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Any US provocation, illegal move against Iran will be dealt with firmly


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

A vessel belonging to Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) is seen next to the guided-missile destroyer USS Paul Hamilton in the Persian Gulf on April 15, 2020. (Via Reuters)
The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces says the presence of the United States and its allies in the West Asia region has been the source of insecurity for regional countries, warning that any provocative move by US forces will be met with Iranian Armed Forces’ categorical response.

In a statement issued on Monday, the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces said, “High-risk behaviors, which make shipping [in regional waters] insecure, have started since the adventurist and terrorist country of America and some of its allies came to this sensitive region.”

"As it has been repeatedly announced, the Islamic Republic of Iran has never initiated and will never start any tension and conflict in the region, but will always defend its territorial integrity with preparedness, strength and power," Iran's high military body said, adding, "Any act of adventurism, harassment and provocation will be met with the Iranian Armed Forces' decisive response and hostile forces, including the US, will be responsible for consequences."

The Islamic Republic strongly believes that regional countries have necessary capabilities to maintain security in the Persian Gulf, the strategic Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman, and guarantee security of energy flow through the region, the statement said.

"False extra-regional coalitions led by the US will not only fail to help ensure stability and security in this region, but will also disrupt regional order and security," the statement pointed out.

It said the US’ precarious presence and its establishment of military bases in the region have been the root causes of insecurity, illegal moves and acts of mischief, adding that the Islamic Republic has repeatedly warned international bodies about Washington's destabilizing moves, which run counter to international laws and regulations.

The Armed Forces advises the US and its allies to abide by Iran's regulations as well as international rules and to avoid any acts of adventurism, measures in violation of principles of safe navigation, and providing false accounts of their provocative behaviors while passing through Iran's territorial waters, it said.

The statement noted that the military forces of the US and its allies need to withdraw from the region and allow regional countries to establish security in cooperation with each other as the sole secure way to enforce peace and stability in the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman.

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Decades-old tensions between Tehran and Washington have escalated since 2018, when US President Donald Trump withdrew from the landmark Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The US president further added fuel to the fire when he recently threatened that US Navy ships would shoot "out of the water" Iranian gunboats that get too close in the Persian Gulf.

Trump’s remarks came after a US Navy statement alleged that 11 boats of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) had closed in on six US naval vessels in the Persian Gulf “in dangerous and harassing approaches.” The IRGC strongly dismisses the statement, calling the account a “Hollywood tale.”

The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Thursday summoned the Swiss ambassador, whose country represents the United Stats’ interests, to convey the Islamic Republic’s strong condemnation of the provocative and aggressive acts by the US Navy’s terrorist forces in the Persian Gulf close to the Iranian coastline.

Iran Foreign Ministry protests US provocations, illegal measures in Persian Gulf
Iran summons the Swiss ambassador, whose country represents the US’ interests, to protest US forces

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said, “The summoning took place because of the acts of harassment and provocation by American forces in the Persian Gulf."

In a phone conversation with Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Saturday, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said that Tehran won't initiate any conflict in the region despite the US provocative moves.

President Rouhani: Iran closely watching US moves

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is closely watching and following the activity and movements of Americans, but will never be the initiator of any tension and conflict in the region," Rouhani added.
“High-risk behaviors, which make shipping [in regional waters] insecure, have started since the adventurist and terrorist country of America and some of its allies came to this sensitive region.”

"As it has been repeatedly announced, the Islamic Republic of Iran has never initiated and will never start any tension and conflict in the region.

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uh huh...I suppose that US ship is circling those tiny Iranian boats.

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You're over 7000miles away from your own shores and are in the Persian Gulf AKA Iran's backyard. What do you expect? Friendly waves and flowers?

Iran's use of speedboats to harass shipping dates back to at least the 1980's during the Iran Iraq War. Well before any US presence.

Dec. 7, 1987
Iranian gunboats raided two tankers today, setting one ablaze and killing at least one crewman on the other.

The Singapore-registered tanker Norman Atlantic, loaded with potentially explosive naphtha, had flames leaping out of control tonight after it was bombarded with rocket-propelled grenades off the Omani coast as it sailed toward the Strait of Hormuz, the entrance to the Persian Gulf.

There were fears that the Norman Atlantic, which had loaded its cargo in Kuwait, might blow up. Omani Coast Guard launches took the crew off the ship, which was listing heavily to starboard.

Earlier, Iranian Revolutionary Guards on a speedboat fired a half dozen rocket-propelled grenades at the Danish-registered tanker Estelle Maersk off Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. One crewman was killed and another seriously wounded.

The attack on the Estelle Maersk, which was loaded with Saudi crude oil, came just before 5 A.M. local time. Rescue Helicopter Crashes

A rescue helicopter sent from Dubai crashed while landing on the vessel to evacuate the wounded. One of the wounded sailors, who had lost his leg, died because he could not be evacuated fast enough by launch.
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The longer US stays in the Persian Gulf, the more they will get humiliated
You're over 7000miles away from your own shores and are in the Persian Gulf AKA Iran's backyard. What do you expect? Friendly waves and flowers?

you are more than welcome to our backyard, how many miles per gallon can you squeeze out of those speed boats?
The longer US stays in the Persian Gulf, the more they will get humiliated
US 5th fleet is comfortably sitting there, with all its might. Iran is unable to do anything. These tiny boats can run circles all they want, but they are nothing more than entertainment for bored sailors. They will have a war story to brag about once the get home.
US 5th fleet is comfortably sitting there, with all its might. Iran is unable to do anything. These tiny boats can run circles all they want, but they are nothing more than entertainment for bored sailors. They will have a war story to brag about once the get home.

Imagine believing US 5th fleet has any chance against Iran in its backyard, the Persian Gulf
Imagine believing US 5th fleet has any chance against Iran in its backyard, the Persian Gulf
As per retired Russian Admiral. 5th fleet alone has enough fire power to flip Iran upside down.

New range of IRGC cruise missiles (700km)

After martyrdom of Haj Qassem Soleimani the only great anti ISIS commander in middle east nothing will become normal with Americans
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