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Anti-Jihad 'Savage' Ads Going Up In NYC Subway

This actually will turn out to be a good thing, this witch geller is actually setting the precedent to troll.
Will get handy if the NY transit authorities refuse to put up ads by other groups such as the Palestinian
fighting savages.

Be-careful of what you wish for evil genius Pamela Gellar !!!!
Exactly! Reform from within, purge the hindutva elements from your society. Respect from both Indian and non-Indian Muslims will follow.

Typical inferiority complexed Hindu-phobe. Stick to topic which is "Posters against jihad in NYC subway".

I dont see posters about Hindutva savagery going up across the world now.. Do I ???.
Had the same discussion here....not really anti-migrant myself....who migrates? Those who see a better future....those with b@lls. The lazy idiots sit in their ***** with no imagination. The migrants are those who say "Hell no" and leave. How much gumption do you need? A lot! One reason the US is powerful is we are composed of those who don't take it sitting down. (this is @ Safriz....forgot to quote)
Yup,once their armies leave our lands,and their corporate giants leave our resources,all this is possible.
And Btw,thsi broken old record is irrelevant here..
immigrants did not cause any trouble or they had been kicked out long ago..
Put it this way..If USA can send hundreds of thousands of soldiers thousands of miles away for war at expense of lives and billions of dollars..it was much more convenient and less expensive to deploy the same army inside america on Muslim migrant hunt,if that was the root problem...and if that was the root cause of all their problems they had done it long ago.

Leave our Muslim lands..Dude do you know that the "Our muslim kings/emirs/sultans/sheikhs/Prime Ministers" only invited the Amreekan army into the Muslim land ? The CENTCOM is there in Gulf with the full co-operation and assistance of the Muslims themselves. America gained a foothold in South Asia because your country signed CENTO,SEATO and what not with them immediately after independence. So stop this "Leave our lands tamasha". Oh and BTW the armies are there to kill and and be killed...are you dudes also there to do that ?

BTW did you know that it is actually one of the eveel western corporation Eni that supplies a ssignificant part of Pakistani gas consumption and it was that same eveeel western corporation that has found another huge reserve somewhere near Karachi. If your Muslim countries were even a fraction as advanced scientifically as the Western world they would not be in your lands extracting the resources. Blame yourself for not giving importance to education and developing technologically.
The ad reads, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/americ...ge-ads-going-up-nyc-subway.html#ixzz27AJ98V9j
So what's wrong with this ad? It doesn't say anything about 'Muslims'. 'Jihad' doesn't automatically mean Muslim. It has nothing to do with religion per se. And 'savages' doesn't mean Muslims too, unless you want to believe it does!

Or am I missing something here?
So what's wrong with this ad? It doesn't say anything about 'Muslims'. 'Jihad' doesn't automatically mean Muslim. It has nothing to do with religion per se. And 'savages' doesn't mean Muslims too, unless you want to believe it does!

Or am I missing something here?

there are 5 pillars in Islam Tawheed, Prayer, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj. Jihad is considered as the sixth pillar of Islam without believing in Jihad one is not a Muslim...Someone wanting to fight in the way of Allah (Jihad) should first practice the 5 basic duties, because without their understanding and practice, one cannot do Jihad.
This is a BRILLIANT development. I wish more such ads would appear all over the place because it brings Israel front and center into the debate, which is where it belongs. The smarter Zionists have been working tirelessly to shift the focus off Israel and portray this as a fight between the West and Islam when, in point of fact, Israel is at the core of the conflict. It's heartwarming to see these bungling extremists undo all the clever work of the smarter Zionists.

These ads show loud and clear to the American public that their conflict with Muslims is driven by the fanatical Zionists within their own midst. This ad will actually backfire as more and more Americans ask themselves, "why should we support Israel? why do American have to die in their fight?"

'Jihad' doesn't automatically mean Muslim.

Jihad has exactly the same connotations as the word 'crusade' in the West. While there was a militant aspect of the Crusades, the word generally has positive connotations: crusade against hunger, crusade against cancer, etc. This is despite the fact that Christian fundamentalists still use the word crusade to describe their holy war.

However, in the case of jihad, the Western media has dissociated all positive meaning and reduced it only to its violent aspects. So, even when a Muslim uses the word in a positive context, it is plastered all over by the media as a call to violence.
This is a BRILLIANT development. I wish more such ads would appear all over the place because it brings Israel front and center into the debate, which is where it belongs.

These ads show loud and clear to the American public that their conflict with Muslims is driven by the fanatical Zionists within their own midst. This ad will actually backfire as more and more Americans ask themselves, "why should we support Israel? why do American have to die in their fight?"

Good luck with wishful analysis. You have to be a novice to think that US Israel relationship will fall because of this ad.

Here is the deal:
1.The ad is not supported by majority in the US- ( I would think over 90% of Americans). Now Americans can be paranoid about Muslims but they about being offensive to them and this ad crosses the line.

2. These kind of ads from this woman -were blocked by the US govt previously-She went to court and won under freedom of speech vs US Govt.

3. Unless you are a J-ihadi or J-ihadi sympathizer you would ignore it. There is nothing but negative conotation about that word ( hell the word J I H A D is even removed from this site!) and not matter how much you try to spin it- that's what Islamofacists use as the word to identify their cause.
However, in the case of jihad, the Western media has dissociated all positive meaning and reduced it only to its violent aspects. So, even when a Muslim uses the word in a positive context, it is plastered all over by the media as a call to violence.

Seriously ?? You blame the West for spoiling the meaning of Jihad..?? Personally, I would have been more inclined to put the blame on the wide eyed extremist mullahs who normally scream out this word before blowing themselves up in a crowd of innocent men women and children...
Karan and Bhairava on a super trolling streak today. Karan is trying to be more subtle than Bhairava I will give him that. As for the ads LOL no body reads that stuff anyway, New Yorkers are way too busy to stop to read an ad. :cheesy:

Seriously ?? You blame the West for spoiling the meaning of Jihad..?? Personally, I would have been more inclined to put the blame on the wide eyed extremist mullahs who normally scream out this world before blowing themselves up in a crowd of innocent men women and children...

How can people scream out the this world? :undecided:

Duly noted.

there are 5 pillars in Islam Tawheed, Prayer, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj. Jihad is considered as the sixth pillar of Islam without believing in Jihad one is not a Muslim...Someone wanting to fight in the way of Allah (Jihad) should first practice the 5 basic duties, because without their understanding and practice, one cannot do Jihad.

How about you define jihad before you claim it is a pillar of our faith, most people do not know the meaning so since you brought it up clarify lest people start quoting you and have a heart attack thinking 1.6 billion Muslims are going to start a holy war.
Good luck with wishful analysis. You have to be a novice to think that US Israel relationship will fall because of this ad.

Nobody is under any illusions as to the Zionist chokehold on American society. Read my post again; the ad undoes all the hard work of the smarter Zionists to shift Israel out of the limelight and make this a fight between America and the Muslim world.

Here is the deal:
1.The ad is not supported by majority in the US- ( I would think over 90% of Americans). Now Americans can be paranoid about Muslims but they about being offensive to them and this ad crosses the line.

2. These kind of ads from this woman -were blocked by the US govt previously-She went to court and won under freedom of speech vs US Govt.

3. Unless you are a J-ihadi or J-ihadi sympathizer you would ignore it.

Speaking of wishful thinking, you are desperately hoping that this ad campaign will fail. I say more power to them!

There is nothing but negative conotation about that word ( hell the word J I H A D is even removed from this site!) and not matter how much you try to spin it- that's what Islamofacists use as the word to identify their cause.

See below...

Seriously ?? You blame the West for spoiling the meaning of Jihad..?? Personally, I would have been more inclined to put the blame on the wide eyed extremist mullahs who normally scream out this world before blowing themselves up in a crowd of innocent men women and children...

No one has denied that extremists use that word, just as Christian extremists use the word crusade (including George Bush describing the Iraq war!). It would help if you read what is actually written rather than latching on to any anti-Islam propaganda that suits your agenda.
No one has denied that extremists use that word, just as Christian extremists use the word crusade (including George Bush describing the Iraq war!). It would help if you read what is actually written rather than latching on to any anti-Islam propaganda that suits your agenda.

Nobody is latching on to any propaganda .. Just trying to express surprise at your attempt of deflecting the blame from the real perpetrators who have given Islam and Jihad a bad name in the world.....
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