even Hate themselves!

Pakistan is Pakistan Friend and Brother - Thanks but No Thanks

We are NOT Toilet Papers Super Rich Arab States - Enemies of Poor Muslims, Go to Hell

Even We Help them, I for sure know that in future they will not Support Pakistan Bid in UN Security Council for Permanent Membership but Vote for Indian support,

So called African Brother Muslim Countries are more near to India then Pakistan and have Significant Indian Hindus Sikhs and other Indian Presence; So Why Should We Pakistanis give our lives and our Soldiers Lives for these Fake Brothers, who just use us as Toilet Papers and here in Pakistan we are just saying One Ummah - Muslim Brother Hood, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan Love Indians and Chinese more than Pakistanis

There is no Such thing as One Ummah, We are One Ummah only to Turks and Pakistan not to these FAke Muslim Brothers....................
whats with the triple posts?
It is funny how the narrative has now changed from Arab to 'Arab and Islamic' benefit......i mean, what are the Palestinians? Bastard children of some aliens? Or how much did they give a hoot for Bosnia? Or Pakistan when it wanted to press Indian atrocities on Muslims in Kashmir?

Arabs going full retard as usual since 12th century.
Is this really the time and occasion for discussing all this? By sending our troops to be stationed in KSA and not getting involved in Yemen per se what we will lose? Where were these talks when KSA opened her doors for our workers in mid 70s and we sent them in tens of thousands? Why we did not protest when KSA arranged for funds to pay for our F-16s? Why we forgot about Palestinians and Kashmiris when KSA helped us when US and allies embargoed us following nuclear tests? Why we did not complain about Saudi funding for Wahabi religious schools when KSA cajoled Clinton for an honorable exit of Pakistani troops from Kargil? And where was Iran during all this time? Very sad to read such comments about a friend who has always helped us in our time of need.
we don't have to put you down. you guys did that yourself. when bill clinton sanctioned paks economy who the hell do you think bailed out pakistan. certainly wasnt china or iran or russia. it was those saudis whom now you are mocking.

hey look enough has been said about this. personally i think this is a wake up call for the gulf. as Allah says in the quran. you may hate something but it might be good for you. The gulf should quit relying on others. Perhaps it took this decision by pakistan to finally make them realise. The gulfs should spend that aid money on themselves and their citizens and building up their capacities rather than hand it around simply based on ummah bhai bhai stuff
Is this really the time and occasion for discussing all this? By sending our troops to be stationed in KSA and not getting involved in Yemen per se what we will lose? Where were these talks when KSA opened her doors for our workers in mid 70s and we sent them in tens of thousands? Why we did not protest when KSA arranged for funds to pay for our F-16s? Why we forgot about Palestinians and Kashmiris when KSA helped us when US and allies embargoed us following nuclear tests? Why we did not complain about Saudi funding for Wahabi religious schools when KSA cajoled Clinton for an honorable exit of Pakistani troops from Kargil? And where was Iran during all this time? Very sad to read such comments about a friend who has always helped us in our time of need.
neither is Iran our Friend nor is KSA, only Pakistan is our friend, we dont need to help anyone, this neutrality is appropriate
whats with the triple posts?
Well Actually I was replying to some people and I delete there Msg. so total 3 Ppl reply but delete there Msg. Sorry about that!

Is this really the time and occasion for discussing all this? By sending our troops to be stationed in KSA and not getting involved in Yemen per se what we will lose? Where were these talks when KSA opened her doors for our workers in mid 70s and we sent them in tens of thousands? Why we did not protest when KSA arranged for funds to pay for our F-16s? Why we forgot about Palestinians and Kashmiris when KSA helped us when US and allies embargoed us following nuclear tests? Why we did not complain about Saudi funding for Wahabi religious schools when KSA cajoled Clinton for an honorable exit of Pakistani troops from Kargil? And where was Iran during all this time? Very sad to read such comments about a friend who has always helped us in our time of need.
whats with the triple posts?
Well Actually I was replying to some people and I delete there Msg. so total 3 Ppl reply but delete there Msg. Sorry about that!
be careful next time, as people tend to be confused, and reply to one at a time
Why should Pakistan listen to Iran,cant Pakistan decide on its own?
Don't you think this decision has to do with Iran Pakistan relationship ? Iran already warned of consequences to these Arab forces even though it underlined with call for peace between two sides. If there was no Iran interest Pakistan would had gone with it . Has it has to do what these oil rich Arabs may say due to lots of debt Pakistan owe to them. Iranians are not Saudis but warriors of the Islamic world !

No one funded our nuclear program.

Read this article !! By Washington Institute

The visit by the chairman of Pakistan's Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee will likely prompt concern in Washington and other major capitals that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have reconfirmed an arrangement whereby Pakistan, if asked, will supply Saudi Arabia with nuclear warheads.

The main meeting on Gen. Rashid Mahmoud's itinerary was with King Salman — the topics discussed were reported as "deep relations between the two countries and ... a number of issues of common interest."

General Rashid also saw separately Defense Minister Prince Muhammad bin Salman — who presented him with the King Abdulaziz medal of excellence — as well as Deputy Crown Prince and Interior Minister Muhammad bin Nayef and Minister of the National Guard Prince Mitab bin Abdullah.

The only senior Saudi absent from the meetings appears to have been Crown Prince Muqrin.

For decades, Riyadh has been judged a supporter of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, providing financing in return for a widely assumed understanding that, if needed, Islamabad will transfer technology or even warheads.

It has been noticeable that changes in leadership in either country have quickly been followed by top-level meetings, as if to reconfirm such nuclear arrangements. Although Pakistani nuclear technology also helped Iran's program, the relationship between Islamabad and Riyadh has been much more obvious.

In 1999, a year after Pakistan tested two nuclear weapons, then Saudi defense minister Prince Sultan visited the unsafeguarded uranium enrichment plant at Kahuta outside Islamabad — prompting a US diplomatic protest.

Last year, as Riyadh's concern at the prospect of Iranian nuclear hegemony in the Gulf grew, Pakistan's chief of army staff, Gen. Raheel Sharif, was a guest of honor when Saudi Arabia publicly paraded its Chinese CSS-2 missiles for the first time since they were delivered in the 1980s.

YouTubePakistani ballistic missile tests

Although now nearly obsolete, the CSS-2 missile once formed the core of China's nuclear force. Pakistan's first nuclear devices were based on a Chinese design.

Pakistan's prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, visited the kingdom January 23 for the funeral of King Abdullah and had also been there a couple of weeks earlier to pay his respects to the ailing monarch.

The civilian leader and his military commanders have an awkward relationship — in an earlier term of office, Nawaz Sharif was overthrown in a military coup and sent into exile in Saudi Arabia — but Pakistan's nuclear program seems above any civil-military partisanship.

The visit by General Rashid comes a day after Pakistan announced the successful flight-testing of its Raad air-launched 220-mile-range cruise missile, which reportedly is able to deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with pinpoint accuracy.

While chairing his first cabinet meeting as prime minister yesterday, King Salman announced there would be no change in Saudi foreign policy.

In its own way, today's top-level meetings with the Pakistani military delegation seem to confirm this statement, adding perhaps an extra awkward complication to the Obama administration's effort to secure a diplomatic agreement with Tehran over Iran's nuclear program.

Simon Henderson is the Baker Fellow and director of the Gulf and Energy Policy Program at The Washington Institute.

This article originally appeared atThe Washington Institute For Near East Policy. Copyright 2015. Follow The Washington Institute For Near East Policy on Twitter.
@Saif al-Arab
I was not going to get involved in this debate and so first and last comments from me.
People really don't understand the complexity of the situation.
Iranian government not the people are the root of the problem. And they are hell bent on taking the Saudis out of the equation. And what people don't realize is that the Iranians know that for them to take the Saudis out they will have to take out the Pakistanis first. And I personally believe that the storm will hit home and it will do that soon. I just hope I am wrong. these are the same Iranians who are supporting Indians over us. Who support our enemies. and who have in recent past threatened us with army interventionot, and also their armed forces have fired inside our borders regularly. I just hope that Pakistan is not standing alone when shit hits home.

On a side note yesterday for the first time I saw electronic signs on the road in Kuwait asking people to surrender unlicensed arms.

Wait for me getting called a madrassa graduate a wahabi and what not. Lol

First of all pakistan will Inshallah protect saudi arabia if there is any serious threat. At the moment they are just attacking an army with ak47's and a very few heavy weapons, and saudi's are the aggressors here. Second thing is that why
GCC is trying to show that same strategy of bush which was "either you are with us or against us", this cannot always be the case.

My friend the problem started from 1980 when saddam hussain attacked Iran and he was backed by usa, europe and all of the GCC, that started all the enmity, from there on they both are playing a power game in the region. And recently why saudia arabia and it's friends started trouble in the back yard of iran which is syria. In return iraninans started trouble in saudi's backyard which is yemen. If they dont have the balls to fight then why start a fight. Pakistan should never ever go to yemen to help the saudis in their aggression, Pakistan should go and will go to protect that most important country of islam if they have a physical threat which is not the case at the moment. Did they started this aggression with our consultation?

And now they are threatening us that why we are trying to stop this war and want to be a negotiator. Turkey and Pakistan made a very right decision. Well done Pakistan. 80 billion dollar defense budget and asking help from a country of 6 billion dollar defense budget.............Against a rag tag army:yahoo:. Great.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:.

we don't have to put you down. you guys did that yourself. when bill clinton sanctioned paks economy who the hell do you think bailed out pakistan. certainly wasnt china or iran or russia. it was those saudis whom now you are mocking.

hey look enough has been said about this. personally i think this is a wake up call for the gulf. as Allah says in the quran. you may hate something but it might be good for you. The gulf should quit relying on others. Perhaps it took this decision by pakistan to finally make them realise. The gulfs should spend that aid money on themselves and their citizens and building up their capacities rather than hand it around simply based on ummah bhai bhai stuff

You are absolutely right. And they should also stop those funds to Pakistan which creates those suicide bombers and terrorists and banned organisations. Everyone here relates their funds with terrorism and sectarianism. It's not completely true but also not completely wrong. And where do they spend that huge defense budget of 80 billion dollars a year? and still they can't fight their own fight. I think they should make a deal with pakistan of giving half of that budget to pakistan every year and we will join them in their aggressions :partay:
As for the argument of our labourers working in arabia:

1. Our workers went to arabia and did not survive on social benefits. They worked, contributed in the development of that "baddu" nation. This in economics is called providing services for pay, nothing wrong with that.

2. If we should be eternally grateful to the arabs for acomodating our workers. Then the turkish should worship the germans and the irish should worship the americans. But do you see those nations being grateful at every possible moment.

No ofence to turkish members,plz.
so why don't you send boots on the ground now, Saud's paid you well for Iraq invasion, or the wounds from the earlier adventures are still oozing or may be you are running out of high-on-drugs low-on-brain sadistic criminals in uniforms?

We are supporting Sauds because reputation of our platforms are at stake. And we don't have boots on ground. Support fire hardly counts. As for oil, well BOY, it has been discussed umpteenth no of times how US is 90% oil independent as I type this post.

OIL is no longer what dictates our foreign policy.

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