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Feb 21, 2012
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By: | Shuja Umar|

To evaluate the importance of anxiety and to find out the incidence and prevalence of anxiety disorders in Pakistan through retrospective search.
Anxiety may be caused by a mental condition, a physical condition, the effects of drugs, or a combination of these. Anxiety is a sensation characterized by a sense of foreboding, uneasiness and fear.

Such feelings are considered normal if they are in response to an appropriate stress. However, when anxiety increases to an amount that it debilitates an individual and is disproportionate to the episode that has caused it, then it may be classified as a disorder.

The anxiety disorders leads to a number of medical conditions / diseases like hypertension and diabetes and can lead to a number of cardiac diseases. Therefore a firm association between anxiety and chronic illness can be established.

If we take a look at the incidence and prevalence of anxiety disorders in Pakistan, it is alarming, the mean overall prevalence of anxiety and depression based on community samples is 33.62%, with a point prevalence of 45.5 % in women and21.7% in men.

The data that has been taken from a source clearly reflect that the incidence of anxiety disorders is more common in females.
A reasonable hypothesis towards the high level of anxiety amongst the sample size could be attributed towards the fact that most of the people in the sample size were the family’s bread earners. A strong joint family system in the urban population of Pakistan usually lays down the support foundation for its members in times of hardship and plays a vital role in development of strong bonds amid its members .

Therefore, any disruption in this regard predisposes an individual to emotional harm and other psychosocial factors ultimately culminating in symptoms of anxiety and related disorders

It can be concluded that the physical and the mental state of citizens is important for the development of a nation. It is recommended that in a country like Pakistan where the general awareness of anxiety amongst the population is low, the government must launch widespread anxiety control programs and hold workshops educating the people the means to evaluate their level of anxiety.
Gut issues lead to a common nuisance not a disease called IBS....pakistanis has 1 out of 3 in irritable bowel syndrome issue of stomach and colon.
Depression is getting common throughout the world. Everyone you see is some how depressed and suffering from something. Or it could just be exams that are making someone depressed.
But there is a good but not a good but a great great solution which i applied to my seld and saw changes, which discussed with some of my friends and then got to a conclusion.
If you start doing exercises/workouts, even in home, it gonna effect you in good way. All depression gone.
When i left gym i got very sad don’t know the real reason but being depressed all the time. Then after starting exercises in home, i felt alot of change in myself. Atleast i am smiling again and concentration on studies also increased to some level.

Telling you all depressed peeps TRY IT
studies in the u.s. have shown that people raised in broken or otherwise single family homes where there is either a very abusive parent or an ignorant one will have the highest chances of developing in the anxiety disorder. the same holds true for people raised in an environment where both mom and dad were there but were very abusive towards each other. lesson learnt? Provide a happy family to children until they are adults where mother and father are loving instead of loathsome and cooperative instead of confrontational towards each other.
No one in Pakistan understands depression or democracy. Not even the developed countries know how to deal with it, or completely understand it.
Canada has scary high depression rates and the government doesnt know how to deal with it. They have introduced some methods of educating the children about it, but the teachers, being ignorant themselves. Dont know how to teach it properly to the children.
The best thing to do for Pakistan, would be to open up therapy offices in all hospitals/clinics across the country. With specially trained doctors and counselors. Then run ads on all social media, television and radio channels. Making the issue present infront of the population, also telling them that getting a checkup wouldnt hurt. This could be followed by teaching the academic community and then the children themselves.
With the amount of stuff that the regular citizen has witnessed, over the 12 year war. There are bound to be very high depression rates, but people dont realize that its depression they are going through.

Just my thoughts, whilst observing family and friends. Also taking the different cultures into mind.
So @Retired Troll, i hope you wont blame me of stalking you!! Just happened to open this thread and guess what? See you here doing what you do best, NOTHING! :D

Can you PLEASE enlighten us all what your above posts have contributed to the discussion so far?
Anxiety is real.
In my opinion , those darks thoughts harbour in ones head when our Imaan is weak.
The person who says 5 times Prayers & recites Quran on daily basis, Have Sabr and Taqwaa.
These issues are healed by the course of time.

As humans when we try to find reason of everything that happen to us without having control of situations.
Then Psychological effects take place , bit by bit when the tank of patience is full. The bubble is blown.
we are left with those horrible episodes of panic attacks, society anxiety disorders and many other.

Western world has been facing these issues for long. Now our culture is also effected by it.
There are many reasons Child abuse, insecurity, wrong up bringing , lack of education, lack of self awareness, lack of jobs, social issues, etc.

Turn to be practicing Muslims and Fear Allah.
Again i am not asking one to become molvi.
But as muslim , 5 time prayer & reciting Quran changes your life.
So @Retired Troll, i hope you wont blame me of stalking you!! Just happened to open this thread and guess what? See you here doing what you do best, NOTHING! :D

Can you PLEASE enlighten us all what your above posts have contributed to the discussion so far?
Please don't ban him.. I am visiting Germany in the coming days, I have to contact him through PDF..

Iss ko bahana mil jaega warna..

Shuja Umar
Yeh kaun hai? Aap ka partner?

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