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Arab leaders set up $1 billion Arab fund for Jerusalem


Apr 28, 2012
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United Arab Emirates

DOHA (Reuters) - The Arab League on Tuesday approved a Qatari proposal to set up a $1 billion fund for Arab East Jerusalem, which Palestinians want as the capital of an independent state under any peace deal with Israel.

Arabs say that Israeli settlement-building on land captured in the 1967 Middle East war, including Arab East Jerusalem, has made a two-state solution backed by the United States unfeasible.

Qatar's emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, said his country will contribute $250 million to the fund, which he called for in an opening speech to an Arab summit in Doha that focused on the crisis in Syria and stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.

"The summit... calls for setting up a fund to support Jerusalem to the value of $1 billion to finance projects and programmes that would maintain the Arab and Islamic character of the city and reinforce the steadfastness of its people," the draft resolution said.

The Islamic Development Bank, based in Saudi Arabia's Red Sea city of Jeddah, will manage the fund, it said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the fund to help protect the Arab character of the city and urged Arab states to contribute to it.

"The Israeli occupation is working in a systematic and hurried way to Judaise East Jerusalem, change its features and uproot its Palestinian inhabitants, attacking the al-Aqsa Mosque and its Muslim and Christian holy sites," Abbas said in a speech at the summit.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said the initiative was "a badge of shame" for Qatar.

"Objecting to 'Judaisation of Jerusalem', so to speak, is absurd and is equatable to an objection to the Catholic nature of the Vatican or the Islamisation of Mecca, it is naturally unthinkable," Palmor said.

The fate of Jerusalem has proved one of the thorniest sticking points in past Middle East peace negotiations.

Arab leaders set up $1 billion Arab fund for Jerusalem | NDTV.com
Bunch of idiots! 1bil$ for maintaining Islamic character. If they build 2-3 universities with half the money, then it would be much more useful.Anyway, till the city gets freed from Israel, their money will sit in the banks.
How will they use this fund. Isn't the city under Israeli control?

Numerous claims like these have been made in the past and nobody came forward to commit the cash. This is called politics over popular sentiments however it did give an opportunity for a good photo session for all leaders and 15 seconds of headline fame.

1 billion committed to sustain a lie - warning: more terrorism & corruption ahead!
Immense waste of oil money!

Soo much sympathy for Pallys when they treat them like second class humans in their own country.
Apparently muslims only live in palestine and no where else.

Arabs are a shameful character!
Great work, more oil money should be poured where it needs to be.

They also need SAM systems to secure them from Israel's aerial bombing.

Actually SAM will only raise number of casualties, if we assume SAM be 100% effective Israel will resort into less accurate fire such as Artillery

Numerous claims like these have been made in the past and nobody came forward to commit the cash. This is called politics over popular sentiments however it did give an opportunity for a good photo session for all leaders and 15 seconds of headline fame.

1 billion committed to sustain a lie - warning: more terrorism & corruption ahead!
Immense waste of oil money!

Soo much sympathy for Pallys when they treat them like second class humans in their own country.
Apparently muslims only live in palestine and no where else.

Arabs are a shameful character!

if u hate them so much why do u wave there flag?

muslim world is in scam bcoz of ppl like u. Say some thing and do the other.......

providing jobs and a consistent monthly pay check's to 1000's of Palestinians and ppl from ur country is no child's play thank god for the blessings.

u my friend are a disgrace to ur own kind.........as the saying goes "one who is unfaithful to his own kind dont trust him to be faithful to you"

scamsters like u are the ones who sold the arab farm lands for a vine and bread.

Jerusalem is for all or for none.........Time is proof for this.
$1 billions worth of terrrorism. Israel is an innocent state that consistently has to defend herself against rogue and unstable neighbors. The have convinced muslims that this isn't an arab problem this is an islamic issue.
$1 billions worth of terrrorism. Israel is an innocent state that consistently has to defend herself against rogue and unstable neighbors. The have convinced muslims that this isn't an arab problem this is an islamic issue.
Indeed. And we are witnessing how the soft-minded are so interlinked with the Arabs that would not even spit on them if they were on fire.
if u hate them so much why do u wave there flag?

muslim world is in scam bcoz of ppl like u. Say some thing and do the other.......

providing jobs and a consistent monthly pay check's to 1000's of Palestinians and ppl from ur country is no child's play thank god for the blessings.

u my friend are a disgrace to ur own kind.........as the saying goes "one who is unfaithful to his own kind dont trust him to be faithful to you"

scamsters like u are the ones who sold the arab farm lands for a vine and bread.

Jerusalem is for all or for none.........Time is proof for this.

Actually, Palestinian infrastructure were built by this money from houses, schools, universities, to hospitals...etc. That guy you are talking to has been desperately trying to get Saudi nationality but he was rejected. He is maybe angry with his Arab bosses, who knows...
Bunch of idiots! 1bil$ for maintaining Islamic character. If they build 2-3 universities with half the money, then it would be much more useful.Anyway, till the city gets freed from Israel, their money will sit in the banks.

Its arab league what did u expect. They are only good at plotting and scheming against the weak.
$1 billions worth of terrrorism. Israel is an innocent state that consistently has to defend herself against rogue and unstable neighbors. The have convinced muslims that this isn't an arab problem this is an islamic issue.


No wonder you live in Canaayyyydddddaaaaa
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