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Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia


Sep 20, 2009
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Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia


Russia today said the protests against the Kundakulum nuclear power plant were "sponsored" and the NGOs from outside were "feeding" the organisations which are spearheading the stir.

"I think these (protests) are sponsored. They work in such a way that when money ends they stop and when they get another portion of money they resume their protests," Alexander M Kadakin, Russian Ambassador to India, said here on the protest against the nuclear project in Tamil Nadu which is being assisted by his country.

"Yes, there are NGOs from outside who are feeding these protest organisation. India is a democratic country, people are free to protest if they feel some danger is coming," he added.

Stressing that the Russian nuclear reactors, which would were being installed at Kundakulum nuclear plant, were safe, Kadakin said "it is the safest nuclear unit in the world which has been recognised by specialists and scientists in the West and the East."

Russia is helping India in setting up 9200 MW Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli district.

Construction has been delayed due to anti-nuclear protests by the locals and People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy.

Asked about Indo-Russia defence deals, the Russian Ambassador said that contrary to other countries "we give India our best technology".

He said "we are working on nuclear submarine, we are also working on fifth generation aircraft."

On India-Russia relations, he said they were better than ever before.

Russian embassy today hosted a function to confer Russian Foreign Ministry's sign of honour to veteran India diplomats for their contribution to international cooperation.

Three former diplomats M K Rasgotra, Chinmaya Gharekhan and Ronen Sen were honoured today on Russian Diplomatist Day.

The Russian Diplomatist Day is celebrated following a Presidential decree in 2002 to commemorate the founding of the Russian Diplomatic service in 1549.

Anti-Koondakulum stir 'sponsored' from outside, alleges Russia - The New Indian Express
Yeah yeah....you need money to protest nowadays. How the hell do you protest when you must feed your family? This is exactly what our govt stated. So what does that mean? They operate accordingly pushing laws, plans and regulations that are not in our best interest because they know nobody is in a position to stop them normally. Coming from Russia, makes it dubious. Its their f-king contract so obviously they want it to go thru any means necessary. The sad part is how nobody addresses the safety concerns and when they do, there is a whole lot of propaganda and very little facts.
Yeah yeah....you need money to protest nowadays. How the hell do you protest when you must feed your family? This is exactly what our govt stated. So what does that mean? They operate accordingly pushing laws, plans and regulations that are not in our best interest because they know nobody is in a position to stop them normally. Coming from Russia, makes it dubious. Its their f-king contract so obviously they want it to go thru any means necessary. The sad part is how nobody addresses the safety concerns and when they do, there is a whole lot of propaganda and very little facts.

I think the safety norms have been inspected by AERB and many prominent scientists. If no safety assessment are admissible , then I really doubt the intent of the protesters. It also amazes me how a simple NGO know about the safety regulations of a nuclear plant and claim that it is unsafe , without even an inspection. No country would want a domestic nuclear disaster on it own soil, even a government as corrupt as GOI. Its just that we flow with the hype without even reading more about the issue and the realities. And to give a clear picture, I used to live in Chennai and almost for 5 hours everyday there were power cuts during summer and little less in other seasons. TN faces 4000MW electricity deficit every year and this N-plant fits the purpose.
I fully agree we the need to fast-track such power projects, but would I be so enthusiastic if a nuke plant was coming up next to my house?? I am not so sure...
We already know. Most of the NGOs and activists are foreign funded working for particular nation's interest. They make things difficult for genuine NGOs.
I fully agree we the need to fast-track such power projects, but would I be so enthusiastic if a nuke plant was coming up next to my house?? I am not so sure...

Nuclear power plants are not set up in residential areas. There are certain guidelines that followed in this process. But if people have illegally encroached and settled in nearby places , then it is the responsibility of the GOI to relocate them to safety.

Look at Medha patkar how single handedly she tackled Narmada Dam Issue just with her styagrah and in the process there were cost overruns. They involved court after court and prolonged the vital Narmada Dam's construction which happened anyway under Modi. Medha Patkar was controlled by American missionaries who were front for CIA to diminish Indian progress. Ford Foundation, a NGO which pumps millions of dollars into India is CIA front.

Now it is reactors in the land of Tamils.
Nuclear power plants are not set up in residential areas. There are certain guidelines that followed in this process. But if people have illegally encroached and settled in nearby places , then it is the responsibility of the GOI to relocate them to safety.

Why do you think GOI did not do its due delligence before investing billions of dollars?

India is power/energy/electricity hungry nation, and now that 9.2 GW of power is slated to be generated to benefit whole of India, the petty issues should be set aside. Look at the macro picture and not micro.
Nuclear power plants are not set up in residential areas. There are certain guidelines that followed in this process. But if people have illegally encroached and settled in nearby places , then it is the responsibility of the GOI to relocate them to safety.

I understand that nuclear plants are not allowed in residential areas. My "next door" comment was not meant to be taken literally.

But given that the Chernobyl incident had radioactive substance spread across 100,000 sq kms, you don't quite need the plant to be right next door.

I am just saying that such a plant, around where I live, will make a little edgy.
I understand that nuclear plants are not allowed in residential areas. My "next door" comment was not meant to be taken literally.

But given that the Chernobyl incident had radioactive substance spread across 100,000 sq kms, you don't quite need the plant to be right next door.

I am just saying that such a plant, around where I live, will make a little edgy.

One cannot construct a N-Plant by evacuating a area of 100,000 sq kms. The main objective is to have safety norms to prevent such incidents. Even bhopal gas tragedy affected an area of 65 sq. km, but that should not prevent a chemical plant from being set up. Even an industrial plant would have disastrous effects in case of a mishap. Now, if one wants to be completely safe, then we have to go back to the per-industrialization era. N-energy is arguably a clean energy source but safety measures have to be undertaken to prevent any mishaps. I hope I am convincing enough with my explanation.

Why do you think GOI did not do its due delligence before investing billions of dollars?

India is power/energy/electricity hungry nation, and now that 9.2 GW of power is slated to be generated to benefit whole of India, the petty issues should be set aside. Look at the macro picture and not micro.

I do not think that being hungry for development is a vice. But to do so without having any concern of the general concerns of the public is wrong. Yes, India is power hungry and it needs energy. If India does it without safety norms , then I would even protest with you. In this case, however, all safety norms have been in place. It is even better than some of the other developed nations. I don't think it is wise to still be against it because of a per-conceived notion.
I do not think that being hungry for development is a vice. But to do so without having any concern of the general concerns of the public is wrong. Yes, India is power hungry and it needs energy. If India does it without safety norms , then I would even protest with you. In this case, however, all safety norms have been in place. It is even better than some of the other developed nations. I don't think it is wise to still be against it because of a per-conceived notion.

People affected were given sufficient compensation, this organised march against Nuclear reactor smells fishy with NGOs instigating local folks.
Few Indians can not blackmail the whole country.
There were threads in the past on this site about this matter. I posted so many pages it was ridiculous. Most of the time, folks just replied to the thread with an attitude of development over anything and everything. They did not want to hear the ground realities. Look at what other more devleped nations are doing and follow their lead. In fact, they are willing to help. Look at how china plans to incorporate 40% towards green energy. Why can't we do the same? Our ancestors had more respect for our land and here we are destroying it. All these yrs, we never even eastablished an EPA for the environment. We allow ships that are so toxic to be destoyed on our shores with no regard to the toxic pollutants. Other nations wont allow such ships to be destroyed on their land without extensive safety guards in place. And you expect our govt to adhere to what standards exactly? Wake the bloody hell up. Sufficient compensation according to who exactly? Living off the land forever versus a few lakh does what exactly?

If you want the truth, dig up the old thread where I posted numerous information on the truth. I understand India needs energy but you got to do it in a safe manner. BARC has issues with safety. Its just that such incidents have been sealed from public.

We dont saefty protocols in place for evacutaion. We don;t have suppies of Iodine and other tablets for nuclear radiaiton for the local population. We don;t have practice drills for safety. Come on ...I can make a list so long. Like someone stated look at the macro picture that includes safety. You idiots can't see past your nose when we need true visionaries to see the potential ramifications yrs and decades ahead

this is one reason for slow industrial growth in India.

Sure ther are many reasons but how about we focus on all the core issues.
Sure ther are many reasons but how about we focus on all the core issues.

There is scheme of Industrial park pending since BJP was in power. Since then there were two actions taken one in 2006 and the decision was to postpone the decision and then in 2009 the letter were designated to ask the report of the progress and is still pending since 2009. So you can understand why there is no Industrial development.
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