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Arabs have released an anti-Turkish TV series


Jul 12, 2016
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I hope you Arab loving neo-Ottoman Islamists are happy. Fkn traitors.

And to the idiots who are going to say "but the Arabs hate us because we ruled them lol", yeah we already know that genius. The point is that they've infected us with this whole Islamist ideology since the 80s with full backing from the west. And now they're trying to turn Turkey into what they've been for decades. Meanwhile the west is ordering them to secularize.

We were a militarist secular Kemalist state which was in another league when compared to Arab countries. Now we're trying to become them because of the Georgian watermelon seller. "Oh but Erdoğan made the defense industry what it is", no you dumbàss the Turkish defense industry was restarted in the 70s after your precious Menderes had killed it in the 50s. It was on the path to be where it is now regardless of Erdoğan.

We never should have stooped to their level. We were so feared as a secular state but now we're are just a toothless Arab loving country. I seriously hope someone like Imamoglu takes control of the country because we need to set the record straight. Time to become Turks again instead of Arab loving neo-Ottomans. You seriously think they view us as brothers? In your dreams. Soon we shall descend on them like the Turco-Mongols did centuries ago. Wake up and return to your roots.
An even worse enemy than the Saudis is Washington. The CHP has to realize this. The 80s and 90s are long gone. Neither Neo-ottomanism nor Islamist are the way forward. Nor is being a Washington puppet like Sisi.

Be apart of NATO but Independent.

Washington changed, Turkey didn't. The Cold War is over. Turkey is no longer seen as an asset to Washington, but a liability.CHP - Stop being a push over to Washington. Turkey for the Turks. Not a puppet regime.
An even worse enemy than the Saudis is Washington. The CHP has to realize this. The 80s and 90s are long gone. Neither Neo-ottomanism nor Islamist are the way forward. Nor is being a Washington puppet like Sisi.

Be apart of NATO but Independent.

Washington changed, Turkey didn't. The Cold War is over. Turkey is no longer seen as an asset to Washington, but a liability.CHP - Stop being a push over to Washington. Turkey for the Turks. Not a puppet regime.

Saudis and Americans work together. Saudi Arabia spreads radical Islam and sells cheap oil to the US and in return America gives them advanced weapons and support in all kinds of ways.

CHP hasn't been in power in like what, more than 40 years? We have no idea how they will treat relations with America. Don't take the words of CHP MPs seriously. If say Imamoglu or Ince gets elected they will probably have the exact same foreign policy that Turkey has right now. But instead of Islamism, secularism will return. They will work hard to improve the image of Turkey instead of trying to act like the 'leader of the ummet'' like Erdoğan does.

We had a massive advantage by being the only secular country in the Middle East. But we threw it all away. The west knows that it can weaken Turkey through Islamism and that's exactly what it did. Not to the extent it thought it could. Thankfully Islamism is declining recently especially amongst youth.
Being a Muslim your loyalty lies towards Allah SWT not to the Arabs, hoping for the decline of pan-islamism you are betraying your allegiance to Allah SWT not to the Arabs.

And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. - Holy Quran 8:30
Saudis and Americans work together. Saudi Arabia spreads radical Islam and sells cheap oil to the US and in return America gives them advanced weapons and support in all kinds of ways.

CHP hasn't been in power in like what, more than 40 years? We have no idea how they will treat relations with America. Don't take the words of CHP MPs seriously. If say Imamoglu or Ince gets elected they will probably have the exact same foreign policy that Turkey has right now. But instead of Islamism, secularism will return. They will work hard to improve the image of Turkey instead of trying to act like the 'leader of the ummet'' like Erdoğan does.

We had a massive advantage by being the only secular country in the Middle East. But we threw it all away. The west knows that it can weaken Turkey through Islamism and that's exactly what it did. Not to the extent it thought it could. Thankfully Islamism is declining recently especially amongst youth.

Imamoglu turned into a bastard he showed us his true nature, fook him.
Kilicdaroglu will never give his throne to a Patriot, he is a leftist piece of sh!t same as 90% of CHP.

Turkish politics is disgusting, the goverment is disgusting and the opposition is also disgusting.
This country needs a Militarist Goverment, discipline and education.
Imamoglu turned into a bastard he showed us his true nature, fook him.
Kilicdaroglu will never give his throne to a Patriot, he is a leftist piece of sh!t same as 90% of CHP.

Turkish politics is disgusting, the goverment is disgusting and the opposition is also disgusting.
This country needs a Militarist Goverment, discipline and education.

I haven't been following Turkish politics for a while. What did Imamoglu do?

We need a militaristic government but sadly I don't see it happening.

I hope you Arab loving neo-Ottoman Islamists are happy. Fkn traitors.

And to the idiots who are going to say "but the Arabs hate us because we ruled them lol", yeah we already know that genius. The point is that they've infected us with this whole Islamist ideology since the 80s with full backing from the west. And now they're trying to turn Turkey into what they've been for decades. Meanwhile the west is ordering them to secularize.

We were a militarist secular Kemalist state which was in another league when compared to Arab countries. Now we're trying to become them because of the Georgian watermelon seller. "Oh but Erdoğan made the defense industry what it is", no you dumbàss the Turkish defense industry was restarted in the 70s after your precious Menderes had killed it in the 50s. It was on the path to be where it is now regardless of Erdoğan.

We never should have stooped to their level. We were so feared as a secular state but now we're are just a toothless Arab loving country. I seriously hope someone like Imamoglu takes control of the country because we need to set the record straight. Time to become Turks again instead of Arab loving neo-Ottomans. You seriously think they view us as brothers? In your dreams. Soon we shall descend on them like the Turco-Mongols did centuries ago. Wake up and return to your roots.

Your betrayal to the Islamic cause will not be accepted and anyone that joins you will pay, we are not democratic and pagan rituals won't be accepted. Arab states are not Islamist enough, we need to Islamify a lot more.

Saudis and Americans work together. Saudi Arabia spreads radical Islam and sells cheap oil to the US and in return America gives them advanced weapons and support in all kinds of ways.

CHP hasn't been in power in like what, more than 40 years? We have no idea how they will treat relations with America. Don't take the words of CHP MPs seriously. If say Imamoglu or Ince gets elected they will probably have the exact same foreign policy that Turkey has right now. But instead of Islamism, secularism will return. They will work hard to improve the image of Turkey instead of trying to act like the 'leader of the ummet'' like Erdoğan does.

We had a massive advantage by being the only secular country in the Middle East. But we threw it all away. The west knows that it can weaken Turkey through Islamism and that's exactly what it did. Not to the extent it thought it could. Thankfully Islamism is declining recently especially amongst youth.

Secularism can **** itself and the youth that reject Islamism are by large liberal cucks, we won't allow it to happen. CHP are enemies of Islam and so is anyone that votes on them. You should die for the Islamic cause, you should obey the Islamic rules instead of trying to bang beaver in nightclubs and being a semi non-radical Tengri boy. I refuse beaver actively since my Islamifcation and hopefully you will be fixed.
No need for Arabs in this matter... The majority of Turks in this Forum is making Dua' for your Kuffar attitude...

It doesn't matter what you wish or not... Islam will prevail... The moment you taste it... and Enjoy glory under it... you will forever dwell in it...
At every moment a Muslim nation try to divert herself from the Truth... Allah will remind them... whatever with the easy way or the Hard way...

Turkey will remain Muslim Inshallah and whoever went astray will come back... as for those who are stubborn... no worry... no "Arabs or foreigners will come to you"... But your own people and they will gladly make a sacrifice out of you...

"They plan, Allah Plans and Allah is the best of all planners"
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That is true. Keep them for guarding the house but don't take them to your bedroom.
Turks without Islam are nothing all the glory was and is because of Islam don't forget that.

Which Turks (Empire) do you mean?
Your betrayal to the Islamic cause will not be accepted and anyone that joins you will pay, we are not democratic and pagan rituals won't be accepted. Arab states are not Islamist enough, we need to Islamify a lot more.

Secularism can **** itself and the youth that reject Islamism are by large liberal cucks, we won't allow it to happen. CHP are enemies of Islam and so is anyone that votes on them. You should die for the Islamic cause, you should obey the Islamic rules instead of trying to bang beaver in nightclubs and being a semi non-radical Tengri boy. I refuse beaver actively since my Islamifcation and hopefully you will be fixed.

I could go ahead and reveal why Islam and all Abrahamic religions are false but you would probably cry. Don't confuse nationalist secularism for 'liberal democracy'. Don't forget that secularism is one of the founding principles of the Turkish nation and also don't forget the fact that the Kemalist military used to literally kill gays and other degenerates until Erdoğan came to power and made them free.
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