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Anti-christian violence in a secualr India

How do we know that these are RSS goons beating up Christians ? Just pick a video of any random beating and call it anti-Christian violence.

Some of your folks have no work other than to open random meaningless threads?

Jealous and also frustrated because they can't do anything about that jealousy , so open random threads on an internet forum.
Stop trolling son.. And manage the ongoing ones in your country..
Some of your folks have no work other than to open random meaningless threads?
They have more people getting killed every week over there in violence than what we have in an entire year in riots. This is despite having more than 6 times their population.

But, I believe this is abut Shri Ram sena's (the pink chaddi's) attacks in 2008 against christian churches and prayer centers in Southern coastal Karnataka - especially Mangalore which was over the top and severely condemned all over India and from several quarters.
But, I believe this is abut Shri Ram sena's (the pink chaddi's) attacks in 2008 against christian churches and prayer centers in Southern coastal Karnataka - especially Mangalore which was over the top and severely condemned all over India and from several quarters.

I am not sure if the video he posted is of that incident.
I am not sure if the video he posted is of that incident.

I am from Karnataka, so I know our cops and the language - this is definitely the over the top action conducted by the Shri Ram sena - aka the pink chaddi. The cops, unfortunately were hand in glove until the state came down heavily on them. Nothing wrong in accepting a wrong doing.
I am from Karnataka, so I know our cops and the language - this is definitely the over the top action conducted by the Shri Ram sena - aka the pink chaddi. The cops, unfortunately were hand in glove until the state came down heavily on them. Nothing wrong in accepting a wrong doing.

My question to you is that all the posts of Indian Trollers complaining about why the video is posted.

Not one of these low life Indian Trollers had the decency or moral courage to condemn this savagery by the Indian Police.

Seems to me that these low life Indian Trollers will justify any brutality of their Police against a minority.

Where is the damn moral outrage ?

Minorities are victimized in Pakistan as well, but I have yet to see Pakistanis justifying it and I know most of us condemn those in the strongest terms.

@nick_indian , @karan.1970 , @hkdas , @Reviewer21 , @illusion8 , @Victory

How about condemning the act ?

@TimeToScoot I expected better response from a Buddhist...
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I am from Karnataka, so I know our cops and the language - this is definitely the over the top action conducted by the Shri Ram sena - aka the pink chaddi. The cops, unfortunately were hand in glove until the state came down heavily on them. Nothing wrong in accepting a wrong doing.

Yes but the incident is 6 years old and the video has been opened with intention to flame which is against forum rules.
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