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Arab woman pepper sprayed by Zionist extremists in Israel

View attachment 849234
Lol, your study isn't worth much, North and South Korea, genetically identical yet economically are very different, have a difference of just 1cm of average height

I don't live in a shitty flat in Tel Aviv, I live in the north, I hate Tel Aviv.

You don't have to believe me
I'm glad you live in the North, You will receive the first HisbuAllah strikes 🤣😁😅
Israeli Jews are outnumbered by Arabs if you combine the Arabs in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel itself. Outside of that very small geographical area (Palestine) you are even more outnumbered by Arabs and surrounded by them. 1:60 ratio or something alike.

You have no options other than living with Arabs peacefully long-term. Talk about nukes etc. won't work as you will destroy yourself in the process and with how the times are moving, Arabs (Saudi Arabia prime candidate) will get nukes eventually as well if they don't already have them. It is old technology.

If your elites will not accept a two-state solution, you will live as a prisoner within a segregated golden cage always worrying about the next attack.

You have been living under the thumb of Arabs for centuries if not millennia and they never mass-murdered you and treated you better than the Europeans and others ever did. Food for thought.

Anyway are 50% of your population not Arab Jews?:lol:
We will kill anyone that endangers Israel as a Jewish state
I'm glad you live in the North, You will receive the first HisbuAllah strikes 🤣😁😅
He lives among Arab citizens of Israel. This explains his hate towards them
I'm glad you live in the North, You will receive the first HisbuAllah strikes 🤣😁😅
We have been waiting for them for 16 years, even killed some Hezbollah generals and soldiers in the last few years but Hezbollah doesn't shower us with rockets yet
We will kill anyone that endangers Israel as a Jewish state
Israel is a racist state, apartheid regime, delusional people 😁

He lives among Arab citizens of Israel. This explains his hate towards them View attachment 849241
Probably his ex run away with an Arab stallion 😁😅🤣
We will kill anyone that endangers Israel as a Jewish state
Then start with mass killing of your own ultra orthodox Jews that refuse to serve in the Israeli military, who work very little but produce tons of kids and are thus huge burden on the Jewish State of Israel
Israel is a racist state, apartheid regime, delusional people 😁

Probably his ex run away with an Arab stallion 😁😅🤣
The midget talks about stallions😂
We have been waiting for them for 16 years, even killed some Hezbollah generals and soldiers in the last few years but Hezbollah doesn't shower us with rockets yet
16 years you didn't crossed 1m through the Lebanese border, you hasbara are really afraid of HezbAllah, I don't judge you, you have some brain after all ...
Then start with killing ultra orthodox Jews that refuse to serve in the Israeli military, who work very little but produce tons of kids and are thus huge burden on the Jewish State of Israel
They are Jewish, they don't seek the destruction of the Jewish state

Anyone, Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Atheist that seeks the destruction of Israel will find himself destroyed.
The midget talks about stallions😂
A midget brainless zio, living in a midget state, talking about "midget", again size doesn't matter, your 90kg of fat won't do anything in bed, that's why your ex left you for a hot Arab stallion 😁

They are Jewish, they don't seek the destruction of the Jewish state

Anyone, Jewish, Muslim, Christian or Atheist that seeks the destruction of Israel will find himself destroyed.
There is orthodox Jews that are against the establishment of Israel, are you for killing them all?
neturei 3.jpg
16 years you didn't crossed 1m through the Lebanese border, you hasbara are really afraid of HezbAllah, I don't judge you, you have some brain after all ...
Hahahahaha I crossed the border myself in Zarit base, Israeli tanks and soldiers regularly crossed the border
Smarter and successful, yes but not physically stronger or intimidating. If you think I'm joking then bring 10 isreali men to Bradford or Luton in the UK and I'll bring 3 Pakistani guys. We'll have a fight and then see who wins. israeli men can only physically fight against unarmed women and children. History has shown this.
Dude they made their own country fighting all the neighbors, that's why you are calling them occupiers . Don't insult Arabs who fought them.
Lol, attack Jews and cry when they get pepper sprayed.

One Palestinian fought and a hundred Jews ran? Is that why they're victimizing themselves and cry that we genocide them?

Those are all children you retard, Jews are smarter, stronger and more successful than Pakistanis
Fact no 1

Israelis arr not Jews. They do everything opposite to the teachings of Moses. Always have done and always will do. Israelis are nazis 100%. Even dna shows you have nothingbto do with the middle east. Back to Europe
We will kill anyone that endangers Israel as a Jewish state

What has that to do with what I wrote?

You say that you hate "Arabs" (I think that you are talking about Palestinians here) yet 50% of all Israeli Jews are Jews from Arab countries. From what I have read there is no genetic difference between a Muslim Iraqi Arab and a Jewish Iraqi. Or a Muslim Yemeni and a Jewish Yemeni. So what is your logic about here? If Palestinians suddenly converted to Judaism you would love them?:lol:

Once again how are you going to remove Palestinians/Arabs from Palestine when Arabs outnumber Jews in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel proper combined? How are you going to defeat Arabs when Israel is a tiny country and outnumbered by Arabs by at least a ratio of 1:60 (if not much more)? Not even going to compare landmass with the Arab world here.

Why has/is Israel obsessed about normalizing ties with Arab countries? You live in an alternative reality if you think that Palestinians are going anywhere.

Nukes as I wrote is ancient technology. Given the developments in the region, more nuclear powers will emerge. What stops Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Turkey etc. from acquiring nukes eventually? What then?
Hahahahaha I crossed the border myself in Zarit base, Israeli tanks and soldiers regularly crossed the border
You are so funny, zarit base is in occupied territories, last time thanks crossed the border ...... Mirakaaaavvvaaaa 🤣😅😂
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