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Arab concerns for India-Israel military partnership "misplaced"


Aug 29, 2009
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Singh allays Arab concern - Arab News

JEDDAH: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said that Arab concern about growing Indo-Israeli defense cooperation is "misplaced". Last year it was reported that Israel had replaced Russia as India's top supplier of defense equipment. The Indian premier was speaking in a special interview prior to his visit to the Kingdom. He arrives Saturday at the head of one of the most important Indian delegations to visit the Kingdom in years.

"Our relationship with no single country is at the expense of our relations with any other country," he said.

As to India's support for Palestine, it was "an article of faith for us,"
he added.

"Our solidarity with the people of Palestine predates our independence," he said. "India supports a peaceful solution that would result in a sovereign, independent, viable and united state of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, side by side at peace with Israel."

The Arab Peace Plan, the Quartet road map and the various UN Security Council resolutions on the issue were firmly supported by India. He recently confirmed this to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during the latter's visit to Delhi a fortnight ago.

The relationship with Saudi Arabia was of prime importance for India, the premier said. Trade was of particular importance. Following the visit of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah in January 2006 — a visit the Indian premier called a "landmark event" — the two countries have made "considerable" progress in strengthening their relationship, he said. "There have been regular high-level ministerial exchanges as well as intensified interaction among the business community, academia and other sections of society," he explained.

The India-Saudi Arabia Joint Commission that met in November drew up "ambitious" plans, he said, pointing out that trade between the two countries is worth over SR95 billion and that Saudi Arabia is India's fourth largest trading partner. He also pointed to the number of joint ventures involving Indian investors in the Kingdom. This stood at over 500 and was worth over SR7.5 billion. India was equally looking hopefully to greater Saudi investment in the opposite direction, he added.

He hoped his visit would provide ample opportunity for "interacting with the members of the business community in Saudi Arabia and inviting them to be a partner in India's rapid socioeconomic transformation through major infrastructure, energy, industry and services related projects."

The visit would, he revealed, result in several cooperation agreements in economic, cultural, scientific, technological and information technology fields. "I am confident these will further enrich our close relations," he said.

As both countries rapidly modernize, greater cooperation makes sense, he declared. Both have a "huge stake" in each other's success, and to that extent the relationship is of "strategic importance".

"I would like to see a much greater integration of our economies, higher flow of trade and investment, better connectivity and freer flow of ideas and people," Singh declared.

An important aspect of his visit would be political cooperation, particularly regional security, he said. India and Saudi Arabia "belong to the same extended neighborhood," he explained. "In the Delhi Declaration, we had pledged to work together not just for our bilateral benefit, but also to promote peace, stability and security in the region and the world."

He believed that India and Saudi Arabia had a particular responsibility to ensure peace in the area. "We are witnessing significant geopolitical developments, which will directly impact on the peace and stability in the region," he said. "All these issues need to be addressed through sustained efforts."

Singh said he would talk about regional issues with King Abdullah, and "discuss how we can work together to address the complex issues at hand."

For him terrorism remains "the single biggest threat to peace, stability and to our progress." He indicated a need for closer cooperation to confront it at regional level. All GCC countries, he said, shared India's concerns on extremism and terrorism. In particular, India rejected the idea that "any religion or cause" could be used to justify violence against innocent people.

"We have institutionalized our cooperation with the Gulf countries by putting in place various security cooperation agreements, including extradition treaties," Singh said.

But much more needs to be done, he added. "Given the fact that today extremist and terrorist activities straddle South Asia and West Asia and constitute a grave threat to our peoples, I agree that the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) and GCC anti-terrorism efforts should be more effectively coordinated."

Sounding a somber but encouraging note on relations with Pakistan, the Indian prime minister said that terrorism was the "primary" issue. "We seek a peaceful and normal relationship with Pakistan," he said. "In that quest we have consistently sought to engage those in Pakistan who are ready to work with us. There is no alternative to dialogue to resolve the issues that divide us."

Taking a conciliatory view, he made it clear that he saw Pakistan as a victim of terrorism too. "As a neighbor, we cannot remain immune to the rise of extremism and terrorism in Pakistan, or on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Extremism and terrorism are major threats not only to India, but also to Pakistan, and all its other neighbors," he said.

It was in the region's collective interest that "we resolutely oppose, resist and overcome terrorism and all those who nurture, sustain and give sanctuary to terrorists and extremist elements."

On the Kashmir issue in particular, he said that India was ready to discuss "all issues" with Islamabad "in an atmosphere free from terrorism" — a statement that could be seen as a precondition.

The Indian prime minister welcomed King Abdullah's inter-faith initiative and indicated he saw a role for India, which valued "the principles of peaceful coexistence and harmony among nations". India would, he said, work with all like-minded countries to create a "just and equitable international order that is conducive to meeting the challenges of poverty, illiteracy and hunger."

Indians, he said, well understood and supported the concept of inter-faith dialogue. "The knowledge of religious beliefs and practices of other people is important in itself and can foster greater understanding and tolerance," he said. "We have experience of this in our own country."

Islam is, he said, "an integral part of India's democratic and secular fabric. Muslims in India are part of our national mosaic and have enriched our society."

Speaking about the welfare of the 1.7 million Indians living and working in the Kingdom, he said it was a matter of "high priority" for his government. The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs had, he said, "worked tirelessly" for the welfare of the Indian community in hand with governments in the Gulf. Arrangements had been put in place to help Indians facing problems, including a 24-hour helpline, temporary shelters, counseling centers and improved community welfare offices at the embassy in Riyadh and the consulate-general in Jeddah.

He indicated, however, that more would have to be done. "We are in the process of reforming our own procedures, including better regulation of the recruitment process."

There are reports of a new Indian initiative planned on this in the next few weeks.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said that Arab concern about growing Indo-Israeli defense cooperation is "misplaced
Why would saudis be worried about indo-isr defence coperation?
Its india tht buy from isra not the opposite.
Singh is just there to try to get saudi support against Pakistan...
And that wont happen.
Why would saudis be worried about indo-isr defence coperation?
Its india tht buy from isra not the opposite.
Singh is just there to try to get saudi support against Pakistan...
And that wont happen.

Not exactly.

India has launched Israeli Tec-SAR satellite to spy on Arabs and Iranians.

India is providing technical collaboration on developing Barak-2 SAM.

And lastly, India gives billions of dollars to Israel and gives it key intelligence inputs.

Now, you will unleash your rants trying to undermine all this. So continue... But facts remains, this article was published by a Saudi media outlet. Indian media didn't even consider it.

And BTW, India doesn't desire for Saudi support against Pakistan (as if anyone cares). India is only concerned about Saudi oil... which it is getting.
Man mohan double cross ker raha hai Arabs ko , sardar jii bach ke rahna , UAE has F16 BLOCK 60 and Saudi have 100 Euro Fighters
UAE has F16 BLOCK 60 and Saudi have 100 Euro Fighters

But they're lazy Arabs in the end. Can't win a war no matter how many expensive toys they buy from us or heck even the Russians.

Even more embarrassing than getting spanked multiple times by the Israeli's is Iraq's performance during their war with Iran despite all those fancy toys Saddam got from us and the Soviets. If the isht ever hits the fan it'll be our fleets bailing out the Emirs and Sauds like always.
India is also planning to sign MoUs on education, IT, Industry, media, cultural events, space, defense and security co-operation. KSA is India's biggest provider of energy. And two trade is about $25B on top of the $8-10B in remittances by the approximate 2 million Indian expats living there.

Let me also remind you that straight after the mumbai attacks, the Saudi Intelligence chief was the first foreign intelligence chief to visit India.
I won't be surprised if India launches a Saudi satellite sometime in the future.

You can check out his entire interview to Saudi journalists here

The upcoming visit, is just adding to make the ties between Saudi Arabia and India more and more broad based that it already is. On Palestine, GoI has been consistent, even during the BJP led govt. Just last month a $10 Million Aid grants was given to Mahmoud Abbas.

I would suggest some Pakistanis who talk about "double crossing" to check on UN contributions to Palestine for the past 50+ years from India and Pakistan and you would be surprised on who has given more.
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Man mohan double cross ker raha hai Arabs ko , sardar jii bach ke rahna , UAE has F16 BLOCK 60 and Saudi have 100 Euro Fighters

100 EF? Saudi ordered 72. And as far as I know, they didn't get a 'Buy 72, get 28 free' deal. So please halt your imagination before it runs away with your logic.
100 EF? Saudi ordered 72. And as far as I know, they didn't get a 'Buy 72, get 28 free' deal. So please halt your imagination before it runs away with your logic.

he mean 72 ke sath 28 free
MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN MOHAN ... trying to pull a fast one ... on King Ji ...

Oh king ji even if we got the AWAC and tones of goods from Israel we still love you
I can see it now ... manmohan , and KSA king ... disussing and the King tells Man mohan , .... why ... why ... why do you keep supporting Israel , I want all indians out of KSA and middle east ... it could happen

how you know do u have any agent there

KSA king should be alert may isi is working there :rofl:
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