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APML: Atiqa odho intimidated air port staff upon alcohol possession.

look who is quoting

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ----------

look who is quoting

so you don't agree with the part in bold? or you are questioning my faith? or is it that you have witnessed in these forums a post of mine where I have published scandalous behavior?
:lol::lol:, us ne to sharab piya, aap ne sulphuric acid piya

Ahhhh, me and sulphuric acid :P

When in mood i drive like mad people. So a discussion was going on in the class and our teacher (who did a lot of research in states) said that in Pakistan people drive like they are on drugs and my class (at once) said sir this person (me) is one of them. Sir replied oh no he drinks something else :P
Sir if politics is not about "personal" life, there is no point checking if a person is corrupt or defaulter or criminal. Its actually a retard argument (not pointing at you but the argument) that do not discuss personal matters.. if a person is not good with the people he personally matters, what the heck make us believe the same would be good for the countrymen? Was Quaid-e-Azam personally immoral? What the heck are we trying to find in these people and what the heck is that we are trying to protect in Atiqa Odho kind of people?

Politics is all about ruling the country and countrymen.. when you separate "personal" from "public" life, you are allowing double faced people to get in power. I request all "Thanks Givers" to start thinking and questioning why we do that without a logic.. Is that because we want to provide these people a cover? If so then we can never stop a personally corrupt person to make public corruptions. Think!
Dude don't mingle with me I am not interested to converse with you on your loving banned Haram Items even in the west in certain situations it is banned to drink if you intend to go our for a drive wtf is the matter with you...

I can use aour so what aour means "And" I have used Aor/Aour in many sentences with "And" does it mean it is from the Quran only, man try to reason with.

Using Aur or Aour is not a sin, there are many sentences for example "And there you go"

So I really don't know your stupid reasoning at one point you are so wanting that alcohol becomes a legal item and on the other hand you're giving your mullahism on Aur whats up dude huh?
Guys the alocohol was for lab testing and samples and to test if the airport staff was alert enough. Next thread please.
Dude don't mingle with me I am not interested to converse with you on your loving banned Haram Items even in the west in certain situations it is banned to drink if you intend to go our for a drive wtf is the matter with you...

Chill dude this is not your living room its a public forum. No need to get overboard, and in public forums if you don't intend to mingle or converse avoid posting!!!!!! And yes be careful in attributing things to Quran using AUOR or AND for whenever you do that I ll Insha Allah point it out as a false attribution not to mention the sin!!!!!

I think the problem is she did not let them take one , and keep one for her self she got greedy and now ... she has to suffer

Sharing is good - one for you one for Atiqa

May be she planned a romantic date in Dubai :smokin: customs kabab main haddi

I think the problem is she did not let them take one , and keep one for her self she got greedy and now ... she has to suffer

Sharing is good - one for you one for Atiqa

May be she planned a romantic date in Dubai :smokin: customs kabab main haddi

one for me as well
Well thats not what he posted. And for refreshing your memory let me post it again:-

See the word Aor???? So its pretty clear without any ambiguity what he was posting there. And I want to make it clear that no where in Quran is it mentioned, AOR its a great sin to attribute something to Quran which is not there.

your grammar is pretty weak isn't it ........ aour or and always uses to break the sentence ......... pilot grammar of 9th class will be helpful to you
your grammar is pretty weak isn't it ........ aour or and always uses to break the sentence ......... pilot grammar of 9th class will be helpful to you

Sure budd, which school did you go to? Goverment high school burewala? Here are a few examples of 'and' from Quran itself:-

6:108 Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance. Thus have We made alluring to each people its own doings. In the end will they return to their Lord, and We shall then tell them the truth of all that they did.

Now does that mean that anything after the and is not continuation of the verse from Quran? There is something called a period and then a line break to remove this confusion. May be your Rafeeq's Pilot grammar book being taught in Burewala didn't cover this.;)
I am sorry I fail to understand the all fuss , we are discussing for 7 pages about an event that has no bearing on our daily miserable lives

so she is found to have alcohol in her possession, so what? If she was going to take them in her hand luggage then it was wrong because its not allowed due to security risk and no international airline allows that (please I don’t want to go into the moral/ religious argument of drinking the liquor, when people are being blown up and beheaded on daily bases by Taliban). if I was in her place I would have preferred to get it from the duty free upon arriving at my destination. Why risk this media circus?

The brother of Amir Al Momineen Shabaz Sherif was found to have sex toys in his London hotel room when the two righteous brothers of Taliban went for hair transplant. Again… so what?

What they do and have in their personal private life is no business of anybody.

By the way pay a visit to the local police station, you will find plenty of stuff that is available for sale. I hope the anti liquer laws are also applied at the police stations too.
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