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AntiFa: Disecting A Phenomenon

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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They Like To Destroy Other People's Property

There's nothing like fighting for the revolution by burning a Limousine belonging to a Muslim immigrant.



They're A Declared Domestic Terrorist Organization
The state of New Jersey declared AntiFa a domestic terrorist organization. Is it any wonder they dress and behave exactly like ISIS?


They're Hired Mercenaries Paid By George Soros

The essential part of being a hardcore revolutionary fighting for the proletariat is taking bribe money from the very Capitalists you claim to oppose, otherwise your behind might not be motivated to get off the couch. Cha ching!! (money sound in case you're wondering).

pasted image 0.png


They Assault Old People
Old People are Nazis who will put us all in gas chambers, let's not forget that. We gotta get those old people otherwise the proletarian revolution will not commence.

Their Ranks Are Filled With Degenerates & Freaks of Society
What do you get when you collect all of the freak shows of society and assemble them in one place? AntiFa! Whether it's a child molester from the local pedophile ring or the genderless 'it' who thinks it shares the traits of over 60 different genders and everything in-between, to the purple haired lesbian tomboy feminist, AntiFa has them all.


Minorities Hate Them

As much as AntiFa and their liberal champions like to claim they stand for minorities rights, they are hated by the minorities who find them to be repulsive freaks and sexual deviants. Observe:

They Enjoy Throwing Their Feces & Urine At Others
The chimpanzee is the only other mamal that throws it's feces at it's enemies.

These AntiFa freaks, many of whom are sexual degenerates with all kinds of diseases, have literally stooped to the level of apes by throwing bodily waste on others. Perhaps reverse evolution in the making?


@Nilgiri @Hamartia Antidote @flamer84 @Vergennes @CBU-105 @Zibago @LA se Karachi @vostok @ptldM3 @KAL-EL
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It's interesting how the left in the US have started to rot, these are the new 'bible thumpers' whose ideas are now finding less and less resonance with the youth.

The left in the US was always rotten. They hijacked the country when it was still at it's prime and squandered those years on their personal hedonism at the expense of the future generations well being. Today you have these aimless upper middle class degenerates carrying on the leftist torch, while the vast majority of normal and healthy minded Americans are becoming more and more conservative and right wing.

The left was always in the minority, it's just that they have been the loudest thus making the illusion that they are in the majority. This is also because leftists control the strategic institutions like the media, academia, government, art, etc... The whole cultural revolution of the 1960's was a well thought out plan of the Marxist School of thought known as the Frankfurt school, to infiltrate and subvert society through what they called a "long march" through the nations cultural institutions.

The left in the US was always rotten. They hijacked the country when it was still at it's prime and squandered those years on their personal hedonism at the expense of the future generations well being. Today you have these aimless upper middle class degenerates carrying on the leftist torch, while the vast majority of normal and healthy minded Americans are becoming more and more conservative and right wing.

The left was always in the minority, it's just that they have been the loudest thus making the illusion that they are in the majority. This is also because leftists control the strategic institutions like the media, academia, government, art, etc... The whole cultural revolution of the 1960 was a well thought out plan of the Marxist School of thought known as the Frankfurt school.

A lot of good music and art came out of the flower generation, I'm thankful for that.



the new lot though, meet not jimi hendrix



but to be fair they did win some good victories these past couple decades, such as not discriminating against gays and lesbians, good real liberal ideas imo.

but, as with the whole movement, even that has started to really stink with this new "trans" bs, 'ze' and other ott degeneracy, anti free speech, safe spaces, rotten identity politics and the rest.

I suppose it's a natural course correction with Trump, America righting their ship that was listing too dangerously to the port side.
So Antifa... the anti-fascist are the racist.... While the Nazi re-labeled as (white) nationalists are the anti racist?

Upside down... New strategy of the right is to accuse the opposition of what they really are while denying what they actually are.
Is Pakistani defence really following for the lies of the racist and Islamophobic Alt Right? Yeah I can see Indian Hindu nationalists siding with the Alt Right/Trump because of their shared Islamophobia, but Pakistanis?

Antifa has been around forever, since the times of Mussolini. They've beaten the fascists forces in England. Anyone who knows the history of fascism in England knows their biggest targets are Indians/Pakistanis. So I find it bizarre that defence.pk are actually posting alt-right propaganda against antifa...
Is Pakistani defence really following for the lies of the racist and Islamophobic Alt Right? Yeah I can see Indian Hindu nationalists siding with the Alt Right/Trump because of their shared Islamophobia, but Pakistanis?

Antifa has been around forever, since the times of Mussolini. They've beaten the fascists forces in England. Anyone who knows the history of fascism in England knows their biggest targets are Indians/Pakistanis. So I find it bizarre that defence.pk are actually posting alt-right propaganda against antifa...
None of this is propaganda. You can verify these mainstream news sources for yourself, who btw are very hostile to Trump, forget about "Nazis" or "Fascists".

And a personal anecdote from myself, I have personally witnessed the dirty tactics these people use. Any morally upstanding person would be turned off by the degeneracy of these people.

They have no aim. They just want to destroy for the sake of destroying and most of them are wealthy White kids from upper middle class families who have nothing better to do :lol:.

Even minorities do not like these people because they are obnoxious with their virtue signalling, and above all they are a criminal movement like ISIS (which is why they dress & behave like them and have been declared a domestic terrorist organization).


As to regarding your question why this is on defence.pk, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is only fair to present both sides of an argument.
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In every type of crowd, you're going to get a numbnuts that exceeds expectation.

I'm just fascinated by what's happening in the NFL right now. Soon to permeate into the NBA as soon as that season picks up.

While this country has always been divided, to some extent, it's never been quite at the forefront since really the 50's.

Who do we have to thank for that? :o:
A peaceful American citizen was atomized during Turkish airstrikes against US backed YPG/SDF in Syria. It was then I noticed the guy was an ANTIFA fellow. Hopefully, his remains are found such as toes, teeth, eyes as his family wants at least a funeral in the US.
There's nothing like fighting for the revolution by burning a Limousine belonging to a Muslim immigrant.
They receive training by US SF in Syria, learn Urban Warfare as well. Remember your second amendment is worth protecting as well as your candy like Canik's.
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