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Anti-American Chinese Air Force Colonel Resigns to Manage Hedge Fund


Feb 26, 2010
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Are we a colonial slave nation again? There's no freedom of speech to speak out against the US but there's plenty of freedom to speak out against communism?


《解放军报》以整版篇幅批判“军队国家化”等思潮,军队不能屬于国家只能屬于党,那党和国家就是对立的了? - 已回答 - 谷歌问答

According to reports, PLA Hawk Colonel Dai Xu left the military to manage an energy hedge fund. Almost everyone was extremely surprised by this news. Many netizens believe that Dai Xu's resigning was a major loss for the PLA. Although he was only a Colonel, he was famous for his outbursts and threats against the United States, and his support for a tough position against the US, which attracted the attention of Western media and the US Department of Defense. Because of this, his resigning was a surprise.

Dai Xu leaving the military is very suspicious. He is a prolific writer, but his blog on UtopiaNet has not been updated since January. On his blog, he refuses to answer any questions on why he resigned. For him, a voluntary retirement is very improbable. He has frequently said, "Events come from politics, military strategy from literature" and "I don't dare call myself a scholar, but I am a true soldier". His research in naval and air warfare was extensive, and he frequently publicized his findings on the web. It was rumored that another hawk, Defense Minister Sr. General Liang Guanglie, wanted to promote him to Sr. Colonel. Why would he leave the military then? There is only 1 explanation: He was forced to do so, because his views conflicted with the policies of the CPC.

据报道,解放军鹰派代表人物空军上校戴旭最近转行到某中华能源基金,消息传出,无人不跌破眼镜。不少网民对戴旭“下野”深感惋惜,称之为“鹰派折戟”、 “解放军的重大损失”。戴旭虽说只是一个空军上校,但绝不是籍籍无名之辈。他的言论和对美国的强硬主张,被西方媒体广泛报道过,也被美国国防部关注过。正因为如此,他的转行才引起海内外媒体的广泛兴趣。


Here's a video what he said about the US trying to break China up like the Soviet Union by 2030:

This is right............To speak against America its crime..........rest you can talk anything about any country in the world.
Like I said we're a colonial slave state.

The PLA is no longer loyal to the PRC. It is loyal to the CPC, or more precisely, the tiny clique that hijacked the CPC, which is in turn loyal to their masters in Washington. The PRC has no military since 1979. We're being occupied by the equivalent of the SS stormtroopers of Nazi Germany.

"If the CPC becomes a party of capitalists, if it becomes a fake party of traitors, then it is no longer communism. This CPC would be far worse and far more cruel than the actual capitalists; they would become a party of fascists, and it is the duty of the people to destroy and smash such a traitorous CPC" - Mao Zedong
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