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Anti-militant protests in Pakistan's Neelum valley

Tiki Tam Tam

May 15, 2006
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Anti-militant protests in Pakistan's Neelum valley
By M Ilyas Khan BBC News, Islamabad

Protests over renewed militant activity have been held in the Neelum Valley region of Pakistani-administered Kashmir, the BBC has learned.

Locals say that Pakistan-based militants are flocking to the area and crossing into Indian-administered Kashmir to launch attacks there.

They fear that retaliatory fire from the Indian side may threaten a 2003 ceasefire and life in the valley.

The Neelum Valley was a major staging-post for militants from 1990 to 2003.

It is a long, narrow strip of land, most of which lies within the firing range of soldiers in Indian-administered Kashmir.

It was one of the worst-affected areas along the Line of Control (LoC) that divides the disputed region of Kashmir.

Its tricky mountain passes meant that it was an important transit route for militants crossing into Indian-administered Kashmir.

Throughout that period, retaliatory fire from the Indians killed hundreds of residents, destroyed homes, hospitals and schools and forced people to spend most of their daily lives in bunkers.
Cross-border tension

But as it is so remote information about the latest spate of protests in the Neelum valley has trickled out slowly.

An Indian army spokesman told the BBC in early September that attempts by militants to cross over had heightened tensions on the border.

Two incidents of cross-border firing left at least four Pakistani soldiers dead in the first week of September.

And locals in the valley also told the BBC's Zulfiqar Ali that there has been an increased militant presence.

During a congregation to mark the holy festival of Eid on 31 August, residents of the town of Athmuqam passed a resolution which declared that any attempt to disrupt peace in the area would be resisted by the people.

A week later, two large demonstrations were held in Athmuqam to protest against the influx of militants which it is argued has sparked border skirmishes between Pakistani and Indian forces.

On Tuesday, hundreds of school children held another protest march in the town, submitting a list of demands to officials at a military camp.

Locals told our correspondent that the language and dress of most of the militants coming to the area suggests that they are from the Punjab province of Pakistan.

The Indian government has also accused Pakistan of sending militants to Indian-administered Kashmir to attack its forces there. Pakistan denies this charge, and says that Indian Kashmir is facing an indigenous insurgency.

BBC News - Anti-militant protests in Pakistan's Neelum valley

Everyone is tiring of this senseless issue.
..... now even the residents of P. O .K ,along with the rest of the world, are sick of the terrorist activities by pakistan....
.........Can some one say who is benefiting from the state sponsored terrorism ? ... Definitely the general population of that state does not benefit anything from it e.g Libiya, N.Korea etc.....
It has done more harm to the state interest than any thigh else. The world is getting immune to the sufferings of average pakistanis due to it...e.g few countries have come forward for the flood relief. ...
you guys are so ignorant ? these type of demonstrations are happen all over pakistan ,BTW its 5th thread on this news.
Please highlight these anti-militant protests across pakistan - I think that's real news





I wish we'd see more protests against militancy in Pakistan.
I wish we'd see Pakistanis more united on this matter.
To root out this cancer, us Pakistanis are to be unified, and let the aggressors know that there is no room for the existence of their sick and brutal ideology.
Go taiban go" -- is that cheering Taliban to get out of town or is that cheering them on? --Where did this particular protest take place?

If you knew the ABC of Pakistan, you would already know what the common slogan of "Go X Go" means in Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 AM ----------

Back on the topic, the PML-N Punjab government is once again kneeling down to the jihadi groups and letting them reorganize, just for some votes.
It is not exactly "Pakistan's" Neelum Valley.

When will BBC let go of its bias against India ?
Then its time Pakistan vacates from Neelum Valley to facilitate us conduct a referendum as its one of the pre-requisites on the part of Pakistan.
...Yes...as per the UN ..the refendum is to be conducted in state ruled by Hari Singh, that includes kashmir on both sides, Baltistan , Skandru , Jammu, Laddhak etc.
Vaccate the land ..and we conduct the refendrum.
..... now even the residents of P. O .K ,along with the rest of the world, are sick of the terrorist activities by pakistan....Can some one say who is benefiting from the state sponsored terrorism ?
State sponsored terrorism? C'mon man, how can you say that Pakistan (PA/ISI) is sponsoring terror in Kashmir? That's all hum bug as there is no proof whatsoever that ISI sponsored militants are being infiltrating into India.

These residents/villagers are talking crap! There are neither any militants nor any terror training camps in Pakistan. This is all propaganda by RAW and India. You see, RAW has infiltrated their agents across the border to brainwash the residents there that these are militants being pushed into India by the Army/ISI and using their villages as launch pads. These are just ordinary folk looking for jobs!

No militants here...move on! :whistle:

---------- Post added at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------

Perhaps when india conduct a refrendum in Kashmir.
And when do you intend holding a referendum in Balochistan?
..... now even the residents of P. O .K ,along with the rest of the world, are sick of the terrorist activities by pakistan....
.........Can some one say who is benefiting from the state sponsored terrorism ? ... Definitely the general population of that state does not benefit anything from it e.g Libiya, N.Korea etc.....
It has done more harm to the state interest than any thigh else. The world is getting immune to the sufferings of average pakistanis due to it...e.g few countries have come forward for the flood relief. ...

And we are sick of Indian's backing (By giving money and weapons) to these terrorists just to destablize the Pakistan.
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