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Any questions regarding Sri Lanka

How does an majorty ordinary SriLankan view china?

In just two words Next Superpower!
Sri Lankans have special respect towards China coz of the helping hand of China in many occasions.

Also Sri Lankans admire what Chinese have archived so far, their development path is great.
Are there any good sri lankan forums in English ....tried to search but couldn't find.......
Does ur view of India change due to the fact of tamil problem......
DO u consider LTTE as a product of India .......
What is the medium of communication that a tourist can use for a person visiting sri lanka.....
What is the medium of language used in schools and colleges ..... English or a other languages

There are less English forums but you'll get reply in English in any SL forum. Most of forums are music/aviation/sports/nature/travel etc I can't remember 100% English forum at this moment. I'll try to find one.

may be up to some extend, but we don't have any special hate towards to Tamilnadu state of India either. Protests against SL etc make smiles to us, that's all.

Yep, most of Sri Lankans think like that.

English is enough when you're visiting Sri Lanka.

We have Sinhala/Tamil/English medium schools, Universities are becoming English only recently.
Sri Lankans hate Sri Lankan traffic police! Maters of corruption in SL.

Is the corruption rampant as in India-Pakistan or less?

What is budget hotel rates in Srilanka and what are famous tourist places in Srilanka?
Is the corruption rampant as in India-Pakistan or less?

What is budget hotel rates in Srilanka and what are famous tourist places in Srilanka?

I haven't idea about corruption in India and Pakistan.

Budget hotel rates around 3000-4000 LKR pp.
Sigiriya rock, Ancient Kingdoms Anuradhapura and Polonnaruva, Temple of Tooth relic, Galle, Pinnavala, Yala, Vilpattu. etc


How does Ordinary Lankan's view India as ?

and Another Stupid question - Do you guys Worship Raavan ?
Sri Lanka...! To those who want to enjoy their life!

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How does Ordinary Lankan's view India as ?

and Another Stupid question - Do you guys Worship Raavan ?

1. I have answered before, mixed views. No special hate towards India.

2. Nope really. but most of Sinhalese visit Kovils and worship hindu gods and other local gods.
and are Ramayana sites in Lanka preserved by the govt or given any special Status due to their Historical importance ?

Places like Ashok Vatika,and some other's
2. Nope really. but most of Sinhalese visit Kovils and worship hindu gods and other local gods.

No because i have read long time back that there are Raavan temple in Lanka and some community in Lanka Worship him,In India [Some part of Uttar Pradesh and North east] Raavan is Worshipped
and are Ramayana sites in Lanka preserved by the govt or given any special Status due to their Historical importance ?

Places like Ashok Vatika,and some other's

some sites have historical stories related to Ramayanaya but difficult to find in tourism map of SL.

Himalayan piece of land which brought by Monkey Hanuman is still here. ;)
No because i have read long time back that there are Raavan temple in Lanka and some community in Lanka Worship him,In India [Some part of Uttar Pradesh and North east] Raavan is Worshipped

Ravana is a king, not a god. There are some Kings who worship as gods by people but Ravana considered as a king mostly.
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