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Anurudhati Roy About Modi

She is one brave woman exposing not only the Modi but a huge number of extremist and Racist indians following, supporting, sponsoring and patronizing fascist RSS.

Loser! get a life, loser!

btw in an interview she said that " Pakistan is an illegitimate state , who rules it is still not clear , the oppressive zamindars of Punjab , double faced military establishment or Taliban. "
btw in an interview she said that " Pakistan is an illegitimate state , who rules it is still not clear , the oppressive zamindars of Punjab , double faced military establishment or Taliban. "

I am surprised to see that even Arundhati Roy sometimes talks sense!! :D
says who ?





According to some people,Hitler was a jew himself. Tell that to the muslims who love hitler. The reaction will give you the biggest laugh of all time. Even better tell the neo-nazis on stormfront. They will go bonkers over this.
Dragging someone's religion in such a matter is rude and immoral and people who seek satisfaction over the fact that they think they are harbouring less criminals than others can never really do any good for their own people. Can't say much about Modi as long as he only butchers Muslims the general population would be at peace and when someone makes the mistake of mentioning that he is murdering Muslims the standard answer would be Muslims are not being threatened at all and we rather show you your ugly face rather than have the sense and maturity to accept our mistakes. That behaviour in itself shows just how much of political maturity exists in the general public to claim that they are a part of viable democracy.
Dragging someone's religion in such a matter is rude and immoral and people who seek satisfaction over the fact that they think they are harbouring less criminals than others can never really do any good for their own people. Can't say much about Modi as long as he only butchers Muslims the general population would be at peace and when someone makes the mistake of mentioning that he is murdering Muslims the standard answer would be Muslims are not being threatened at all and we rather show you your ugly face rather than have the sense and maturity to accept our mistakes. That behaviour in itself shows just how much of political maturity exists in the general public to claim that they are a part of viable democracy.

Your whole ''reasonable'' post is based on the biased, unsubstantiated and propaganda based assumption that ''modi butchers muslims''. Whereas he has been in power for 12 years and other than the one riot immediately after he had won his first election (mind you, it was not before impending election, it was 4 years and 9 months BEFORE his next election) he has held a clean government, he has been independently investigated by the supreme court and found not guilty, heck despite his 40 years of public life you can't even find an anti muslim statement from him (you can find statements where he says he has same respect for all faiths btw).

So basically, your reasonable looking post is not so at all, as its based on extreme bias. If anything, its Pakistanis who are trying to feel good about their addictive support of terrorism by projecting modi as some kind of muslim butcher. Think about it.
Dragging someone's religion in such a matter is rude and immoral and people who seek satisfaction over the fact that they think they are harbouring less criminals than others can never really do any good for their own people. Can't say much about Modi as long as he only butchers Muslims the general population would be at peace and when someone makes the mistake of mentioning that he is murdering Muslims the standard answer would be Muslims are not being threatened at all and we rather show you your ugly face rather than have the sense and maturity to accept our mistakes. That behaviour in itself shows just how much of political maturity exists in the general public to claim that they are a part of viable democracy.

Modi is the hero of Hindus , even if he has his hands painted in blood. The blood is for the revenge against the atrocities that Muslims have committed on peaceful Hindus throughout history. You are aware of Jihad but I must tell about the concept of Dharma Yuddha. Modi is the Arjun for Hindus fighting a Dharma Yuddha ( War for Law) against Muslim occupants of India. A Hindu India is soon to become a reality - India belongs to Dharma - Hinduism , Sikhism , Buddhism and Jainism ...rest are foreign religions. They can live her but as subordinates with reduced rights.

( Isn't thius what you wanted.. lol !! Your biased mind thinks like that :ashamed:)
I just want to say no community can prosper by irritating its majority.
I just want to say no community can prosper by irritating its majority.

you call burning 60 Hindu pilgrims in cold blood as irritation. Imagine a Hindu mob burning a train in Pakistan carrying pilgrims for Haj. Imagine Imagine Imagine !!!!
Your whole ''reasonable'' post is based on the biased, unsubstantiated and propaganda based assumption that ''modi butchers muslims''. Whereas he has been in power for 12 years and other than the one riot immediately after he had won his first election (mind you, it was not before impending election, it was 4 years and 9 months BEFORE his next election) he has held a clean government, he has been independently investigated by the supreme court and found not guilty, heck despite his 40 years of public life you can't even find an anti muslim statement from him (you can find statements where he says he has same respect for all faiths btw).

So basically, your reasonable looking post is not so at all, as its based on extreme bias. If anything, its Pakistanis who are trying to feel good about their addictive support of terrorism by projecting modi as some kind of muslim butcher. Think about it.

Oh and anybody who speaks about the condition of Muslims living in India has to be a defender of terrorists especially if he or she happens to be a Pakistani as well. And you certainly don't find that biased do you?

Modi is the hero of Hindus , even if he has his hands painted in blood. The blood is for the revenge against the atrocities that Muslims have committed on peaceful Hindus throughout history. You are aware of Jihad but I must tell about the concept of Dharma Yuddha. Modi is the Arjun for Hindus fighting a Dharma Yuddha ( War for Law) against Muslim occupants of India. A Hindu India is soon to become a reality - India belongs to Dharma - Hinduism , Sikhism , Buddhism and Jainism ...rest are foreign religions. They can live her but as subordinates with reduced rights.

( Isn't thius what you wanted.. lol !! Your biased mind thinks like that :ashamed:)

I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours if i am not claiming that you are biased why are you doing so?
I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours if i am not claiming that you are biased why are you doing so?

If you are not of my opinion , you are my enemy , and I deal with my enemies with sword. ( that's how you think )
If you are not of my opinion , you are my enemy , and I deal with my enemies with sword. ( that's how you think )

Not at all. If you think my opinion is biased you might find it so i don't and thats where we disagree.
Oh and anybody who speaks about the condition of Muslims living in India has to be a defender of terrorists especially if he or she happens to be a Pakistani as well. And you certainly don't find that biased do you?

Again you are claiming something I did not say. Pakistani obsession with modi is biased and not based on facts but propaganda, that's what I said.

You are welcome to worry about the condition of indian muslims, I have no problems.
Again you are claiming something I did not say. Pakistani obsession with modi is biased and not based on facts but propaganda, that's what I said.

You are welcome to worry about the condition of indian muslims, I have no problems.

Then why has US denied visa to Mr Modi on the basis of "violation of religious freedom"?? Secondly stating facts about a certain situation has nothing to do with being a propagandist. You're concept of "Pakistani obsession with Modi" is unfair and biased as well just because one tends to speak about someone who is notorious worldwide for what happened in Gujrat doesn't mean it has to be a Pakistani looking up for reasons to smear any Indian they can get a chance to.
Then why has US denied visa to Mr Modi on the basis of "violation of religious freedom"?? Secondly stating facts about a certain situation has nothing to do with being a propagandist. You're concept of "Pakistani obsession with Modi" is unfair and biased as well just because one tends to speak about someone who is notorious worldwide for what happened in Gujrat doesn't mean it has to be a Pakistani looking up for reasons to smear any Indian they can get a chance to.

Are you saying American visa denial due to lobbying by some american citizens is proof? Seriously? You are not stating any facts you are repeating propaganda (notoriety etc etc, as if it itself makes it facts), I stated facts, that there is no proof and that investigation carried out under the supreme court under a very hostile congress government at the center have said he was not involved. There is also circumstantial proof, his 12 year record. There is also lack of any hostile statements etc he made for any muslims. ever. Not even stuff like ''muslim zehniyat'' etc that mainstream Pakistanis make and get US visas after. While many people keep repeating the same propaganda, it does not stand the scrutiny of facts or circumstances on the ground.

I've always said hang modi if he's guilty. In fact modi says the same. Problem is you guys are fully brainwashed by the ''muslim butcher indians'' image that you so dearly need. I oppose baseless propaganda though, it smacks of religious hatred.

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