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Any threat to Saudi Arabia will evoke a strong response from Pakistan: COAS

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It's Not about saudi arabia or saudi family you dumb fuc*s .. what he mean and i think every Pakistani understands it too.. that we will protect holy land of Makkah & Madina Thats It.. If Pakistani authorities were dumb enough Pakistan would have been involved in yemen war.. But we played our cards nicely .. so no need to go berserk.. Don't take it out of context..

^^ Lo aik or aa gai sasti shameem ara..
I think it is too narrow to consider relations with anyone in terms of secterian or religeous location of the country disregarding current context and issues ahead.

I have heard somewhere before about Bhutto assasination and its connection with saudi intel.Now we see daily bombing of civilians in Yemen as well. It was a good decision to stay out of that dirty conflict.

I think it would be wise to give a try cooperating with Iran sharing the borders and facing common threats like israel in terms of economy and technology. Before or after Iran either you become a state totally inline with usa policies as we see in Syrian conflict or the place in the hit list wont be erased but only delayed.

If the relationship turns to using you from cooperating with you(offering petrodollars or promising western bought military equipment in need does not count to enter the wars as their soldiers started by them) then ditch anyone be it Iran,Saudi or Turkey alike.
Bhai this protection is only applicable if harmain sharifain are threatened :angel:
Considering how the COAS and PM ran to the KSA to give assurances when KSA was going for misadventure in Yemen, i doubt if the Pakistani protection is limited to Holy lands.
The fitna of the last decade for pakistan was the american induced war on terror which divided muslims and made them to kill each other and after a long battle we have got slight upper hand. thanx to Allah and then to Raheel shareef. The next fitnah which is cooking for pakistan and for the whole of the islamic world is the sectarian war in which saudi royal bastar*s are playing the lead role and they want us to jump into the pit of hell alongside them.They will befool most of the innocent ,illiterate pakistanis in the name of "HOLY LAND" and by giving our leaders oil and riyals just like the TTP ,BLA and other terror outfits befooled the masses in the name of jihad and US used the carrot and stick policy for pakistani beggars
The Prophet SAW said that the end time will be a time of massive lies and deception so beware muslims. It is not the time for sectarian wars but time of unity but unfortunately we muslims loved to be deceived again and again for the sake of oil, dollars, riyals etc
I don't think they will be counting on you...after you guys ditched em for Yemen!

Let me tell you what you guyz don't understand.

Pakistan Saudia relation beyond your imagination. My family living in Arab countries specially Kuwait and Saudia from past 40 - 50 years. I knew the mentality of Saudis. I said this earlier many times that Saudia "CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT Pakistan" especially today.

Recently COAS and Saudi King + high-command of saudi regime backdoor talk with COAS and the news already circulating that Saudis head and COAS long chit chat on the phone call (s). Yesterday UAE (focus after statement against Pakistan on Yemen Issue) now start spending money on startup programs, infrastructure and already deal with Pakistan IT and telecom sector again. There is something going on behind the back door. Saudia need Pakistan at any cost.
Let me tell you what you guyz don't understand.
bro can u make posters... ? can u make poster of Maj aziz bhatti with half of his face as lion (front view)...?
The first ever statement of sir raheel sharif that I can't understand :undecided:
The top brass is better aware of our true allies and friends as well as potential and overt enemies,so when they make a statement, they are fully aware of its importance and repercussions...just because Iranian loyalists in this country would want nothing but destruction of S Arabia and holy land doesn't mean we should cut our ties with our time tested friend aND become puppets of Iran...S Arabia has been with us through thick and thin unlike Iran who has back stabbed us on numerous ocassions and would happily do so in future as well,but their puppets still want to wave their tail in front of them,which of course no body give a flying fck in Pakistan...

Just calm down the rhetoric.

The most idiot person in this world is someone who equates all of Saudi Arabia as holy land, hence justifying the dirty games that Al-Saud (who are from Najd area which has absolutely nothing to do with Mecca or Medina) has been playing around.

I don't know what they are teaching you in Saudi-funded Madrassas in Pakistan, but the fact that you have actually believed Iran wants to 'destroy' Mecca or Medina shows exactly why Pakistan can't get rid of domestic terrorism. The level of brainwashing is so high that its beyond repair without an elaborate and extensive educational course.

And yes, Saudis have stood with you in 'very hard times', and only looking at the guys who are killing Pakistani army or people shows how this help has worked out so far. I don't know if I am cursing you or wishing you good, but I wish more of this help which is totally for 'humanitarian purposes'.

You guys can consider Saudis, their princes and all their land as holy, but for us, there are only 2 things that are holy: Mecca and Medina, the rest is nothing but corrupted crooks that have spread only death and destruction with an ideology that is spread like a virus in region, of which, Pakistan and Afghanistan are one of the biggest victims, ironically.

I am thinking, what Jinah would think if he was alive today, would be very interesting.

I don't care about Saudi-Pak relations anymore, you guys do what you think is best for you, but I'll come in as soon as my country is mentioned.
When Saudis don't give a dam about any one & all they think about is themselves & safety of their race then why is Pakistan acting like a armature, Pakistan should not care about them, Pakistan should act maturely.

PA should think about saving Pakistan at this time. We Pakistanis are getting killed by corrupt politicians, political terrorist groups & rented terrorists. PA's first priority at this time should be to save Pakistan, not KSA. KSA is well equipped technologically than Pakistan & they should fight their proxy wars themselves. So far KSA has completely destroyed Iraq, Syria & Libya, keep in mind nothing was possible without the wishes of KSA. What ever danger KSA is facing today, they are directly responsible for it. They allowed the destruction of Iraq, Syria & Libya. Today they are facing the consequences of the decisions which were taken in the past.
When Saudis don't give a dam about any one & all they think about is themselves & safety of their race then why is Pakistan acting like a armature, Pakistan should not care about them, Pakistan should act maturely.

PA should think about saving Pakistan at this time. We Pakistanis are getting killed by corrupt politicians, political terrorist groups & rented terrorists. PA's first priority at this time should be to save Pakistan, not KSA. KSA is well equipped technologically than Pakistan & they should fight their proxy wars themselves. So far KSA has completely destroyed Iraq, Syria & Libya, keep in mind nothing was possible without the wishes of KSA. What ever danger KSA is facing today, they are directly responsible for it. They allowed the destruction of Iraq, Syria & Libya. Today they are facing the consequences of the decisions which were taken in the past.

However, safeguarding Makkah and Madina are prime duties of all Muslims.
Pakistan seriously needs to reassess her ties with Saudi. Any threat to Saudi will evoke a strong response yet the biggest
economic investments have come from China while the largest investments for Anti-state activities come from....guess.. Pakistan should rather look out for it's own interests than that of an imaginary 'Ummah'.
Besides, there's difference between Saudi and Makkah/Madina.
For your info Pakistan get max of its remitence from Saudia and Gulf, which makes the largest chunk of our economy, and also do research Pakistan's nuclear was largely by funds of saudi arab, and after Nuclear test Pakistan faced sanction it was saudi that jumped in to support in out toughest time not ur bloody iran , and in near future u ll see these back stabbers irani with there real face, so long Live Pak-Arab Brotherssss

who's dumb enough to invade saudi arabia anyway?
Tell me who don't want the Oil

when did the british-created american-protected anti-democracy called saudia become "holy land"??
Well u r forgetting the same Britishers made the boundary lines for ur country and my country as well, we muslims think above nationalities and who ever is custodian of two sacred places Makkah Madina, we are there to defend it till last drop blood.
Talk like a real Iranian loyalist,bashing the trusted institutions and personalities because they do not go along the wishes and thought process of the likes of you(which of course is submission to Iran :lol:)..And our agencies have always blamed neighboring countries of supporting terrorists and not the other way around apart from occasional mentions...

I'm surprised to see how did you survive at this forum so long because only anti-saudi sentiments are allowed here
Well u r forgetting the same Britishers made the boundary lines for ur country and my country as well

the partition was a mistake, and mistake because except for the indian socialists, no one else was clear as to what society they wanted.

and by the foolishness of pre-1947 india, the british and the western bloc gained two compliant governments who idiotically fight each other but leave the field clear for the western governments to wage their imperialist wars in the world.

we muslims think above nationalities and who ever is custodian of two sacred places Makkah Madina, we are there to defend it till last drop blood.

i am a million times more muslim than some saudi king will ever be... it is the progressive or socialist muslim like me who will ultimately decide who will administer makkah and madinah and how many hajis will go.

you see the green flag in my profile-picture?? in some years, through some means, it will fly outside makkah and madinah.
do you understand what you are talking about??
there is nothing permanent.... to whom you are saying to defend at any cost if that cost is too much for pakistan have ditched us..
Oman has given permission to indian navy to berth in their ports(which till date iran doesn't allowed indian navy to berth ports near to Pakistan), qatar has defense pact with india, behrain has security pact india, UAE is initiating strategic partnership with india, kuwait(to support its statehood we send our 10,000+ soldiers for kuwaits in kuwait-iraq war) support india in every issue..

KSA and UAE is the largest financier and support of those organization which are killing shias.. and additionally UAE is largest supporter of balouch insurgent..

ha ha ha but they allow war ships to dock anywhere,However how do you self define "Near to Pakistan" is another debate, India has some serious defense pact with Iran which you skipped intentionally :-)

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