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‘Anti-mosque’ law passed in northern Italy

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There are almost 2 million Muslims in Italy of which over 50% are Arab Muslims. The second largest religion after Christianity. Islam has a 1200 year old presence in Italy which is a longer presence than many majority-Muslim countries across the world. Italy is located just a few 100 km north of Tunisia and Libya and thus the wider Arab and Islamic world.

The largest mosque in the Western world is the Mosque of Rome.




La moschea di Ravenna (zona Bassette)
Le moschee ufficiali in Italia sono 4 nel senso di costruzioni fatte ad hoc, complete di minareto: Ravenna, Roma, Colle Val D'Elsa, Segrate Milano; (in ordine di inaugurazione) mentre i luoghi di culto islamico sono più di 1.000.

  • 1980 viene inaugurata la moschea di Catania (la prima in Italia dopo la dominazione araba)
  • 1988 viene inaugurata la moschea di Segrate (la prima in Italia con cupola e minareto)
  • 1990 viene inaugurata la moschea di Palermo
  • 1995 viene inaugurata la moschea di Roma (la più grande d'Europa fino al 27/9/12)
  • 2012 viene inaugurata la nuova moschea di Catania (la più grande del sud Italia)
  • 2013 viene inaugurata la moschea di Albenga (la più grande della Liguria)
  • 2013 viene inaugurata la moschea di Torino
  • 2013 viene inaugurata la moschea di Ravenna
  • 2013 viene inaugurata la moschea di Colle Val d'Elsa

Also there is nothing about any ban against mosques.

Makkah is the holiest city for Muslims and non-Muslims are not even allowed in. Non-Muslims do not live in Makkah so to what use would a church be? Is there a mosque, synagogue or temple in the Vatican? The answer is no.

Besides there are no Christian/non-Muslim citizens (at least officially) in KSA and the non-Muslims who live in KSA are not citizens. Moreover Islam is the state religion of KSA.

In Italy Muslims are mostly Italian citizens and there is freedom of religion. Italy is not a theocratic state but a secular state. At least it claims so.

As for the GCC there are many more official churches there than official mosques in Italy despite having the same amount of Christians as Muslims in Italy more or less.

Also KSA does not claim to be a democracy nor an inclusive state, get it? We are a Muslim state inhabited by 99,9% Muslims.

If Italy has a problem with freedom of religion, foreigners etc. they should never have allowed 2 million Muslims in and foreigners of different religions let alone given them citizenship.

Indians and their Muslim obsession while they have 200 million + Muslims among their own, lol. Of course posts of a low quality/low intellect is mandatory as well it seems.

You are wrong in evry single point.

1. There are only 1.5 million muslims in Italy. A very low number.

2. our nationality is lex sanguinis. That means you get italian by birth. You need an italian father or mother. that means 90% of those muslims here are not italian citizens but guest workers. We did not give citizenship. So we can easily throw them out. Why you think our speed deportation goes that fast? One makes a anti italian / western comment and he and his family are deported within 2-3 days. Its basicly impossible to get the italian citizenship.

3. links to the law are posted here. Islam is of course not banned. The law says you need a permission to build a religious building. It further says this permission can only be granted to religions recogniced. Islam is not recogniced, so its virtually impossible to get permission. That way its legal in oir country and according our constitution.

There are 8 official mosques in italy. Those are more than enough of muslim italian citizens. Those can be monitored for extrtmists.

Italy is not "wider islamic and arabic world". I would advice you to stop being provocative and insulting.
You are a guest in Italy and i expect guests to behave like guests.
Agreed. Like these guys (below) ...

When in Rome do what the Romans do?

And I entirely support Italy in making it difficult to set up new mosques. They already have huge one in Rome so there should no problem. I also think Italy should ban Muslim migrants - only Black African Christians allowed. They will integrate well .....
I like this Cathedral in Karachi ... the best in Pakistan I think.

You must be mightily ignorant to not know that most muslim countries do not allow construction of place of worship of other religions. Some like Saudi Arabia do not even allow people to practice religion ,other than islam, in private.

Almost every muslim country allows the construction of places of worship if a minority population exists!
let me rephase another Question :-

Do Chruch allowed in Saudi Arabia ? Answer is No, No other religion is allowed to practice.

Moreover Let Italy allowed other religion to practice... like your have your Saudis Arabs , Similier to that Italy is to christian .

The problem with your people is you want everyone allow everything but you dont allow anyone.

What was so difficulty to understand in my previous post? Everything in that post is explained using factual data. I deliberately made it easy so your likes could understand it as well but it seems that this failed.

What makes you believe that I even care about Italian legislation? I don't live in Italy and have no intention to do so.

The point here is that talk about some kind of mosque ban is nonsense.
Am disappointed with some of my fellow Indians here for making senseless posts clearly directed against a particular religion. Sounding like begani shaadi mein abdullah deewana.

We have 170 million Muslim brothers and sisters in our country. We should keep them in mind and not behave like idiots. This Italy legislation is none of our business.
Do you understand the word "almost". Besides those are only citizens. Given that Italy is flooded by illegal migrants (mostly Sub-Saharan Africans that come in a Christian and Muslim version) this number is likely significantly bigger.

Yes, non-citizens like this guy below:

Do you even understand Italian because judging from your post it seems that you have difficulties with English?

I speak Spanish fluently and thus understand 90% of written and spoken (less so) Italian. You said that building mosques was banned. This is a lie.

Seems that there are 1.3 million Arabs in Italy.


Time for a reconquest, I believe. Somebody has to keep the dying population alive.

Your provocations are quite primitive.

Yes, banned. Since the intention of the law is to make it impossible to build one without banning it. And no its not citizens.

You ask us for a reconquest of northern africa and arabian area? Sorry but i see notjing there that qould be of any signigicance. We have the most beautiful land on this planet. Im not interested to rule over worthless sand.
What was so difficulty to understand in my previous post?
See? When the crap hits the fan what happens? These Gangoo's from the Ganges that you guy's host in the millions and provide these haters over $72 billion a year - that is the amount that is transferred from GCC to India every year. It keeps these ungrateful people fed - otherwise they would not have time peddling this hate, they would be too hungry. Something to muse about!

Indian's will jump on Saudia Arabia and 'Arab's as fast as you can blink your eyelid - go to any forum and you will see they will be busy massaging anti Arab sentiments. I guess that is why I have a problem with KSA/GCC - despite this it provides money that feeds half of these people or else they would be too busy starving like they have often in history.
What was so difficulty to understand in my previous post? Everything in that post is explained using factual data. I deliberately made it easy so your likes could understand it as well but it seems that this failed.

What makes you believe that I even care about Italian legislation? I don't live in Italy and have no intention to do so.

The point here is that talk about some kind of mosque ban is nonsense.
I also clears my post, its difficult to understand that Italy is offically a Christian Country , like you SA dont allow Church to be build , if they dont allow to build it in their country its their rule.

if they want Muslims either convert ot leave their country, Its their rule , Like you have your own rules... Why Crying about ?
Your provocations are quite primitive.

Yes, banned. Since the intention of the law is to make it impossible to build one without banning it. And no its not citizens.

You ask us for a reconquest of northern africa and arabian area? Sorry but i see notjing there that qould be of any signigicance. We have the most beautiful land on this planet. Im not interested to rule over worthless sand.

Between your collosal debt, earthquakes and new politics you wont have much left to rule over
See? When the crap hits the fan what happens? These Ganga's from the Ganges that you guy's host in the millions and provide these haters over $72 billion a year - that is the amount that is transferred from GCC to India every year. It keeps these ungrateful people fed - otherwise they would not have time peddling this hate, they would be too hungry. Something to muse about!

Indian's will jump on Saudia Arabia and 'Arab's as fast as you can blink your eyelid - go to any forum and you will see they will be busy massaging anti Arab sentiments. I guess that is why I have a problem with KSA/GCC - despite this it provides money that feeds half of these people or else they would be starving they have often in history.

Pakistan I believe is the only country who understands these hindus and Indians

it is why we pushed for Partition and why hate them and have built up a military to take them on

the arabs, Iranians etc are all confused when it comes to indians
@Al-Andalus You see this attitude of playing more Catholic then the Pope is typical - I see it often in the West. Indian's are busy massaging and egging on hatred against Muslim/Saudia Arabia. Your countries laws are the red flag that they use to masturbate the Islamphobes in Europe. Indian's will play the 'me and you the same'. They will make it look like all their problems are from the Muslims and Saudia Arabia. Things like "they breed like rats (overlooking their humoungous population), they are terrorists,, they hide their women" etc.

Yet your region practically feeds these ungrateful people. Without that $72 billion going from GCC to India every year half of them would be starving and the other half too busy trying to escape the hungry to have time baiting and feeding Islamaphobes.

Think about that.
I am fine with this

we have over a million christians in Pakistan and this is why we need to ban or restrict Christian worship or churches

why are we building a hindu temple in islamabad for example

the world is lurching to the right and liberalism is dying a dogs death
No, we should not ban churches, temples or any worship place. Holy Prophet P.B.U.H destroyed idols in Kaba, but we should not do this. We have constitution, democracy and all institutions working independently. We should not take law in our hands. It gives bad image to world about Muslims, and society becomes intolerant. Also it will give bad imagine to Pakistan. All we need to concentrate on CPEC, and other big projects,and to boost economy. We have lot other things to do.
They definitely can't.
Italy covered all their ancient naked statues when the president of Iran visited Italy. That shows you these people are ashamed of themselves and aren't proud of their heritage and values to the point they hide them whenever a Muslim leader visits them.

Italy does cater for its Muslim population. This is about permit and permission.
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