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Antifa: A Look at the Antifascist Movement Confronting White Supremacists in the Streets

Calling your group "Antifa" - Anti-Fascism and at the same time physically assaulting, causing fear, calling for aggression upon those who disagree with you and wholeheartedly believing that all who disagree with your fanatic ideas are either Nazi, Racist, Sexist, Rapist, Killer, Islamophobic, Homophobic, Trans-phobic pieces of human garbage, or all just at once, is one hell of a sick joke, it ain't even funny any more it's just sad of how much human intelligence as went down and pure ignorance went sky rocket upwards.
And one thing to add: call me a bigoted Zionist, but in which country on the face of the earth does gangs wearing black masks burning streets, small business private cars and inciting to kill cops are in any way free from any criticism by any means.
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Heroes and nothing else. They have the balls to stand up against people who very much intend to bring back gas chambers and cotton slavery.

Heroes and nothing else. They have the balls to stand up against people who very much intend to bring back gas chambers and cotton slavery.


To be frank if nothing else, they remind me of those who've brought the gas chambers in the first place.
To be frank if nothing else, they remind me of those who've brought the gas chambers in the first place.

Nobody wants to resort to fists and broken glass, but have you seen the stuff white nationalists bring in too?
How else would you react when you have these nationalists in rallies who bring in cudgels in their rallies.

And I agree with the anti-fa sentiment that governments aren't doing the right thing. The alt right needs to be suppressed wholesale. If its up to the people to take it up to themselves to suppress neo nazis and far right goons, then thats how things will go..
Nobody wants to resort to fists and broken glass, but have you seen the stuff white nationalists bring in too?
How else would you react when you have these nationalists in rallies who bring in cudgels in their rallies.

And I agree with the anti-fa sentiment that governments aren't doing the right thing. The alt right needs to be suppressed wholesale. If its up to the people to take it up to themselves to suppress neo nazis and far right goons, then thats how things will go..

You are either innocent or in crazy to think that they are heroes fighting Nazis to be frank here - screw the Nazis but those who attack innocent people on the street to bring anarchism and power through submission knowing that there would always be people like you whom glorify them, then those Fascists will not stop. The Alt-right and Alt-left are both diarrhea painted in different spectrum.
You are either innocent or in crazy to think that they are heroes fighting Nazis to be frank here - screw the Nazis but those who attack innocent people on the street to bring anarchism and power through submission knowing that there would always be people like you whom glorify them, then those Fascists will not stop. The Alt-right and Alt-left are both diarrhea painted in different spectrum.

There's a guarantee that the 'alt left' (far-left) won't be become decision makers in the future. There's no chance of that happening and I don't think activists in that sphere are interested in taking charge either.

There is a chance that the alt-right will begin to encroach and in a manner of speaking seize power. Thats where the alarm bells ring because we know the mindset of these people. What they intend to do and who they intend to act against.

Thats why you would want the white nationalists to be suppressed. They have aspirations and those aspirations are dangerous. If there are people out there who are willing suppress the far right and discourage them from going ahead, those guys arethe good guys in my view.

Yep, just like Israelis like @Ilay are fans of the nazis ? :D


Crazy world we live in...
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